Creating a Roster
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Creating a Roster

Rosters are useful for scheduling when providers will be working within specific Rooms.
Rooms must be enabled on the appointment book before rosters will be visible.
Rosters can overlap and combine two different provider types into a room at the same times (i.e Dentist & Hygienist).

Creating a Roster

  1. Drag to define an appointment area, right-click and choose Add Roster...

  2. Enter details in the Add Roster Window and then click OK:

    The roster displays in the Appointment Book, labelled with the Provider initials:


Creating Overlapping Rosters in one Room

From EXACT version 11.3, it is possible to roster two Providers in a single room, so long as they are different Provider Types (Dentist and Hygienist).

  1. Create a Roster with one Provider.

  2. Repeat the procedure - drag over the same area of the Appointment Book and add a second Provider, ensuring that the second Provider is a different Provider Type to the first.

  3. The roster changes outline colour and is now labelled with both Provider names:

  4. Mouseover the Roster and check that the tooltip reflects the correct information:


Editing Overlapping Rosters in one Room

  1. Right-click the Roster and select Edit Roster for [Provider]

  2. Edit the Provider details in the Roster window and then click OK:


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