HICAPS Trinity Terminal configuration
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HICAPS Trinity Terminal configuration

The following steps, will guide you through the configuration of your HICAPS Trinity Terminal.

Please follow the steps outlined below to configure your new HICAPS Trinity Terminal with Exact.

  1. Open EXACT.

  2. Navigate to the Claiming Parameters window, Configure - Claiming Parameters.

  3. Ensure the Process claims through HICAPS checkbox is ticked.

  4. Click the Configure Terminal button to display the HICAPS Connect Setup window.

  5. Select your new terminal from the Terminals dropdown list. Your terminal ID is located on your physical terminal.

  6. Test your terminal connection by selecting the Terminal Test button.

  7. Click OK to return to the Claiming Parameters window.

  8. Click the Health Fund Synch button to synchronise the Health Funds list in EXACT with those stored on your new HICAPS terminal.

  9. Click the Provider Synch button to compare the provider numbers stored in your new terminal with those stored in EXACT. Please note: If a provider ID is found on the terminal but not in EXACT, the Missing Providers window will display if you have Administrator access (second picture below). Please add/ edit providers as needed or close the window to return to the Claiming Parameters window.

  10. Click OK to save your terminal set up.

EftPos Payment Set up

If you have previously processed EftPos payments through your old HICAPS terminal, your existing setup should remain. If not, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Ensure the Process EFTPOS Payments checkbox is ticket on the Claiming Parameters window.

  2. Navigate to the Patient Payments window, Configure - Patient Payments.

  3. Select the EftPos payment method so that it is highlighted.

  4. Click the e|d button.

  5. Select the Debit Card option.

  6. Click OK to save.

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