com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.


The Provider File Window

The Provider File stores details such as name, qualifications and working hours, about the Providers on the system. Providers are added and edited in the Provider File.

NOTE: The fields in your provider file window may vary from those shown above, depending on what features and options you have configured on your system.

NOTE: In EXACT, providers of type Orthodontist, Periodontist and Oral Surgeon are sub-types of dentist, and as far as the EXACT software is concerned, they are treated exactly the same as the provider type ‘Dentist’.

To view the Provider File Window

  1. Select File > Providers:

  2. The Provider File window will open by default on the Details tab, but you may also have options to view the Appointments tab and Waitlist tab:



NOTE: The fields in your provider file window may vary from those shown above, depending on what features and options you have configured on your system.

Configuring the Provider Details Tab

Select File > Providers

The Details tab displays by default.

NOTE: The fields in your provider file window may vary from those shown, depending on what features and options you have configured on your system.


Enter a unique code for the new provider. This should be consistent with Providers already entered and is usually the Provider’s initials.


Enter the Provider’s name. This should be the Provider’s full name, including Mr Mrs or Dr as applicable, as it should appear at the bottom of a letter.


If required for reference, enter the Provider’s qualifications.

Prof Title

If required, enter the Provider’s preferred professional title. The "Prof. Title" field is usually entered similarly to ‘Dental Surgeon’ or ‘Dental Hygienist’ as appropriate.

Address, Post Code, Phone and Email

Enter the Provider’s personal details in the fields on the left from "Name" to "Email Address" inclusive.

Note: “Post Code" will be present only where applicable, and other address and contact fields may vary from the example shown, depending on your setup.

GL Account

Select from the options that have been configured for the practice. This includes a default GL Account for New Providers.

Bank Account

Enter the number for the bank account into which receipts for the provider are banked. If all Providers bank into the same account it is not necessary to complete this field.

Pref. Location

For a practice with configured Locations, select the Location from which this Provider will normally practice.

This is especially important if your practice uses Locations for Online Booking, as patients booking online need to book free time with the appropriate Provider in their Location.

Text colour

Assign a unique colour for text for this provider. This helps identify the provider within the system. All treatment that the provider carries out is displayed in this colour so it is important to ensure that the text colour is easily readable against a white background.

Treatment Plan Colour

The treatment plan colour allows easy identification of treatment items by assigning the specified colour to the headers of any treatment plans for patients with this Provider.

Fee Schedule

Fee Schedules allow additional fee lists to be created, whenever there is a need for applying different fees for treatment. For example, if the practice has more than three providers who have their own unique fees, a fee schedule can be created for each individual, allowing them to each set their own Price 1, 2 and 3. Within the Provider file the fee schedule the provider works from can be specified.

Override Pricing

This setting overrides the Patients Price Code (1-3) setting in the Patient File. If a specific Price Code is specified in this field, all fees recorded by this provider will be from the specified price code set in the Fee Schedule. Normally this is set to ‘Nil’, which allows the Patient’s Price Code to be used.

Provider Type

Select from the configured Types.

Provider No.

Record the Provider’s code number (if required).


An Australian Company Number (ACN) is required for some Providers for tax purposes.


An Australian Business Number (ABN) is also required for some Providers for tax purposes.

Prescriber No.

Optionally add the Provider's Prescriber Number here so that it automatically prints on an appropriately configured practice print proforma.

Cant' change / Can't Receipt / Not Active (checkboxes)

Click in any of these checkboxes as applicable to set up this provider as:

  • Not able to charge treatment,

  • Not able to accept payments, or

  • Not active (temporarily or permanently).


Printable Provider Prescriber Number

It is possible to specify a Prescriber number in the Provider file for automated printing on government-approved prescriptions.


Setup consists of two elements:

  • Add the Prescribed Number to the printable Proforma.

  • Configure Prescriber Numbers for individual Providers.

To configure a Prescriber Number for a Provider

Use the wizard to create or Edit a Provider, and complete the Prescriber No. field in the Provider - Contracts screen:


  • or -

In the Provider File, edit the Prescriber Number field:


Making Providers Inactive

  1. Select File > Providers...

  2. In the Details tab do the following:

    1. Select the Provider.

    2. Tick (check) Not Active.

    3. Save.


Setting the Colour and Financial Details

  1. From the File > Providers screen, Details tab...

  2. Click the Set Colour buttons to set colours for Text Colour and COT Colour.

    Ensure that the text colour is easily readable.

