How can I apply a surcharge?

How can I apply a surcharge?

The payment system supports the ability to automatically create a credit card/eftpos surcharge at time of entry.

Select Preferences, My Money, Discount Rates (under Payments) and configure as follows:

Discount No.                       ENTER-No.-AS-APPROPRIATE

Description                          Credit Surcharge (or Merchant Fee Surcharge)

% or $                                 %

Ratio                                   -2.50 (Note use of negative symbol)

Round to Cents                   AS-APPROPRIATE

Now select Payment Options, Field #4 “Surcharge Number” to point to this discount table entry.

Now whenever an amount is detected for credit card/eftpos, the system will prompt “Add surcharge to this payment Y/N”.

If confirmed the program will calculate the surcharge, add it to the payment line and create a subsequent negative discount line for the surcharge itself.

Eg, using the above example of a 2.5% surcharge, with a patient owing $100, the system calculates a “discount” Credit Surcharge of -2.50 and the total owing would be $102.50.

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