The Multi Column Appointment Book
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The Multi Column Appointment Book



Although both types can be used, the multi-column appointment book has many advantages over the single-column appointment book.


The multi-column appointment book can:

  • Contain multiple providers’ appointments within one appointment book, enabling you to see all appointments for all providers, and to reschedule across providers, where necessary.

  • Easily book coordinated appointments between dentists and hygienists.

  • Easily block off time in the appointment book (both repeated and one-off blocks).

  • Allocate specific time periods for specialised services (clinics).

  • Provide a search facility for appointment times.

  • Easily set up working hours for each provider.

  • Allow more control over what is displayed on screen.

Optional Departure Task List

From software version 10.16 onwards, it is optional to enable an Appointment Workflow facility, which adds an additional area to the Multi Column Appointment Book Window:



  1. Click the icon on the Workspace Bar for the main appointment book.

    Note that you will only have an appointment book icon on your workspace bar if one has been set up. Furthermore, the icon for your appointment book may have a different name, but the graphic will be the same as the example shown.

  2. This will open the main multi-column appointment book. You can also open the appointment book by clicking on the ‘File’ menu, then ‘Appointments’ and select the appointment book to view.
    A window similar to the following will appear:


Parts of the Multi-column Appointment Book Window

There are four main parts to the multi column appointment book:

The View Week Area - which displays a graphical representation of the appointments booked for the days viewed.

The View Day Area - which displays the patients booked for the selected day.

Right-click appointments to see a menu of actions.

The Provider Bar – is used to widen the Provider column and allows access to the View Month and the Restrict Appointment Times window where working hours and holidays etc can be edited for the selected provider.

Activity Area – is used to access extra options:

  • Clipboard – a temporary storage place used to move appointments to a new date or time. The clipboard is always available in the Appointment window whether the Activity Area is expanded or not. For this (and other) reasons, it is a very useful tool for making and editing appointments.

  • Searching from the Hold List – a temporary storage area for appointments viewed only when the activity tabs are expanded.
    You will be able to view appointments that are sitting on the clipboard in the hold list. Double-clicking on the clipboard performs the same action as clicking on the +1 button under the hold list.
    The hold list can be used as a useful search function for appointments.

  • Follow Up Tab – lists appointments that need to be followed up.

  • Cancels Tab – lists appointments by status e.g.: planned, confirmed, cancelled, re-booked, completed, deleted and failed.

  • Contact Lists Tab – Holds existing contact lists, allows the creation of new lists and booking of appointments directly from the lists.

  • Arrivals Tab – Holds patient appointments for all Providers in order of appointment time for the selected day.

  • Recall Lists Tab – Holds all current recall lists. patients can be contacted from this tab.

View Day Area

The ‘View Day’ area displayed below shows an example of colour-coding for each provider's day as follows:

  • Blue appointments for provider RGP

  • Brown appointments for AP

  • Pink appointments for SM

  • Green appointments for JES

  • Bright Green indicates a double-booked appointment.

  • Grey colouring (if any) represents blocked time (i.e., the provider is not available to work).

  • The background colour (pale yellow) indicates available appointment time.

  • The red diagonal lines represent clinics that have been set-up. Clinics are designed to set time aside for particular types of treatment, for example, general anaesthetic procedures or emergency time.

  • ‘Payor’ clinics that allows only private patients, or patients assigned to a specific payor to be booked into the clinic time are distinguished by diagonal stripes that are drawn from right to left, unlike the current clinics which are drawn left-to-right.

NOTE: Colouring of appointment block is set up in the Configure menu, under "Appointment Book". See To Create an Appointment Book for more details.

The scroll buttons on the top right hand side of the appointment book are used to move the ‘View Week’ area to display other days as described below:


Always returns the display to the current day (i.e., today).



Moves back / forward in time 1 day from the current day displayed



Moves back/forward in time 1 week



Moves back in time 4 weeks



Moves back in time 27 weeks (27 weeks rather than 26, to avoid problems with users accidentally booking two appointments within a 6 month period (Note insurance rules)).

Weeks behaviour: This behaviour ensures that the current weekday (as selected in the week view area) is also selected when you move forward/backward,

So, for example, if you're currently looking at a Friday, pressing these buttons will move to a Friday. The behaviour of the similarly named buttons on the view months window is the same.

Click the drop-down arrow on the top left hand side of the appointment boo to display a calendar. Select a date by clicking once on the required day. The appointment book will move directly to (and display) that day


The top of the appointment represents the start time of the appointment while the height represents the appointment length. For example, the following appointment starts at 4.30pm and lasts for 30 minutes.


View Week Area


The View Week area displays several days of appointments using colour to show available time, blocked time and booked appointments with each provider.

The days of the week are displayed down the left hand side of the View Week area and there are a number of rows within each day. Each row is divided into hour blocks and represents the appointments for a single provider. Clicking on a Day/Time will move the View Day area below, to display the appointments for that day.

In this example, a coloured block represents an appointment whereas a grey block represents unavailable time, e.g. hours not working.

Clinics display as diagonal lines through time ranges.

Quicktip: If the booked patient has a payor set up, the View Week area can be coloured to denote the payor.
The colours will be taken from the Payor File colours, and in the case of private appointments from the Patient File configuration window.

Calendar navigation buttons:



The +/- 4 w buttons move forward/backward 4 weeks.

The +/- 6 m buttons move forward/backward 27 weeks (27 weeks rather than 26, to avoid users accidentally booking two appointments within a 6 month period (Note insurance rules)).

This behaviour ensures that the current weekday (as selected in the week view area) is also selected when you move forward/backward,

So, for example, if you're currently looking at a Friday, pressing these buttons will move to a Friday.

The behaviour of the similarly named buttons on the view months window is the same.


To re-display your View Week pane if it seems to have disappeared

Maximise the EXACT window and then drag the View Week area open (down), as indicated below:



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