    TIP: When setting text colours, choose a slightly darker shade of the Treatment Plan and appointment book colours, for the ‘Text’ colour. This will ensure consistency throughout the program.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

  4. Set the financial details as described below:

    Fee Schedule:


    This field sets the fee schedule the provider will use. The Default fee schedule is DEF. Change to an alternative fee schedule if required.

    Add, Edit and Delete from the Fee Schedule area.

    Override Pricing:


    This setting overrides the Patients Price Code (1-3) setting in the Patient File.

    By default this is set to Nil, which constrains EXACT to use the Patient’s Price Code.

    However, if you specify a specific Price Code, all fees recorded by this provider will be from the specified price code set in the Fee Schedule.

    Provider Type:

    Identifies the Provider’s speciality:


    Provider No.


    If required, specify the Provider’s code number.


    For some providers, you will need to enter the ABN code for tax purposes.

    Can’t Charge


    Use the check box to prevent the provider from charging. Generally, this is used only if the provider charges under an alternative provider code or becomes inactive.

    Can’t Receipt


    Use the check box to prevent the provider from being available in the ‘Patient Payments’ window.

    Not Active


    Use the check box to identify Providers who are no longer practicing at the practice. All provider details and transactions are still visible but the provider is not displayed in various areas of EXACT.

  5. After entering the above settings, click OK to display the Select Security Group window:

  6. Select a security group for the Provider and click OK again to save the basic Provider settings.


Configuring the Provider Appointments Tab

Select File > Providers, and select the Appointments tab:

Depending on the settings in the System Parameters, your Appointments tab will have either the Multi Column Book, the Single Column Book, or (as in the example above) both sets of fields displayed.

The following fields allow you to set some defaults for the Appointment Book for the current provider:

Appointment Colour / Set Colour

If you have the Multi-Column Book enabled in System Parameters, this field allows you to set a colour for the current provider’s appointments, to distinguish them from those for other providers.

Light colours are preferable as they make icons and text in the appointment box easier to distinguish.

Production Goals

If Production Goals have been enabled in the Configure > Appointment Book window, this button will be present

Appointment Book Start Time

This allows you to set the default (normal) start time for the provider’s appointments.

Appointment Book End Time

This allows you to set the default (normal) end time for the provider’s appointments.

Appointment Length

This allows you to set the default (normal) appointment length time for the provider’s appointments. A longer appointment may still be set if required, regardless of what this is set to.

Default Room

If the practice uses rooms, you can specify a default room, if the provider uses one room more than another.

Create Blocks and Clinics

Click the Create Blocks and Clinics button to open the Restrict Appointment Times window, which enables you to mark blocks of time when this provider is available or unavailable for appointments.

Email appointments

(Leave this field blank if you won't be using Email)

If appointments for this Provider’s patients are to be emailed to them, select the Email template by means of the selectors:

Only send an email if it changes the next booked time

By default this is un-checked.

If checked, send appointment emails to the Provider when those bookings affect their next booked time (in other words, when the Provider now has an appointment in advance of what was previously expected):

Warn when booking appointment x months (or more) in the future

Set up a check so that appointments aren't made too far in advance.

Stickman Queue

The "stickman" animated icons display in the Provider screen toolbar as a visual indication of how long a patient has been waiting at the arrivals door.

Sequential urgency: To show increasing urgency the indicators change sequentially the longer the patient waits.

Activation triggers: The indicators can be set to activate with either of these triggers:

  • The receptionist clicks on the patient

  • The scheduled appointment starts.

Duration for each indicator: The default times for each animated icon in the sequence are as shown in the image above, but you can edt these by either typing in a new number, or using the (up/down) buttons.

When you have completed setting up the Provider’s details, click the button to save them.

TIP: To transfer appointments from one provider to another provider, use the Search and Change facility.

Sending Booking Notification Emails to Providers

Providers can opt to receive Email notification when patients book with them through the practice appointment book and through online booking.

These notifications use a specified Email template.

