Accessing Previously Signed FP17/GP17prs
UK Only
This is under the CliniPad help section but also applies to PR forms signed via Patient Portal
Before an NHS COT the patient must sign a FP17pr/GP17pr form to consent to being examined by a dentist and state any exemptions they have. These forms will stay in your EXACT Database but sometimes you will be required to produce this by the BSA/PSD.
You need to navigate to the NHS FP17/GP17 window which can be done in a number of ways with 2 examples below:
Open the patient file and click on Patient Transactions (£ symbol), highlight the invoice for that NHS COT and then click on FP17 button.
2. Open the patient file and go to the chart tab. Go to the History page (H) button, highlight any treatment that was done as part of that COT and click on the FP17 button in bottom left.
Once in the FP17 section click on the FP17 tab and then select “View Signed FP17PR” form or if in Scotland you can view Part 1 or Part 2 of the GP17PR form.
This will open the PDF which you can then print off or email to the NHS as required.
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