Receipt Analysis Report
This report is used to view and analyse a group of receipts by type/payment method. The report includes:
Patient Name
Amount of the receipt
Payor type
Allocated amount.
To Run the 'Receipt Analysis' Report
Go to Administration -> Reports and select ‘Receipt Analysis’:
Leaving the Provider(s) field empty will print a ‘Receipt Analysis’ report for the practice; however an individual provider can be selected from the list by using the List button. Clicking the Multiple button will allow printing for a combination of Providers.
In the ‘Payor’ pane, highlight the payor types to be included. The Select All and Select None buttons can be used to select and clear selections.
Similarly, in the ‘Payment Method’ and ‘Receipt Adjustment Type(s)’ panes, highlight the methods to be included.
The ‘From’ and ‘To’ date fields will default to the current date. The ‘From’ date can be back-dated to include more than one day’s receipts for the selected payors and methods included.
The ‘Show Full Detail’ box is checked by default to include all information, but can be unchecked to display only summary information if required.
Click ‘Print’ to send the report to the printer, ‘Preview’ to preview on screen and then print from the ‘Preview’ screen, 'Email' to email a copy of the report to an email recipient, or ‘Cancel’ to return to the previous screen.
The example below shows all payors and payment methods for the practice for a specified period of time:
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