The UDA Tab
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The UDA Tab

The UDA tab is an activity tab available on the Patient Chart. When selected it will show the current situation for the logged in provider. If you are not logged in as a performer, or you aren't assigned a target on a NHS contract then nothing will show in the tab.

The tab will show one bar graph for each current contract that the performer has a target against. Each graph shows the contract number above it, and whether the contract is for UDAs or UOAs. At the end of the graph the target for that performer is shown.

The blue line on the graph shows the 'ideal' current position, based on the number of hours worked, against the total number of hours to be worked on the contract. The position of the blue line will gradually shift from left to right as time passes. The number printed on the graph is the number of UDAs that the performer has achieved (including unconfirmed ones) against the contract. This number is split out into confirmed and unconfirmed UDAs/UOAs and displayed in text above each graph.

The coloured bar is drawn from left to right showing the number of UDAs achieved in proportion to the total target for the contract. The colour bar changes colour to indicate how the performer is tracking to their target:

  • If the UDAs are within 1% (of total target) either side of the blue bar tracking target then the bar is drawn in green.

  • Greater than 1% ahead of tracking target or between 1-4% behind the bar is drawn in orange.

  • Greater than 4% behind the tracking target or over the total target the bar is drawn in red.

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