Checking Patient Portal Form Completion
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Checking Patient Portal Form Completion

You can see which forms have been completed and which are still outstanding by using the Arrivals Tab on the Appointment Book. You can change the date and see in advance of the appointment who has completed their required forms

Adding the Arrivals Tab to Your Appointment Book

  1. Go to File->Appointments and click on the appointment book you are using

  2. Click on the spanner in the bottom right.

  3. Tick ‘Select which tabs for your activity bar’ and click Next

  4. Click Next again.

  5. Highlight Arrivals on the left side and click on the >> button to move to the right.

  6. Click Finish


What the Form icons mean

New icons on the arrivals tab provide a quick and easy way to see which patients have outstanding forms to complete in their portal. If the patient has an outstanding form request in their portal, the icon will display black. Once the patient completes and submits a form in the portal the icon will display green.

Only the relevant icons will be displayed depending on applicable forms for your practice.

Icons display left to right in the following order:

  1. Health Screening Form

  2. Medical History

  3. Contact Consent

  4. Terms and Conditions

  5. Patient Demographics

  6. Oral Health Survey

  7. NHS Declaration (PR Form)

Only the relevant icons will be displayed depending on applicable forms for your practice.

Available from 13.164


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