Waitlists Tab
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Waitlists Tab

The ‘Waitlists’ Tab allows the patient to be added to a waiting list for treatment. This may be because:

  • The patient needs urgent work performed but prefers a particular provider.

  • There is a backlog of patients requiring some specialist treatment.

  • The patient requires treatment but is unavailable for some time (e.g., is travelling overseas).


The ‘Waitlists’ feature will appear only if enabled by ticking “Include Wait List Features” on the Practice Settings windows in the Configure menu.

More information on how to add tabs onto the appointment book can be found here - Adding Activity Tabs to the Appointment Book

Viewing Waitlists

To view a Waitlist navigate to the tab and select the Wait List and the status in the bottom left

This will display all the patient in that list/status.

Adding a Patient to a Waitlist

  1. On the Wait List Tab click on the +1 button to display the Add Wait List Entry window:


  2. Select the appropriate waitlist using the up/down arrows, or from the list displayed when the list button is clicked.

  3. To add a new waitlist, click the list button to display the View Waitlists window, and then click the +1 button to display the Add Waitlist window:


  4. Type a Description for the new waitlist. If this is to also be a recall list, check (tick) the Recall List box.

  5. Click OK to save the record.

  6. In the Add Waitlist window, enter the Provider name or select from the list.

  7. Select the Patient from the list.

  8. Enter any text as the Sub Class details, if applicable. This can be used to subdivide the waitlist into different classes, e.g., according to treatment type required, degree of urgency, etc.

  9. The Status is used for monitoring the patient’s status on the waitlist. This defaults to Active but can be changed to another status if required.

  10. Listed indicates the date the patient was added to the waitlist. This defaults to today’s date, but can be altered if required.

  11. The Recall field allows the entry of a date for the patient’s next recall.

  12. Assigned is the date a provider was assigned to the patient.

  13. Position in list shows the patient’s current position in the waitlist. This cannot be edited.

  14. Patient’s Waitlists shows any waitlists the patient is currently on.

  15. The Notes field allows the entry of any text pertaining to the patient’s wait-listing.

  16. Click the OK button to save the waitlist details.

Booking a Wait-listed Appointment

Find the patient on the Wait List Tab by selecting correct Wait List and Status.
For example, the selections in the screen below display all Waiting entries in the WL1 Waitlist.

  1. Select the required date for the patient’s appointment so that it is displayed on screen. Select the wait list entry to be booked and drag and drop it into the required time slot on the View Day area of the appointment book. This will create an appointment in that time slot of the default type for wait list entries.


  2. To check or change the details for the appointment, double click on it to open the Edit Appointment window shown below:


    NOTE: The Service, Dentist or Hygienist, Time, and Length fields on this window are all required fields.
    These fields must have information entered in them in order to save the contents of the window with the Save button.

  3. To make changes, take the following actions to enter information in the ‘Edit Appointment’ window:

Service: To change the type of appointment, use the List button to make a change.

Category: To change the category of appointment, use the List button to select a new category.

Dentist: Use the List button to select a different dentist for the appointment if required.

Hygienist: If a hygienist is required, use the  button to select one. If a dentist is not required as well, blank out the Dentist field.

Time: This is the time selected for the appointment. It can be changed if required; e.g. to intentionally double book the appointment. Typically this field is left blank as it is automatically entered when the appointment is dragged to the required time slot.

Length: This field defaults to the length of time normally allowed for the appointment type selected but can be edited if a longer or shorter time is required.

Payor: Patient Payor, if applicable.

Notes about this appointment: These notes will only be displayed for this particular appointment.

Notes about this patient: These notes will be displayed whenever an appointment is made for the patient.

NOTE: Some field details will be automatically defaulted from earlier selections.

Check all details are correct then click the OK button to complete booking the patient.

Note: The patient may need to complete registration details when he/she presents for the appointment.

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