Departures Tab
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Departures Tab


The functions in this tab have been largely superseded since EXACT V10.16 by the departure bar, which is part of the Appointment Workflow. This is our recommended means of managing patient departures. However, The Departures Tab remains especially useful for viewing past completed departures by means of the Show All checkbox.

By default the tab displays patients that have arrived and are being processed for today. It has various tools for processing the departure:

Once a patient is completed, that patient disappears from the list, but you can re-display the patient by checking the Show All checkbox:

The Departures tab columns and tools:

The departures tab displays patients that have been ticked as arrived or that are in the chair.
On each data row there are the following columns:



If the patients are part of a family group, a family icon will appear in this column.


The “tickbox”column shows the appointment status. There are three status indicators:
= Patient is still present in surgery
= The hand symbol is present when the patient has completed their appointment in the surgery. The upturned hand is meant to represent the receptionist saying “wait a minute” whilst they check out what needs to be done before the patient can leave the practice.

NOTE: If you choose to not use the Departures functionality, appointments will be left in the book showing the symbol instead of the tick (see below).
It is perfectly OK to leave the appointments with this status - you do not have to use the Departures tab if you don't wish to.

= Patient has completed their appointment and left the surgery.
(Note: This shows only if the 'Show All' tickbox has been checked.)


Shows the scheduled appointment time.
If the column heading is clicked, the sorting on this column will be reversed.


Shows the actual time the patient was marked as having arrived.


Displays if a photo has been saved to the Patient File.


Shows the patient’s full name.


Shows the initials of the provider that they were going to see that day.


Rooms can optionally be configured for the practice and used by providers.


Shows the patient’s current balance. This allows the receptionist to make sure that the patient is not leaving whilst still owing money.


Shows the value of work planned on this day on this patient. If there is an amount in this column the receptionist may want to ensure that there is a future appointment booked, by checking the Next Appt column.
If there is no work planned then the column is left blank.


Shows the value of work completed on this day on this patient. If there is amount here, the receptionist may - depending on practice procedures - want to make sure that there is a similar amount in the Charged column.
If there is no work completed then the column is left blank.


Shows the value of any invoices created this day, charged against treatment. The receptionist may want to make sure that the patient has paid this amount. They can do this by looking in the collected column, which shows the amount of money collected from the patient today.
If no work was invoiced then the column is left blank.
If a zero dollar invoice was charged through then the column should show 0.00


Shows the value of any receipts received from the patient on this day.
If there are no receipts then the column is left blank.

Next Appt

Shows the date of the patient’s next appointment if they have one.
If they have no future appointments it is left blank.

Recall Date

Shows the date of the patient’s next recall date if it’s in the future, otherwise it is blank.

Recall Date

Shows the date of the patient’s next recall date if it’s in the future, otherwise it is blank.


Type to overwrite today's date, or use the controls to select a date. Departures will display for the specified date.

(You can also Show All departures)


When the receptionist has finished taking money and reappointing the patient, they click the appointment through one more stage. This turns the hand into a tick , and the patient disappears from the Departures List.

It is perfectly OK to leave appointments with the status if you do not wish to use the Departures tab.


Putting a tick in the Show All tick box will ‘bring back’ patients that were previously hidden because they had been ticked. A practice manager would use this tick box to perform a review at the end of the day to make sure all patients had been checked out correctly. A receptionist might use this view to bring back a patient that had been ticked incorrectly.

Conversely, un-ticking this box will hide checked-out patients.


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