Quick Charting
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Quick Charting

Once Quick Charting is enabled and configured (view Quick Chart Configuration if this has not been configured) you can start charting with less clicks and spend less time searching through categories to find the treatment you need.

The Quick Chart menu is a customisable hover menu that displays as you move your mouse cursor over the Tooth Chart, It provides an information summary and the capability to quickly apply both Services and Quick Plans to the highlighted tooth.



Enabling Quick Charting (reveal/hide Quick Charting)

To enable Quick Charting, hover over a tooth and Right Click the yellow box displaying the tooth charting then click Show Quick Chart Menu.

To hide Quick Charting, hover over a tooth and Right Click the Quick Charting service or yellow box displaying the tooth charting then click Hide Quick Chart Menu.



Using Quick Charting

The tooth chart is always visible with Quick Charting displaying above and below (if this is not the case, review the help article Quick Charting hiding the Tooth Chart).


The menu applies to the highlighted tooth only:


Each icon in the hover menu represents either a Service or a Quick Plan that can be quickly applied to the tooth. If you hover over the icon you will see a tooltip identifying that service or Quick Plan.


Quick Plan icons are identifiable by the triple lined overlay:



The Treatment menu lists both Historical and current treatments for this tooth in the yellow Tooltip box.


Historical treatments are illustrated in different colours, to set these colours open the service item window

  1. Navigate to ConfigureServices and select the service from the list

  2. Highglight the service in the Service List and click the e|d button

  3. With a Chart Graphic selected, choose Set Colour... to determine the colour of a historical treatment.


Note: Charted services will stay as the planned colour (default colour is blue) until treatment is completed.

Assigning Services to Teeth

There are two ways to assign a service to a tooth using Quick Charting,

  1. Select a service then left or right-click in the area you wish to apply the service

  2. Select a service then double-click the service to select FGI Details for the tooth to apply the service

  3. The service colour will appear on the selected tooth
    (Tip: With the service still selected, click again to toggle the service off/on the tooth.)


  4. Simultaneously, the service will be listed on the charting window

  5. Once the service has been selected once, you can now chart the service across multiple teeth with a simple click over the required teeth. The service will remain selected until a different service is selected.



Removing Services from Teeth

  1. Check what service has been charted by hovering the mouse cursor over the service

  2. Select that same service from the Quick Chart Menu or from any other service list

  3. With the same service selected, left-click or right-click the service on the tooth to remove it



Assigning Services with Further Options

If you double-click some services, they have further applicable options than a simple click.
In these cases, the pop-up screen will appear when you are charting the service.


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