Data collection Best Practice Health Check Praktika


Praktika Health Check Reports:

Total patients

(not including inactive who have moved away or passed on etc)

a.       Patient -> Advanced patient search > filter by last seen date (no date range)

Active patients (1-2 years)

a.       Patient -> Advanced patient search -> Filter by last seen date to the end of last month and from the 1st day of the month 12 months ago. eg 01/03/2018 – 28/02/2019

Provider performance report (End of last month to 1 year ago) eg 01/03/2018 – 28/02/2019


a.       Hours Available: Reports-> Provider performance (Hours scheduled) Not always accurate so check

b.      Hours Worked: Reports-> Provider performance (Hours Billed)

c.       Hourly Rate Worked: Reports -> Provider performance (rate /scheduled hour)

d.      Hourly Rate Worked: Reports -> Provider performance (rate /billed hour)

e.      Unique Patients seen over the last 12 months Provider performance (patients treated)

FTA & SNC = (End of last month to 1 year ago) eg 01/03/2018 – 28/02/2019 patients without appointments

a.       FTA – count at the bottom of the screen

b.      SNC– count at the bottom of the screen


a.       Unique Patients seen over the last 12 months (Above in provider performance report)

b.      Recall completed Reports > Treatment Analysis-> (End of last month to 1 year ago) eg 01/03/2018 – 28/02/2019 = add 012 and 88012 together for total -> show report

c.       Recalls Due reports -> patients-> recalls management -> Red Total patients in each group per month

d.      Recalls booked future reports -> patients-> recalls management -> Blue patients with future appts

                                                               i.      This month

                                                             ii.      Next month

                                                            iii.      3 months later

                                                           iv.      4 months later

                                                             v.      5 months later

                                                           vi.      6 months later


  1. New patients

a.       Reports – New Patients- All providers -first appointment- 12 months from to date range


Unfinished Treatment & Proposed Treatment