Configuration options are for

  • No confirmation Emails,

  • All confirmation Emails or

  • Only confirmation Emails for appointments that are in advance of all other appointments (that are the most imminent appointments).

To configure EXACT to send booking-notification Emails to Providers

  1. Select File > Providers to open the Provider File.

  2. Use the selectors to select a Provider and then select the Appointments tab:

    Configuration is by means of the Email appointments template box and the checkbox Only send an Email if it changes the booked time.

    Select from the three possible configurations:

    • Don't send notifications (the template field is blank).

    • Send all appointment emails to the Provider:(un-checked is the default state)

    • Send appointment emails to the Provider when those bookings affect their next booked time (in other words, when the Provider now has an appointment in advance of what was previously expected):

  3. Select the Save button at the top of the screen (above the tabs).


Production Goals

The Production Goals tool is an aid to improve practice productivity and profitability.

It provides a means to set appointment book targets for each Provider, and then to track Provider performance against these targets in actual hours worked and income generated.


To enable Production Goals (Administrator)

(Requires Administrator-level access permissions)

Enable Production Goals for the dental practice:

  1. Select Configure > Appointment Books.

  2. In the Configure Appointment Book screen, check the Use Production Goals field in the bottom right corner and then select Close:


To set Production Goals for each Provider

(Requires Administrator-level access permissions)

Select File > Providers... and then do the following:


  1. Select a Provider.

  2. Open the Appointments tab for that Provider.

  3. Select the Production Goals button to open the View Goals for Provider window.

    Initially this window will show no values.

    Once populated it shows for each date:

    • The number of hours available (as set in the Provider's working hours),

    • The hours actually worked and the hourly or daily rate for those hours.

    • The goals for that day in terms of hourly rate and total for the day.

    • The percentage achieved against the goal (in the Differences % column).

  4. Select the [Set Goals] button.

  5. In the Set Goals for Provider window configure the settings:

    1. Specify a production period From Date... To Date...

    2. Set the days of the week that count towards the goals.

    3. Enter the expected Hourly or Daily Rate (the other Rate field updates automatically, so only one needs to be set).

    To set different hourly/daily rates for multiple days of the week, repeat the above process with different weekdays selected, but the same date range.

    To set the hourly or daily rate for a specific date, set both the From and To Date fields to the date required, then enter the expected rate in the field. If there are days where the provider doesn't work, either don't enter these days (they are defaulted to 0.00), or if you've already encompassed the date range they occur in, then go back and enter them individually with a rate of 0.00.

    To alter a production goal for a day, repeat the procedure above and change the hourly/daily rate figure.

    If the production goals for a period are not constant due to a varying work load, use both of the above methods to set realistic goals for a time period.

  6. Select [OK] to save the details.

  7. In the View Goals for Provider window select [Close] to return to the main desktop.

  8. Repeat this procedure for each Provider.


To review Production Goals per Provider

Once production goals have been configured for a Provider EXACT automatically starts tracking performance against those goals by monitoring how the Provider charts, completes and invoices patient treatments.

The production goals can be reviewed in two ways:

  • Through the View Goals for Provider window, as shown above, or

  • Through a configured appointment book Production Goals sub-tab:


Comparative example:

In the View Goals for Provider window:


This example shows that for 08/12/2016, so far the Provider has achieved 102.18 of a goal of 240.00 for the day, so he is currently 177.82 below target.

This equates to 36% of target, or 14.60 per hour, against an hourly target of 40.00.

In the appointment book Production Goals sub-tab:


This shows just the goal (280.00), the achieved (102.18) and a graphical / percentage representation.


Setting a Provider's Working Hours


  1. Click on the button to open the ‘Restrict Appointment Times’ window as shown below:

  2. Click the button to set up permanent working hours. The ‘Create Blocks’ screen will appear as shown below:

  3. In the ‘Rota Length (Weeks)’ field, enter the number of weeks in the Provider’s work cycle. To repeat the same hours every week, set the Rota Length to "1". If the provider works different hours on different weeks, select the appropriate number of weeks in the rota. As the number of weeks is increased, (up to a maximum of 6) an extra Tab will be added.

