How to move Oasis to a new computer.

You may want to introduce a new database server into your network, or a failed server may need to be replaced, or you just want to update your stand-alone Oasis PC.

Moving the Oasis database from one PC to another is referred to as a "Server Migration".

This page deals with migrating a Mimer database.

NOTE: Oasis embeds the database location within the database files (.DBF)

Migrating an MSSQL database should be organised by your support technician or hardware supplier.

Contact Us for Assistance

If you encounter difficulties with the above process, please contact Oasis Support and someone will be able to guide you through correcting any problems.

Things to consider when conducting a Mimer server migration.

  • Will the Oasis data be located in the same drive/directory structure on the new server?
  • Are you using UNC* addressing for the Mimer database?
  • What version of Mimer are you currently using?
  • How many ancillary files need to be moved from the old server?

The information below relates to Oasis Version 12, but you can use the same process for previous versions where Mimer is used.

Steps to Follow:

  1. On the old server, stop the Mimer database using the Mimer Administrator. Note the physical location of the OASIS database – e.g. c:\oasis\data or d:\oasis data or \\server\oasis\data.
    Mimer Administrator is typically installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mimer SQL 9.2 - Launch mimadmin.exe and when launched - right click over the OASIS Database in the Local Tab - Then Left click Stop Server
  2. Copy the full Oasis folder from the old server to a removable drive (or to a network drive if the new and old servers are on the network).
    This will copy all Oasis database files and any ancillary files – documents, templates, images etc.
  3. Install Oasis on the new PC/server using "setup12.exe" – you can either load a demo version or run the live version if required.
    (After running setup12.exe, create a share on the oasis folder - you will then need to run oasisserverupgrade.exe).
    If you selected the demo option, you will have to stop the Mimer database before copying the old server's data set across.
    Make sure you specify the same Mimer version as the existing server's Mimer version.
  4. Once installed, stop Mimer / Oasis (if demo version selected) and then copy the full OASIS folder from the old server and overwrite the newly installed OASIS folder.
    If the data from the old server was physically located somewhere other than c:\oasis\data, you should try copying it to the same physical location.
    (If your hardware technician has a new location on the new server for Oasis data, then copy it to the new location).
  5. Create a Share on the OASIS folder (as per 3 above) giving everyone full read/write privileges to the Oasis folder
    (whether c:\oasis or Oasis in the new location as per 4 above).
  6. Open the Mimer Administrator.
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Mimer SQL 9.2 - mimadmin.exe

    If there is already an OASIS defined – and it is in the same physical location as the old server - you can attempt to start the database.
    If there is no OASIS data folder or the one specified is in the wrong location, remove the wrong entry and add a new OASIS entry;
    specifying the home directory as the current location of the copied Oasis database.

    Once you start the SOELink & MIMER Services from Start>services.msc - database indicator should turn green:

      7. Edit the Oasis.ini file (c:\oasis\oasis.ini) and change the path to the new location on the new server.

      NOTE:  If the location of the database on the old server is different to the location on the new server you must run a "mimalter" on the database to migrate it to its new location.
      (including if a UNC address was used to locate the database, and the server names are different).

          Start the database and open a command prompt (on the new server).
          Change directory (cd) to the c:\oasis directory and then type "utils [mimalter]" and press the Enter key.


          This launches a new CMD Window and shows the following prompt to shutdown the OASiS services:

Answering Y will run a process to migrate the Oasis data set to the new physical location on the new server (based on the entry in the oasis.ini file).

If the Server name has changed - You may see the following when logging in:

Click OK - Then on the Identify your Server dialog, select the new Server, then click OK:

Your new server should now have a running version of Oasis. Oasis should now open on the server.

If using Multiple PC's to run Oasis, you will also need to go to each workstation and change the Node Name in the Mimer Administrator - to the new server's name.
You may also have to change the oasis.ini files on each Workstation in order to reflect the new share location (if UNC or mapped drives used).

Verify The Files!

Important:  Make sure you create and schedule "verifyfiles" on the new server. 

If you encounter difficulties with the above process, please contact Oasis Support and someone will be able to guide you through correcting any problems.

NOTE:  UNC addressing - UNC (universal naming convention) addressing uses the computer name and folder structure instead of a drive letter.
For example, c:\oasis\data would be referred to as \\computername\oasis\data if using a UNC address.
This means that if you copy data from c:\oasis\data to the same drive location on a new PC, but you are using UNC addressing, the computer name will probably be different and you would have to run a "mimalter" to align the database with the new UNC address.