Allocated Payments Report
Report Purpose: We recommended this report for paying providers. It shows receipts (payments) allocated to invoices (and vice versa).
i.e Both the work has been completed, the payment taken and the items are allocated together.
Use it to show all payments that have been allocated during the specified period, summarised by Provider and Payor, in order to pay Providers for work that they have done that has been invoiced to and paid by the patient.
The report summarises by Treatment Payor Type, which gives practices the choice to pay Providers at different percentage rates for treatment completed under different Payor Types.
The option is also available to include advanced payments (deposits).
This report can be run to include full details for each allocation (i.e Date of the invoice and receipt and how much of each has been allocated together)
When to run this report
Run this report for all Providers at regular intervals (normally weekly or monthly).
Also run the report for specified Providers only, when needed.
The resulting report shows:
Total Current Receipts
Total Receipts Allocated to Invoices (adjustments, payor invoices and patient invoices)
Total Unallocated Receipts (advance payments)
Total Extra Items sold.
To Run the Allocated Payments Report
Select Administration menu > Reports and select Allocated Payments:
Specify Provider or Providers:
Leave the Provider(s) field blank to report on all payments received by the practice:
- or -
Specify a single Provider by means of the standard selectors, or by typing the Provider code.
- or -
Click the Multiple button to choose multiple Providers with various parameters:
Use the From and To fields are used to select the date range for the report.
You can change the (defaulted) dates byEditing them, or
Clicking the button to use the drop-down options.
For example: or
Clicking in the date box then clicking on the button to select a date from the calendar displayed.
Select one of the Summary options:
Simple Summary - the report will include a summary of the total allocated for each provider selected, by payor.
Summarise by Patients Dentist (recommended) - the report will include a summary of payments for work done for other Providers patients. This may be useful if a dentist has covered for sickness or to see how many Providers are referring to a hygienist.
Summarise by Who Got Paid - as the title suggests, this shows the allocations to Providers to whom the payments were made.
Use the drop-down menu to specify either Details, Summary, or Details and Summary in the printout:
For an overview that save print paper, select the Summary Only (you can always reprint selecting more details if required).
To show individual patient invoice and payor payment details, select either Details Only or Details and Summary (don't select the Summary Only option).
Do you pay Providers for Advance Payments / Deposits, or not?
If your practice pays your Providers for advanced payments or deposits taken, leave the Hide Advance Payments field un-checked (i.e. you want to see Advance Payments details).
However, if your practice only pays Providers for receipt of money for work already completed, then you have no need to see the details of Advance Payments, and you can check (tick) this checkbox (i.e. you want to hide Advance Payment details)
The Print dialogue has the standard button options to Print, Preview, Email, Export (as CSV, which is suitable for a spreadsheet or word-processing program) or Close:
The print output depends on the various parameters that you selected.
Note that regardless which Summary option you chose (Simple Summary, Summarise by Patients Dentist or Summarise by Who Got Paid), a second summary of one or more pages will always print as the last section - this totals the allocations and advance payments to each provider, by payor.
Example Page 1:
Example Page 2:
Interpreting the Allocated Payments Report
To view the detail of Advance payments now allocated in this reporting period
In the Details section of the report, an Advanced Payments Now Allocated section details the advance payments that have been allocated in this reporting period.:
Provider and Payor Type shown against Invoices
This is visible in the Details section of the report. It shows where the payment has been allocated. For example:
In the above example, payment was temporarily to an Unknown Payor, but was then allocated to a Private invoice.
To track the total figure of Advance Payments now allocated within a reporting period:
See the last page of the report, under the Notes section:
Receipt paid to one Provider but allocated to another (Transfer Provider column):
When a receipt shows as being paid to one Provider but allocated to another, it indicates that when the payment was originally taken, it was under the first Provider (RJB in the example above) but then once the treatment was done, it was transferred to the correct Provider (AG in the example above).
NOTE: The Transfer Provider column is irrelevant if you bank all receipts into a single bank account.
Using a flat percentage for allocated receipts vs using different percentages:
The above difference also applies to Advanced Payments, when these are configured to be displayed:
Advance Payment has been allocated and shows as a negative figure, so that it is not paid to the Provider twice
In a period where an Advance Payment has now been allocated, it will show as a negative figure in the Advance Payments section, and a positive figure in the Total Allocated To section, which results in the figures cancelling each other out for the period. For practices that pay on advanced payments, this ensures that once the money is allocated, it is not paid to the Provider twice.
