OASiS Help Files
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OASiS Help Files - Welcome
About OASiS
OASiS Latest Release
Oasis Quick Start Guide
OASiS v12 System Requirements
How to move Oasis to a new computer.
Why am I getting a message about backups?
I'm having problems with HICAPS. What can I do?
I can't open Oasis - I get a Database Not Started message
OASiS Duplicate/Invalid Login detected
Why doesn't Oasis fit my screen?
Oasis is running slow - What can I do to fix it?
I have an Error Code 13 - How do I fix this?
I am getting an Error Code 14 - What do I do?
How do I change my fees in OASiS?
I've billed the wrong doctor. What can I do?
How do I make a payment adjustment?
What is Unallocated Credit?
What do I do with negative unallocated credit?
How can I hide the Patient Card from view?
How do I install Oasis?
How do I upgrade my Oasis?
How do I handle the Child Dental Benefits Scheme (CDBS)?
How can I stop the recall page or payment screen popping up after invoicing?
How can I set up discounting?
How can I apply a surcharge?
My appointment book shows the wrong date when I click the Today button.
How to turn off or change the sounds in Oasis
I've just updated Word for Windows and now it won't link with Oasis.
How do I handle GST?
How do I add a doctor into Oasis?
How do I search clinical notes for all patients?
How do I change my appointment reminder text?
How do I add a practitioner to the Scheduler?
I've updated Adobe Acrobat and now I can't open PDF files.
How do Oasis Recalls work?
How do I change charting speed buttons?
How can I create a new document template?
What is the ODA and how do I use it?
How can I make a field on the Patient Card a required field?
How do I set up different fees for different doctors?
Can I have a bigger font in the Appointment Book?
What is UNC and what does it have to do with Oasis?
How can I template my scheduler (appointment book)?
How to list patients in colour
Can I find patients by given name?
How can I track discounts for marketing campaign?
How do I create a task from an item code?
Oasis 8.3 to 12 Comparison Guide.
How do I set up Patient Self Check-in?
OASiS 8.3 to OASiS v12 - FAQ's
Mimer Database is OFFLINE
Revert Hicaps from version to
OASiS Best Practice Webinars
OASiS Manuals
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OASiS Help Files
Oasis 8.3 to 12 Comparison Guide.
Oasis 8.3 to 12 Comparison Guide.
Graham Comben (Unlicensed)
Owned by
Graham Comben (Unlicensed)
Last updated:
Feb 24, 2020
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