  4. In the ‘Start Date’ field, enter the date that the Provider’s appointments are to start from.

  5. Tick the check boxes beside each day in the ‘Works On’ column to indicate when the provider is available.

  6. Enter the appropriate start/end times for each day in the ‘Day Start’ and ‘Day End’ columns. If a lunch break is required, tick the ‘Include Lunch’ box, and enter a start time and a length or lunch and also. Repeat this method if breaks are required throughout the day.

    NOTE: Remember that unless you have reconfigured the use of the Enter key, the Tab key on the keyboard is used to move between fields, and that ‘AM’ and ‘PM’ must be specified (unless using/entering 24-hour times, e.g., "16:30").

  7. Complete the entries for the remaining weeks of the Rotation, if working with more than a 1-week rotation.

  8. Click the ‘OK’ button to enter the blocks into the appointment book for the selected provider.

  9. Select a colour for the Provider’s appointments and treatment plans, as previously described, to assist reception when booking appointments.



If the practice has EXDOCe enabled, a provider can choose to have appointments emailed to their ‘Inbox’ tab.

Creating an Appointment Book for a Provider

In order for appointments to be made with a provider, an appointment book must to be created for the provider, or a column added to an existing appointment book for them.

NOTE: This requires sufficient security privileges to be able to add, modify and delete security settings.

NOTE: The Appointment Book setup is also built into the Add Provider Wizard.

  1. From the ‘Configure’ menu, select ‘Appointment Book…’

    (This procedure is also invoked when you click the +1 button when you are adding or editing a new provider, and need to add a new appointment book):


  2. The Appointment Book window displays:

    Configure these fields and click the Appearance Options button to customise the appearance.

  3. Click the button to add an appointment book by means of the Setup wizard.

  4. The first screen of the wizard contains only instructions and information:

  5. On the first screen of the set-up wizard, read the instructions carefully, then press to open the ‘Some basic details…’ window:

  6. In the ‘Some basic details…’ screen, enter a name for the appointment book, to be displayed on the Workspace bar:

    Examples of names may be ‘Main’, ‘Diary’, ‘Appointments’, or the name of the provider.

  7. In the ‘Time Interval’ field, accept the default setting of 10 minutes or use the button to make a change. The time interval is the minimum appointment length for appointments.TIP: The best setting for this field is 5 minutes rather than the default of 10. This enables more flexibility with actual appointment lengths, and will allow more space on the appointment blocks in the View Day Area for displaying patient and appointment information, especially for short appointments.

  8. Use the ‘Start Time’ and ‘End Time’ fields to determine when bookable time will be displayed on the ‘View Week’ area of the appointment book. These times determine whether any grey, blocked off time, is seen before the start of the day and at the end of the day. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

    TIP: If the Facility opens from 8am to 5pm, set the start and end times to half an hour before and after Facility hours, to allow out-of-hours booking.

  9. If your practice has more than one room used by providers, and the provider you are setting up will be moving between rooms (such as when treating different patients), you will need to schedule rooms.
    If not, accept the default of "Do Not Schedule To Rooms".

  10. The last screen is used for setting up columns for the provider(s) in this new appointment book.
    You can choose narrow or wide columns. If ‘Narrow Column’ is selected, the provider will have a narrow column in the ‘View Day’ area of the appointment book, but will not be visible in the ‘View Week’ area of the appointment book. Whenever possible it is advisable to select a wide column.
    Highlight each provider required in this book, then click the "move" button (see below) to move them to the appointment book:

    The order in which Providers are listed within the ‘Selected Columns’ area is the order in which they will appear in the appointment book.To arrange Providers into any other order, use the Up and Down arrow buttons to move Providers up or down the list.

  11. If you need to create a new room, you can do this by clicking on the button below "Available Rooms":

  12. Click on the ‘Finish’ button to create the appointment book. This can now be selected and viewed on the workspace. Follow these steps again to create more appointment books if necessary.To transfer appointments for another provider to the current (new) provider, use the Search and Change facility.


Transferring Appointments Between Providers

here are two common reasons you may want to transfer patient appointments en masse:

Provider has left

A provider has left the practice and you want to change their patients and/or appointments over to a new provider.

This User Search and Change function can be used when a provider has left the practice and you want to change their patients and/or appointments over to a new provider.

