com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.


Scheduler enables users to schedule a range of events, including reporting, exports, network backups, image compression, print jobs and batch invoice runs. These can be scheduled to run on a regular basis or as a one off scheduled event. Decreasing your admin time by having EXACT do the work for you on a regular basis and ensure you do not forget.


Multiple Event Types

Run an event to automatically compress images to save space


Multiple options with Provider reporting



  • At least one practitioner must be logged in while scheduled events are processed on a non-server computer.

    Users who create scheduled events in the Schedule Event Setup Wizard need to be aware of this when specifying a computer to process a scheduled event:


    For example, if a practitioner has Scheduled an Event to print on Any computer, and then attempts to log out, they get this warning:

    "EXACT has pending workstation scheduled events. Please ensure one EXACT workstation is left logged on in order to action these".

TIP: The reporting options are complex and potentially powerful. Your practice may benefit from a consultant who can help you plan a business strategy.



See: Scheduler


Manually Running a Scheduled Event Right Now

  1. Select the Event.

  2. Click Action Now.


Scheduled Reports and the Action Now option

Running Action Now on a scheduled report does not apply the scheduled report parameters for today's date, unless the report schedule actually specifies today as a run date.

EXACT sees a Scheduled Report as an inflexible dated task list.

Each time that you Action Now it completes and ticks off the next dated task in that list.

So when you run Action Now on a scheduled report, EXACT runs the next report in the schedule and then considers that task to have been completed in the schedule.


Report A is scheduled to run on the 25th of every month.

Today is 10th January.

If I Action Now, EXACT runs Report A for 25th January, even though today is 10th January.

If I again Action Now, it then runs Report A for 25th February, even though today is 10th January.

If I again Action Now, it then runs Report A for 25th March, even though today is 10th January.

Missed Scheduled Events

If scheduled events could not be run automatically by EXACT (for example, because the system was shut down), then when a user re-logs in, a Missed Scheduled Events window becomes active:


Text instructions are included on the screen.

Click the Cancel All button to cancel all events and close the screen.

Editing a Scheduler event

  1. From The Scheduler screen, select the Event and click the Edit button

    or double-click the Event.

    The Scheduled Event wizard opens at the first screen.

  2. Proceed as for Creating a new Scheduler event

Backing up the Practice Database

Open the Scheduler (for example, File > Scheduler...)

Follow the same steps as for Creating a new Scheduler event, but the screens will differ slightly to cater for the backup requirement:








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