Care Manager
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Care Manager


Care Manager is a tool for maximising practice revenue by targeting patients who have open (incomplete) treatment plans / courses of treatment.
(Available from EXACT v12.9, originally called "Opportunity Manager". Renamed in v12.10 to "Care Manager".)
Because these patients are a captive market, they provide an optimal return on your marketing effort.
Open treatments are targeted and listed if they haven't been booked within the next 3 months including:

  • Open treatments that haven't yet been booked at all,

  • Open treatments that are already booked, but for more than 3 months ahead of the current date - these represent opportunities for you to advance the booking date and secure earlier revenue.

Care Manager automatically generates a list of possibilities where practitioners can identify, track, and prioritise open treatments, and then contact patients by phone to book appointments for these treatments:



All actions can be conducted from a Care Manager window

Users see an icon colour-change notification when patients with open treatments have been assigned to them


Users can quickly view and action only their own assigned patients


Filter the list of opportunities by multiple criteria 



 By default Care Manager displays patient open treatments first by the most valuable treatment for the oldest date, so users can best secure potential revenue



 Users contact patients directly from the Care Manager using the 'Contact' button

Once a course of treatment has been selected and 'Contact' clicked, a dialog will open where users can:

  1. Select which appointment within the course of treatment they wish to contact the patient about

  2. Review the appointment details

  3. Open the course of treatment edit window to review and update

  4. Select which message type they wish to send (Email or SMS)

  5. Select a template 

Care Manager can send Planned URL links to patients using the 'Contact' button. This allows a practice to send a patient a link to book a specific appointment from within a Course of Treatment.


 Users can make telephone call notes against patient's by clicking the telephone numbers


 Click to directly open the chart for an open treatment



Quickly view all existing open treatments for the current patient, so that in a single phone call you can cover all potential treatment bookings by clicking the three blue dots hyperlink in a patient's Description (treatments) column 



 Multi-select opportunities by means of CTRL-click or SHIFT-click, then use the Assign, Snooze or Reject buttons



Assign patients to EXACT users for contacting 



Temporarily hide open treatments where patients have requested time to consider them before being contacted 



Inform dentists if their patients reject open treatments, so that dentists can update and rationalise charting records and values 



 Book appointments directly from Care Manager by means of the Book button



 Contact patients directly via Email or SMS through Care Manager using the Contact button 


 Access to Care Manager: Through the Configure > Security screen Practice Administrators can control and differentiate access to Care Manager by practice roles



Performance: When records are added, edited, or deleted, only the rows for those records are updated dynamically on-screen; there is no reload of the entire table.



Benefits, Requirements/Limitations

Care Manager benefits the practice in these ways:

  • Focusses marketing efforts where they produce the greatest return - within the captive market of existing prospects.

  • Automatically prioritises high value treatments.

  • Drives practitioner efforts to identify open Treatment Plan / COT opportunities.

  • Improves the quality of clinical data by facilitating the clearing out of old treatment plans / COTs.

  • Complements the List Outstanding Treatment Report by providing a quick view of the overall outstanding treatment value and number.



  • Care Manager calculates opportunities only from the date that it is activated; it does not calculate pre-activation-date opportunities.

    Consequently, opportunities will not immediately display at activation.

  • Initially the Manage Opportunities screen is presented as a non-modal window (it can be dragged about and "floats" over the EXACT window), but this will later be modified to a modal window).

  • Will only bring in new Opportunities from the date of upgrading to v12.9+ . SOE Support can run a tool to populate older opportunities if required

  • In v12.9 the features was called "Opportunity Manager", but from v12.10 onwards is "Care Manager".


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