Reputation Management in EXACT for Customer Radar
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Reputation Management in EXACT for Customer Radar


Customer Radar allows your practice to send feedback surveys to patients post appointment from EXACT and receive feedback back from your patients. You can customize your feedback messaging to get feedback on whatever suits your practice and its all neatly stored in the Customer Radar dashboard. More importantly, it allows patients to review your practice on Google Reviews.


  1. Promotes Google Reviews - Allowing your patients to leave their feedback not only on Customer Radar but Google Reviews.

  2. Brand reputation protection - As bad reviews if not collected would result in patients going right to Google reviews and leaving a bad review that can never be deleted.

  3. Business improvement strategies - Getting feedback allows your practice to hone into what is good and what is ugly.

Setup Guide

A. Where to SETUP the Customer Radar Patient Query

This is where you will learn to set up your Reputation Manager.

Step 1. Open Exact

Step 2. Click configure from the top menu.

Step 3. Click “automatic appointment follow ups…”

Step 4. Follow prompts if requested to such as “next”


B. Setup Reputation Message to send

This is where you will learn how to create SMS or Email templates to send out to get reputation feedback.

Step 1. Create the template.

Creating an Email or SMS template is not new news but if you need assistance please contact support or follow the guide below.

Click configure then which template you wish to create, in the example, we will select: “SMS Templates”

Step 2 Add new template

Click “+1”

Step 3. Add a code (can be anything), Description (can be anything) and your SMS message. Click ok.

Here is where you add your content for the message and you can give it a name and code - I suggest both be named clearly what they are. ie: SMSFEEDBACK1


C. Select Patients

Lastly, you need to set a rule as to WHO can receive this message as you do not want to bombard patients every time they come in for an appointment.

Step 1. Go to the Automatic Appointment Follow-ups window in Exact as per section A of this document.

 Step 2. Click the menu button (highlighted in blue below)

Step 3. Click the “+1” button on the view query templates window

Step 4. Click “insert patient selections” on the Add query template window.

 Step 5. Click “Communication Sent” then “OK”

Step 6. Set Patient Selection
Here is where you can set your survey to only go out to patients who either have or have not received their reputation survey in the last X months. This is so you do not bombard your patients with surveys and perhaps only survey them once or twice a year. Your choice.

In this example, we are going to set it to: “Go out to patients who have NOT “Patients without” received a Reputation Survey SMS in the last 12 months.”

Please make sure you select the right SMS or EMAIL template as per the highlighted box in the screenshot below.

Click “OK” then “OK” then… “OK”.

You are done. See Section C to review and press “FINISH”.

With all the above set. Your EXACT should look something like this and you are ready to go, press Finish to save.


D. Apply SMS or Email templates to Customer Radar Patient Query

This is where you will learn to put all the steps in this how-to - together.


Step 1. Go to the Automatic Appointment Follow-ups window in Exact as per section A of this document.

  • Step 2. Select the TYPE of communication means such as SMS, Letter or Email.

  • Step 3. Select the times in-which you want the comm to go out ie: 1 hour (Note: This is how long after their appointment you want the message to be sent).

  • Step 4. Select the template you created in section B.

  • Step 5. Select patients template (see section C)

  • Step 6. Click Finish.

You are done! Your new brand message will be sent out via the TYPE of message you want to send X hours/days after their appointment to a group of customers using your new template.

ie: Send an EMAIL with CUSTRADAR template, 1 hour after an appointment to patients who have not received this message before in the past 12 months.


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