Data collection Best Practice Health Check Practiceworks

Best Practice Consultation Practiceworks:  The reporting for each practice is very different so you may need to contact your Practiceworks support team to create some “expert” reports for you.  If some items haven’t been ticked or entered correctly reports can give inaccurate numbers.

The best practice consultation is based on the performance in the last 12 months.  For each report (except new patient) could you please kindly use the parameter of a year.  Eg. If we are now partially in June 2019 the report period parameter would be 1st June 2018 to 31st May 2019 (01/06/18 to 31/05/19)




Total patients may be active patients.

Patients seen in the last 12 months  

  1. Experts > Office Expert >scroll all the way to the bottom of list and ‘Active patient count’ will be listed.  This entry will tell you how many active and how many seen in last 18 months.


Reconcile with: Periodic report captures this information at the top of the AR/Recap page ‘Pts Seen/Appts’, eg 300/1000 (which means 300 patients have been seen and of them all combined they have had 1000 appointments).

Lapsed patients: (patients who have been in the last 4 years but not the last 2)


Experts Menu>PracticeWorks Expert Exchange (This, by default, will take level 10 access to do unless the office has lowered the restrictions on this event)



In the Expert Exchange window, click the "+" next to PW Support to expand it, then scroll down until you see Patient List by Last Visit



Once you see the Expert, place a check mark in the box to left of it, remove the check mark from beside "Install to Tutorial Database" and click Download.



Click on Accept.

Click on Accept again.

Click OK to acknowledgement it has been installed successfully

Click Close

Click Close

The expert can then be accessed through Experts Menu>Contact Expert>User Defined

Find Patient List by Last Visit in the list, select it and then click ok to run it.

Enter the date range desired and click ok.



Practice hours available per month (Time the dentists are in the practice not including breaks)

? Manual (Hours available to work by each provider/dentist)

Billable hours worked per month (Time patients are in the chair/dentists are billing)


Income: Accounts & Receivables/Periodic reports Used to figure out average hourly rate available and billed.

File>Print>Accounts & Receivables/Periodic reports>12 month date range > select all or specific (dentists)>preview


Fail to attend:



Short notice cancellation:





File > print > Other/Misc. Reports>Treatment code list by category (012 & 88012)

Incomplete Treatment: Open treatment plans

Expert < Contact Expert < Unscheduled Treatment Plans



New patients:

First 6 months

  1. Print, patients, new patient analysis?


File > Print>Accounts Receivables>Periodic Report / Enter date range (you will note approx 2/3 down the A/R Recap Sheet the ‘Number of new patients:’



  1. New patients within a date range" expert, again this can be downloaded from the expert exchange,




Last 6 months “Same as above” but using last 6 months date

New patients:

Last 6 months