If Simple Summary is selected in the Report Options window:
The detail section of the report has the following detail of current receipts used to pay for invoices or advance payments, broken out by receipt:
Date | The date that the receipt was processed. |
Details | This column shows: the receipt number, the patients name, the date of the invoice and the invoice number that the receipt relates to. It will also show any adjustments that may have been made to receipts or invoices. |
Trns Prov. | Entries in this column show the initials of the provider who created the invoice. This is who the receipt has been processed to, and therefore the payment has been allocated to. |
Note: In order to get complete and accurate allocation figures for each specified provider, the report must include everything that is allocated to or from that provider, including receipts and adjustments. Therefore this column may sometimes contain codes of providers who were not included in the selection criteria, if they were the provider who created the invoice or adjustment. | |
Payor | Displays the payor for the treatment. |
Receipt | The total value of the receipt. |
Invoices: | |
Adjusts | Shows any adjustments such as refunds that were made. This does not include receipt adjustments. |
Payor | This shows the amount the payor has paid. |
Patient | This shows the amount the patient has paid. |
Advance Payment | This shows only if any advance payments were made, and the Hide Advance Payments option is not ticked. |
After the main body of the report prints, a second section is printed, which shows a summary for the report, broken down by provider into allocations and advances. For each provider, all payor types are listed. For each of these payors it shows any adjustments, payor invoices, patient invoices, and a total, for both the allocated and advance payment sections of the summary.
This part of the report will include the following information:
Receipts totalling | The total for ALL receipts for the selected period. |
Below this are the summary figures for the allocations and advances, by payor, per provider. | |
Payor | This column shows the payor, including Private and Unknown. |
Invoice Adjusts | Adjustment totals for each provider/payor combination. |
Payor Invoice | This shows the total the payor has paid |
Patient Invoice | This shows the total of all patient contributions that have been paid towards payor-covered treatment. |
Advance Payment | Any advance payments made to a provider are totaled by payor. |
Totals | This shows the total amount of all payments and adjustments that have been made to a provider, broken down by payor. |
If “Summarise by Patient's Dentist” is selected in the report options window:
Both the detail and summary sections are the same as for the Simple Summary option above, except there is a Pats Prov. column that in each of the detail lines shows who the patients provider was.
If “Summarise By Who Got Paid” is selected in the report options window:
The detailed section is the same as the Simple Summary option above.
The summary section is the same as the Simple Summary option above, except it has an extra column for Trns Provider and the report is broken down by the provider to whom the payment for treatment was allocated, and shows under this the providers who were actually paid for the treatment. It may include providers who were not included in the selection criteria, if those providers made or received allocations from one of the specified providers.
GST reporting:
Even zero-value rows are displayed:
The Detailed reporting option will always display Invoice Numbers:
So long as a Receipt is unallocated, that Payor will be shown as 'Unknown':
Payor Type 'Open Balance'
Payor Type 'Mixed'
Refund Adjustments are shown under Advanced Payment:
This also applies to an advanced payment that is partially refunded due to the treatment not yet being completed.
Transfers between Providers or Payors:
Transfers usually occur when there has been an adjustment or an overpayment.
If an advance payment is received to Provider A and the subsequent treatment is done by Provider B, and the invoice and receipt are allocated to each other, the transfer will show in the Transfers between Providers or Payors section:
Patient to Patient receipt transfers where the receiving patient has a credit balance which is unallocated:
For Patient to Patient receipt transfers where the receiving patient has a credit balance which is unallocated, the Payor column will show as Unknown. The original receipt from the transferring patient will stay as their original Payor Type.
Patient to Patient receipt transfers when the receipt is fully allocated:
For Patient to Patient receipt transfers when the receipt is fully allocated, the Payor column will show the applicable Payor from the invoice to which the payment was allocated.
Patient to Patient receipt transfers when the receipt transfer is to multiple invoices with more that one Payor:
For Patient to Patient receipt transfers when the receipt transfer is to multiple invoices with more than one Payor, the Payor column will show as Mixed.
Write Offs
Only write offs that are written off to a different provider from the original invoice Provider will show on the report, in the Transfers Between Providers or Payors section. Write offs to the same Provider as the original invoice do not involve receiving a payment and therefore should not appear.
Write offs will always have the same Payor and Provider as the invoice they are writing off, even if write offs are created for a batch of mixed Payor invoices.
Report Notes - "Unknown" Payors
You may see a line in the Notes section of the report:
The payor will be 'unknown' when the payment is not fully allocated at the time the payment was taken.
The receipt should not change from one report period to the next, so the report always uses the posting date position for the receipt as its starting value.
Consequently, the payor can remain 'unknown' even when the payment is later fully allocated.
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