Online Appointments Tab
The Online Appointments tab show a list of past and future appointments booked via booked online. You will need to have Online Booking enabled and your user must have the security permissions to access this tab before it becomes available.
More information on how to add tabs onto the appointment book can be found here - Adding Activity Tabs to the Appointment Book
The Online Appointments tab will display all appointment From the date selected at the bottom.
Appointments can be ticked as actioned by ticking the check box on the left hand column. To show actioned appointments click the show actioned box
Appointment Type
New: New Patient (not registered at the Practice) requesting an appointment.
Planned treatment: Treatment has been planned by a clinician.
Existing: A registered patient making an unplanned appointment.
Recall: Patient using the recall link
Optionally filter by choosing one of the Show options and the From date.
The list will always sort by date and time
Appointment Notes
If any notes were added during the booking stage a yellow note symbol will display. You may need to take note of this or do something before the appointment commences.
Click the Notes icon to display the notes that the patient entered when making the appointment on the portal.
Potential Duplicate Record
If a patient could be a possible duplicate record then it will display a warning triangle message.
If there is a possible duplicate, follow the procedure for Creating New Patient Records from online appointments.
CALL ME indicator
CALL ME indicator: If the patient has indicated that they want a call back the row appears in Red and the word CALL ME displays next to the patient name.
Contacting the patient via the Online Booking Tab
You can contact patients from this tab by choosing the icon.
For example you can select the email icon to email
Telephone status indicators. These are customisable status indicators that will vary across Practices. Initially they are grey, but they can be clicked to change colour and thereby indicate status.
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