Setting up WebEDI (NHS England)
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Setting up WebEDI (NHS England)

Before undertaking any work in EXACT you will first need to make sure you have your WebEDI account set up in compass. To do this follow the steps here.

You will need to complete the following steps in EXACT on a PC that has the modem attached or broadband connected to it.

  1. Go to the File > Payors.

  2. Enter NHS or PDS in the ‘Code’ field (alternatively you may already have NHS set up on your workspace bar, if so click on this).

  3. Click on the Transmit set up button.

  4. Select Transmit via WebEDI then select Next and Next again

  5. You will now need to enter the username, password and site number shown on your WebEDI activity account in Compass then select Next.
    It is best to copy and past these in to avoid errors.

  6. Select Connect via a LAN and then click Finish.

  7. Check your location number is correct in Configure > Practice Information. If it is not please add or amend it.

  8. You can now transmit if you are not sure how to transmit please view Transmitting NHS England Claims

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