Co-ordinated Duties Appointments
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Co-ordinated Duties Appointments

A coordinated appointment consists of time with both dentist and hygienist.
This feature can be enabled from Configure > Appointment Book.

Coordinated Duties Appointments - Benefits and Restrictions

  • When using Appointment Search EXACT will find slots where both providers are free in the order and at the times indicated on the appointment.

  • Changes to the appointment are applied to both the dentist and hygienist portions of the appointment (i.e Appointment notes). i.e If a patient changes the appointment it will be changed for both Providers

  • As a Co-Duties appointment is only 1 appointment within EXACT when a patient is marked as arrived or moved to the chair this is shown on both providers appointments.
    If both providers are seeing two different patients at the same time the EXACT appointment workflow process may be hindered. i.e Both HYG & FRAN (Dentist) have patients in the chair but only one can be actually be marked as in the chair at any one time while both providers are linked to a Co-Duties appointment currently in progress.

  • When booking an appointment using coordinated duties, the appointment will always pick up the appointment colour of the dentist the appointment is being linked with.

Once Co-Duties is enabled appointments will then ask for the Dentist and/or Hygienist instead of one field for Provider.
The Coduty Grid is a timeline of the patient appointment, allowing you to define which type of provider is required for each part of the appointment.

To make appointment booking as automated as possible this information is usually pre-defined for each appropriate service such as EXH (exam followed by hygienist) or HEX (hygienist followed by exam). However, you can manually override this automation to accommodate individual patient requirements. EXACT restricts charting time on the grid to a maximum of 4-6 hours, depending on the appointment book's time interval setting:

  • Time intervals ranging from 5min - 20min will display a co-duty maximum grid time of 4 hrs.

  • Time intervals set to 30min will display a co-duty maximum grid time of 6 hrs.

  • Left-click within the grid or left click and drag to add appointment time for the Dentist and/or Hygienist

You can stagger appointments (they don't have to be continuous) and even leaves gaps in between if required.

You can add/edit service so that the grid time is fixed so it won’t require any manual editing before booking a Co-duty appointment. Also tick the box for “list in quick book services” so it’s available from the edit appointment window for quick selection.



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