Creating/Charting Lab Service
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Creating/Charting Lab Service

Lab services can be used to show that lab work was created and track its progress of sending it off and coming back to the practice.

Setting up a Lab code

1. Go to Configure > Services

2. Search for code LAB - to do this type in LAB in the sort by code box located in the bottom left of the screen - if you do not have this code set up already follow steps 3 - 10. If you already have a code set up follow steps 11 -

3. Click +1 in the bottom right hand corner - this will bring up an 'add service item' box

4. In the box marked 'code' type in LAB

5. In the box marked 'description' type in a description of your choice, such as Lab Item

6. Click on the fee tab - located under the description

7. On the bottom right hand side you will see a box marked 'categories', click on the icon that looks like a lined piece of paper with an arrow pointing inwards

8. Highlight the list you wish the new code to show in and click OK - you will now see this in the category box - repeat the above step if you wish to add to more than one list

9. Select the Fees tab and then tick the box on the right hand side marked 'Lab Item' - If you have a set patient fee for lab items enter this in Price 2 (default)

10. Click OK - your new lab code is now set up

11 If you already have a lab code set up, highlight this in the service list and click the e|d button located on the bottom right of the screen and follow steps 9 - 10

Setting up Lab companies

1. Go to File > Specialists

2. Click +1 - located at the top of the screen - this will bring up an 'add specialist' box

3. Complete the details as specified (how much information is entered is your choice)

4. Tick the 'Lab' box - located on the bottom right hand side of the window

5. Click OK

Repeat this for each Lab you need to add

Charting Lab Items

Any patient treatment that requires lab items now need to be charted on the patient's course of treatment

To do this the provider will continue to chart all treatment as usual but they need to ensure they are also charting code LAB on the course of treatment

When they chart code LAB a 'LAB Laboratory and date' box will appear on the screen - follow the details below to complete Lab items

1. Click in the box next to 'Laboratory Code' and clicked the lined icon to the right - this will bring up a list of all your labs

2. Highlight the label being used and click OK

3. Enter the date you expect the lab back in the box maked 'expected date'

4. If there is a service cost to the item enter in the box marked 'service cost'

5. Click OK

You will now see the lab item charted on the course of treatment

Do not tick the lab item as complete until you have receieved this back from the lab, if you tick the item it will affect the reporting on lab items, please ensure you save the patients file before running the lab report

You can report on Lab items using the Lab Work Done Report & Lab Work Done Report reports.

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