Claims Central & Transmitting NHS Scotland Claims
The Claims Central window shows Completed Claims (inc claim status), Claims Awaiting Transmission, Claims Awaiting Response and Claims with an Unresolved Response as well as the last Payment Schedule that was received.
Accessing Claims Central
Select File > Payors.
Select the Active Scottish NHS Payor
Click the Claims Central button for the NHS Scotland payor to launch the Claims Central window:
Claims Central functionality
From this Claims Central window, practitioners can
Choose Claim (and Transmit) to send any unheld claims in Completed COTs. Please note: pressing claim only does not send the COTs to the board.
During Claiming a user can also then choose to Transmit.
If there are pending claims (for example, from earlier) in Awaiting Transmission, the practitioner can choose Transmit: The screen below will show and pressing OK will transmit the claims.The progress of transmissions will move depending on which section they appear in. e.g. If you claim but do not transmit they will show in Awaiting Transmission
- before you transmit they will show in Completed COTs. If you click on Completed COTs you can hold all claims or just one which means it will not be claimed until you unhold it, resubmit the COT and View the treatment on the COT.If you claim but do not transmit they will show in Awaiting Transmission
Any COT you have transmitted but have not done a transmission since will show in Awaiting Response
Any COT that has been transmitted and has been rejected by the eDental system will show in Unresolved responses. If you click unresolved responses you can view the responses, resubmit to correct the claim, resolve if no change is needed and view the GP17 (if the response is no signee on completion you can correct this by entering the details on the GP17 and pressing save).
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