Creating Blocks and Clinics
Clinics: Used for zoning out specific sections of the appointment book, i.e Emergency, Private appointments.
Blocks: Used to block the appointment book rota off for one or more providers to prevent appointments from being booked. i.e Meetings, Clean Up Time, Holidays.
Both Blocks and Clinics are created via similar workflows and can be done as one-off instances or made to be recurring (i.e Weekly Meetings, Emergencies Clinics)
For blocking off Public Holidays see: Configuring Holidays
To create a Clinic or Block from the appointment book
At the appropriate place in the appointment book View Day area, Right click or drag to select the period with the right mouse button, then select an option (Add Clinic or Add Block) from the menu:
For creating Rosters see: Creating a Roster
For a recurring event, check (tick) the Repeat Interval checkbox and specify the repeat interval in days (i.e 7 days so it happens the same day each week, 1 day to repeat it for every day). Leave it unticked if this is a one-off event for that day.
Select an appointment category for Clinics. The Category determines the colour and shading for the Clinic in the appointment book. Click the button next to the Appointment Category field to see the full list or to create a new category.
Add to all Providers
Use this checkbox when blocking off events that apply to all Providers, such as Practice training courses, Practice meetings or bank holidays.
Configuration screen examples
Add a one-off (single) Clinic:
You can also select a specific payor or Private so only those types of appointments can be booked within this clinic slot.
Add a one-off (single) Block:
To add an image click the button on the right of the description field and add/edit a new Block and select a picture and browse for an image stored on the computer.
The provider's column now shows this image between the dates/time’s specified.
You can access the Add Block/Clinic option in 2 other areas:
1. Click the appointment book Provider column Bar to expand it then selecting the red/white button. You’ll see the Add Block, Clinic… button here.
2. File, Providers, select the provider, then the ‘Appts’ tab, and click on the ‘Create Blocks and Clinics’ button
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