HICAPS response and error codes
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HICAPS response and error codes

When processing a HICAPS transaction, you will be presented with a two-digit response code. This code identifites the reason the payment was approved or declined.

These codes are responses sent by HICAPS when action is required relating to the transaction being processed. HICAPS have created full list of all the terminal codes online.

HICAPS contact information
Website - www.hicaps.com.au
Help Desk - 1300 650 852

User Guide - https://www.hicaps.com.au/forms/hicaps-user-guide
HICAPS Response and Error Codes - https://www.hicaps.com.au/forms/terminal-codes-user-guides

Common error codes

H3 - Timed out waiting for response

This code is displayed when there is a delay in HICAPS receiving information from the terminal.

01 - Prov not approv (15)

The provider has not been approved by fund.

You will need to contact the HICAPS help desk to resolve this issue.

ED - Destination error

You will need to contact the HICAPS help desk to resolve this issue.

FC - Field content error

Some characters will be incorrect in the patient ID.

  1. Check non-numeric fields such as patient ID, body part number, service date and amount for non-numeric data. e.g. anything other than accept ‘0’ to ‘9’.

  2. Alpha numeric field such as item number contains symbols. e.g. anything other than ‘A’ to ‘Z’, ‘a’ to ‘z’, ‘0’ to ‘9’ and spaces).

You will need to contact the HICAPS help desk to resolve this issue.

05 - Limit reached

When the patient has reached the limit of their of their benefit. To resolve this, the patient is required to provide the funds by another payment method.

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