Why am I getting a message about backups?

Why am I getting a message about backups?

Backup not run in xx number of days (or not at all)

When your OASiS system was installed, the installer will have created a file verification / backup process to be run on a daily basis. They will have probably scheduled this to run in the Windows Scheduler on your server computer each day (usually after hours) or they will have created a desktop icon for you to run on a daily basis.

It may be that the Windows Scheduler has stopped running the task (maybe the password has changed) or you may have simply forgotten to run the desktop process.

This message will appear when Oasis is first opened each day if the backup has not run – or Oasis is unable to determine when it last ran. To check, locate the oasis\backup\results.txt file and note the date and time of the file.

Also check Preferences, Verify/Backup Details and check the paths nominated for LOG and BACKUP to ensure they are to the OASIS share on the server.

Check the Windows Scheduler to see if the verifyfiles process is scheduled. If it's not in the Windows Scheduler, check to see if you have a desktop icon for the process. If there is one, ensure you run it daily. If there isn't a desktop icon, add a new Windows Scheduled Task into the scheduler to run the process out of hours. Ensure it is created with appropriate privileges and with a non-expiring password.

You may need to liaise with the hardware technician/supplier to arrange for the Windows Scheduled Task to be created.

NOTE: Your hardware supplier may have implemented other backup methodologies (like Shadow Copy) but they must ensure the "verifyfiles" process runs daily to have a viable Oasis backup. 

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