8.1 Oasis to Ascend Trial Shows information

Conversion Oasis to Dentrix Ascend
Opening the email content for the trial show
C:\Users\sam.bain\Default Directory\Onboarding - Documents\02 Documentation\DB Documentation
Health funds do not convert in the 3rd party part of Ascend, it will be placed in the patient notes.
Main phone number comes over as a note
Recalls convert as Prophy, this can only be for a single recall type
Open balances
This will be within the ledger, need to change the view to the guarantor balance
Patient balances is set as a family in Oasis, the head of the family may have the debt listed against them in Ascend. We can prevent converting the opening balances if they'd prefer.
Documents go under Document Manager
CMP files will not be converted.
No payors and healthfunds are not converted, only as notes
No field for occupation in Ascend
Appointment book
Need to check the surgery and the provider listings, a lot of the appointments may be assigned to CONV
Medical alerts are converted as their medical alert section and the patient notes