Using the Arrival Task List
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Using the Arrival Task List


To accept patients via the Arrival screen

  1. When the patient (or family) arrives, accept them into the practice by clicking the check box in the Appointment Book:


  2. The Arrival screen displays for that patient or family:

    (If your practice uses Clinipad this window will look slightly different - see Using CliniPad in Reception)

  3. Print and consult with the patient to update any Forms that require updating (these forms are indicated by the "eye" icon).

    Click the blue hyperlinks to print out Forms for patient signature, with the exception of the Contact Consent hyperlink - this opens a window where you digitally record patient permissions.

    Contact Consent: This prompt is set as a default but can optionally be turned off by a practice Administrator.

    Clicking this link opens the Preferences to contact patient window.

    IMPORTANT: By asking for the patient's consent to send them communications you ensure that the practice complies with strict regulations around patient data collection and management.
    For this reason EXACT may prompt you to collect Contact Consent at both patient arrival and patient departure.

    !! Your performance in securing Contact Consent is tracked in an Appointment Workflow Compliance Report and in a Contact Preferences Audit.

    For each topic displayed in the Preferences to contact patient window, ask for the patient's consent and click the appropriate button:


  4. When you have completed all tasks, ask the patient to wait to be called by the Provider and click the Arrive button at the bottom of the window:

    A ‘stick figure’ will then display in the appointment book to indicate the patient has arrived for their appointment:


    This step is important for the Appointment Workflow, which tracks patients through the practice by means of sequential appointment status.

    When you click the Arrive button, EXACT understands that the patient is now in a queue waiting for their Provider, and displays this status to the Provider in the Patient desktop, as an icon at the Arrivals Door:

    The Arrivals Door is a critical element in the Appointment Workflow, through which a practice tracks and controls the journey of each patient appointment through the practice. It is particularly pertinent to the Clinician role in the Appointment Workflow.

Appointment Workflow compliance

The Appointment Workflow software monitors task completion or failure to complete, and reports in the Appointment Workflow Compliance Report.

The Appointment Workflow objective: For Appointment Workflow purposes, the Receptionist's objective is to successfully complete all Arrival and Departure tasks.

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