Editing Charged Treatment / Resubmitting
It may sometimes be necessary to add to or edit a charged or TC’d Course Of Treatment (COT) or its services after they’ve been charged through. To be able to achieve this you’ll often be required to resubmit the COT first. If the COT is still open on the patient's chart tab you can add more services to it but you can only edit services that have not been charged through.
Please note: Resubmitting causes every service on the course of treatment to become editable until charged or TC’d again. It will reverse all previously charged invoices and create a voided copy of the service in the patients charting history. It is not possible to resubmit specific services or invoices.
How to Resubmit and Amend a COT
Go to either the patient's chart History window or the patient's Transactions window.
Highlight (left click) a service from the history or any invoice from the transactions screen that mentions the COT number you wish to resubmit then click “Resubmit” and accept the prompt.
Now go back to the chart to find the COT and it’s its services can now be edited (double click each service that needs editing). You can also add more treatment if required.
Remember that if you add treatment or untick and retick a service that its completion date will change to “today”. If you need to change planned/completion dates, first tick the item and then double click it.
You can change the planned & completed dates here and click “OK” to save the changes.
No future dates are allowed.
QUICKTIP: For clarity when viewing items in a patient’s transactions window, turn off show Resubmissions so that only active items are displayed.
View all resubmissions
V13.763 EXACT and above automatically hides resubmissions. To view any resubmitted invoices, tick the Resubmissions checkbox to display all resubmissions or remove the tick to hide again.
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