Because of the changes this utility may make to the database, before you proceed it is imperative that you ensure that:

  • All other users are logged out of EXACT

  • You make a full backup of the system.

If you are at all uncertain about using this utility, please contact the Support Desk.

To run the Search and Change utility for a Provider who has left

  1. Click the Search and Change option at the bottom of the Administration menu:

  2. The first screen is informational; read the instructions carefully, then click the Next > button.

  3. From the Type of Search and Change screen, select the first option:

  4. Click the Next > button.

  5. The following screen will display:

  6. Enter the code for the ‘old provider’ who has left, or select using the or buttons. All providers will be listed, whether active or inactive.

  7. Enter the code for the ‘new provider’, or select using up/down arrows. Only providers of the same type as the ‘old provider’ (i.e., dentist, hygienist, etc.) may be chosen.(You may not transfer between different types of providers).

  8. You may transfer patients, appointments, or both. If you select appointments, the date field will default to today’s date, but may be changed to a later appointment date if required.

  9. The Next > button will be greyed out until all fields have been filled out correctly.
    When you click it, you will be given some final instructions before you opt to abort the process, make changes, or finish the search and change.



Read the instructions on the screen carefully. Note that if the change involves many patients, and your system is busy, the 'Search and Change' process may take quite some time to complete.
Up until the Finish button is clicked, you may still abort the process and use the < Prev button to make changes to your selection criteria.


Provider is on leave

A provider is on leave, so you want to transfer a group of appointments.

This User 'Search and Change' function can be used when a provider is taking some time off and you want to change appointments that have already been booked with them over to another provider.

Because of the changes this utility may make to the database, before you proceed it is imperative that you ensure that:

  • All other users are logged out of EXACT

  • You make a full backup of the system.

If you are at all uncertain about using this utility, please contact the Support Desk.

To run the 'Search and Change' to transfer appointments between Providers:

  1. Click the “Search and Change” option at the bottom of the Administration menu:

  2. The first screen is informational; read the instructions carefully, then click the button.

  3. From the "Type of Search and Change" screen, select the last option:

  4. Click the button.

  5. The following screen will be displayed:

  6. Enter (or use up/down buttons) the code for the provider who was booked to see the patients.

  7. Enter (or or select using up/down buttons) the code for the provider who will now be seeing the patients.IMPORTANT: Only providers of the same type as the original provider (i.e., dentist, hygienist, etc.) may be chosen. You cannot transfer between different types of providers.

  8. Select the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates for appointments; both dates must be today or in the future, and are inclusive.

  9. The Next > button will be ‘greyed out’ until all fields have been filled out correctly.
    When you click it, you will be given some final instructions before you opt to abort the process, make changes, or finish the search and change.

    NOTE: Read the instructions on the screen carefully. Note that if the change involves many patients, and your system is busy, the 'Search and Change' process may take quite some time to complete.
    Up until the Finish button is clicked, you may still abort the process and use the < Prev button to make changes to your selection criteria.



The ‘Waitlist’ tab allows wait list entries to be added and displayed for a provider.

To View Wait List entries for a Provider

  1. In the ‘Provider File’ window with the correct provider selected, click on the ‘Waitlist’ tab:

  2. Any patients already on wait lists for the provider will be displayed, with the wait list and patient’s name, along with the dates they were listed and assigned.

  3. See "To Add a Patient to a Wait List" for further details.


Adding a New Provider

  1. From the ‘File’ menu, select ‘Providers’ as shown below:

  2. The ‘Provider File’ window will open.

  3. Click the +1 button to open the Add User Wizard:NOTE: The fields in your provider file window may vary from those shown above, depending on what features and options you have configured on your system.


Adding a User/Provider Using the Wizard

Purpose: Easy, prompted creation and set up of a new user / provider

Requirement: Only EXACT logged in users with provider-level or administrator security can access this wizard.

To run the Add User/Provider Wizard

Run this wizard from either


Configure > Add User / Provider:


OR -

File > Providers window > Details tab,
and click the Edit Provider Wizard button, or click the +1 button to add a new Provider:



To use the Add User / Provider Wizard screens

IMPORTANT: EXACT only creates the new user/provider record when you complete the very last screen of the wizard. If you click the Cancel button at any point before completion, EXACT will discard that new user/provider record.


Enter the initials of the new provider.

If these already exist, an error message will alert you to this.

Indicate whether the new user requires an appointment book (Yes / No) before you can continue.

If you answer No to this prompt, the Next> button on the next screen of this wizard will change to a Finish button.


Enter (or select with the selector buttons) the appropriate Security Group (for example "DENTIST").

Specify whether this user has administrator privileges (Yes / No).

Set the password options according to your practice’s security policy. Password security can range from light (password never needs changing) through to strict (forcing the user to change their password regularly).

Optionally set a password for the user, and if necessary force them to choose a new confidential one of their own the next time they log in to the system.

The following options define the user’s password - how often it must be changed.

User must change password at next Login: For a new user or one who has forgotten their password. Either assign them a password in the ‘Password’ field and inform them what it is, or leave it blank. Either way, they must set a password next time they access EXACT.

User cannot change password: Use this if for some reason passwords are to be permanent, and/or are set by the administrator. This will be the user’s password until this option is unticked or the password is changed using this window.

Password never expires: The lowest level of security, particularly if the Password field is left blank. The password will remain the same unless changed in this window. If this option is ticked, the "change every [] days" is disabled.

User must change password every [ ] days: The highest level of security, particularly if the number of days is set very low (which can also be irritating for the user). You can use this with the other options unticked, or tick the ‘User must change password at next login’ option when setting up new users.

NOTE: If you answered No to “Does this user require an appointment book?” prompt on the previous screen, then the Next> button will have been replaced by a Finish button, and this will be the last screen of the wizard.


If you require the provider’s private address and contact details to be entered, you may do this on the next screen, or skip it by clicking the Next> button to continue.


You may also choose to have one of your preset email message reminders sent to this provider’s email address whenever an appointment is made with them.


Use this screen to set colours used in the practice diary.

Ensure that colours are distinctive, and cannot be confused with other Providers' colours.

Click the Review Provider Colours button to check currently used colours:


Recalls can be for Dentists or Hygienists:


Click the appropriate button to configure the appropriate rota window to enable the provider’s work and break hours to be set.

See Rota configuration screens below...

Single Week Rota:


Multi Week Rota:



Select the appointment book(s) that the provider is to appear on.

If the provider is already on a book or room, then the entries will be ticked by default.

NOTE: You must select (or be on) at least one book or room before you are allowed to continue.

Select books or rooms by placing a tick in the box on the line describing the appointment book.

You can only add the user to existing rooms or appointment books.
If the appropriate book or room is not present for some reason, you will have to complete adding the provider details, save the record, then create an appointment book

Use the Edit button to edit the details of the highlighted book or room.


When you click the Next> button, if the newly created provider is not already present on each of the ticked books, (s)he will be added as a wide column to the end of each of the ticked books. If a narrow column is required, you will need to edit the book.


Set the Provider's default Appointment Book parameters.

The Stickman Queue refers to the state of the patient within the Appointment Workflow: Arrive > In the Chair > Depart.

(Patient arrives in reception > Patient is moved to chair by Provider and treated by Provider > Patient departs through reception)

The Provider sees "stickman" icons of patients waiting to be moved to the chair:


The Animate Stickmen option allows you to specify animated actions that patient icons perform after x minutes of waiting.

In the example at left, a patient stickman icon will start toe tapping after 1 minute, Yoyo playing after 5 minutes, Yawning after 10 minutes, and Sleeping after 15 minutes.



Enabling a User to Add Other Users to a Different Security Group

Before EXACT v12.5 it was possible for a User to add another User to the same Security Group.

From v12.5 it becomes possible for a User to add a User to a different Security Group, given the appropriate settings.

  1. Go to Configure > Settings.

  2. Select User 1's security group.

  3. Scroll down to Configure > and check this checkbox: Add User / Provider

    With this security item checked, EXACT enables logged-in users to add a new user into a different security group to their own.

    If this security item is un-checked, the logged-in user is able to add a new user only to the security group to which that logged in user belongs to (as for pre v12.5 functionality).

  4. Click the Can Create Groups button.

  5. Decide which Security Groups the current group's users will be allowed to create, then in the Configure Security Group List window, move them into the right pane, and click OK:

    Your result will display in the Can Create Groups field:


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