MPC (MyPractice & MultiPractice Cloud)
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MPC (MyPractice & MultiPractice Cloud)

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MyPractice Cloud is an integrated third-party cloud reporting platform that allows you to analyse and track the performance of your practice from any mobile device, tablet or PC that has access to the Internet.

MultiPractice Cloud provides the equivalent for a corporate group of practices, but includes group-level functions and comparison of practice statistics.

EXACT provides a link to the MPC website and then integrates your data with the website's reporting system so that MPC reports are valid for your practice.

EXACT Defaults:

The MPC button is visible by default in your EXACT workspace toolbar, but can optionally be hidden.

The MPC Lite version is enabled by default, providing an overview without the capability to drill down into reports.
You can optionally sign up at the MPC website for the full service.


  • Access MyPractice Cloud from a button on the EXACT main desktop. The button is visible by default but can optionally be hidden.
  • Responsive layout enables viewing on multiple media.
  • Allow designated employees to have access to your practice reports.
  • View practice calendars and share documents.
  • Standard EXACT reports and also MyPractice Cloud reports.
  • Reports have graphical data representations.
  • Export or print reports.
  • For practices with multiple locations, MyPractice Cloud also gives you the ability to access individual or collective reports and to compare them alongside one another, giving you easy access to everything you need for your daily planning.
  • The MyPractice Cloud dashboard updates in real time and gives you a snapshot of your practice data. From here you can drill down into each report to analyse vital statistics.


Sample screens:











  • A powerful business tool - keep your finger on the pulse of your practice or your group of practices.
  • Convenience - Monitor your practice metrics and performance from any connected device 24/7.
  • View a single screen snapshot or drill down - MyPractice Cloud Dashboard provides a quick snapshot of your performance, but from here you can drill down into onscreen reports or export reports to see critical statistics such as income, product sales, failure to attends, and waiting times.
  • Caters to single practices or groups of practices - Mypractice Cloud for single practices and Multipractice Cloud for groups.
  • Multipractice monitoring - If your business has multiple practices, access individual or collective reports through Multipractice Cloud and compare practice performance.
  • Compare your practice with others - Benchmark your practice performance against industry averages so that you can see how you are doing compared to others.
  • Integrated with EXACT - Seamlessly access MyPractice Cloud analytics without dialling in to a separate application.


  • EXACT version 11.8 or later.
  • The Lite version is default and provides only Overview KPI Summary report information (you cannot drill down into the reports). Please contact your Software of Excellence account manager or the Support Desk for further information on the full version.

    You can also find more information on the MyPractice Cloud website Open in New Window icon, where you have the option of signing up for the full MPC service.


Financial Reports

Income Report

This report shows, for all selected practices, the total of all invoices raised within the reporting period, together with any invoice adjustments made within the reporting period. These invoice total amounts are displayed in groups by practice.

Both patient invoice and payor invoice amounts are included in the values shown.

These totals are further broken down on the rows by provider, and on columns by the invoice payor category.

Provider Type

The category of provider, e.g. Dentist or Hygienist.


The name and unique provider code.

Payor codes

These relate to the payor code a particular invoice is associated with. This could be ‘Private’ (blank payor code in EXACT), NHS for a UK NHS payor, or a specific payment plan (e.g. DENPLAN). The value in a particular payor code column represents the total of all invoices & invoice adjustments for that particular payor in the reporting period.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Income by Provider

This report is similar to the ‘Income Report’, and shows the total amount from all patient invoices raised in the reporting period, together with invoice adjustments raised in the period.

Only patient invoices are included, payor invoice amounts are not included.

For each selected practice, the total of all invoice amounts are shown, broken down by transaction category, provider and invoice payor.

Transaction Category

This shows the transaction category – Amounts Invoiced shows invoice totals grouped together, Invoice Adjustments shows invoice adjustment totals grouped separately;


Within the Amounts Invoiced category, the totals are further split by invoice provider code;

Adjustment Type

Within the Invoice Adjustments category, the totals are split by the type of invoice (e.g. Invoice Correction).


A grand total row that shows the total values from each row within a particular column (e.g. all Private invoice and invoice adjustment amounts);.

Payor Name columns

Invoice or invoice adjustment values are shown in different payor columns, according to the payor associated with the invoice. For UK practices, all NHS payors are aggregated under the NHS column. All ‘stock’ invoices are aggregated under the ‘Product Sales’ column (e.g. invoices for sundry items such as toothbrushes or floss). This is based on whether an invoice is classed as a ‘stock’ invoice or not within EXACT.

Grand Total

The total of all column values on a particular row.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Clicking on any of the amount values in this report will bring up the Patient Transaction Detail report in a new browser tab, for the specific transaction category, provider and payor from which the value was chosen.

Patient Transaction Detail

This report is not available from the MPC ‘Financial’ menu as a separate report, but only accessible via drilldown from either the Income By Provider or Patient Charges Control reports.

It shows details of the transactions whose amounts were totalled to give the overall amount on the parent report. If accessed from the Income By Provider, it will only show invoices or invoice adjustment transactions. From the Patient Charges Control report, it can show invoices or receipts.

It has the following fields:


The overall transaction category of the section in the parent report from where the drilldown action was initiated. For example, Amounts Invoiced, or Invoice Adjustments.


If the parent report shows sub groups of the transaction category, that sub grouping is shown in this field, where this shows the full description of this sub group. E.g. an invoice adjustment subgroup might show as ‘Invoice Correction’.

Sub-Category Code

Similar to Sub-Category, but in the case of invoice adjustments, will show the code, rather than the description. E.g. when Sub-Category shows Invoice Correction, this field would show say ‘INVOICECOR’. For other transaction types, will show the same as field Sub-Category.


The transaction date, e.g. invoice or receipt date.


Patient code to which the transaction relates.

Provider ID

The provider code associated with the transaction.

Transaction ID

The unique identifying transaction number, e.g. receipt number or invoice number.


The COT (Course Of Treatment) number to which the transaction relates.

Payor Category

The payor associated with the transaction.


The amount of the transaction.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

Invoiced Work by Owning Dentist

This report is similar in layout and content to the EXACT ‘Invoiced Work by Owning Dentist’ report.

It shows data on invoices raised and invoice adjustments applied within the reporting period, at the level of specific invoices. Invoices adjustments of type ‘BadDebt’ are currently not included. Both patient and payor invoices are included. Adjustment rows are shown separately from invoices.

The data is grouped into sections, for each selected practice:


The provider who carried out the treatment, based on the provider associated with the invoice raised;

Work on patients

For a given provider, all invoices relating to patients associated with a particular provider and invoice payor type are grouped together. For example, this subgrouping might be shown under provider J SMITH, as ‘work on K JONES (NHS) patients’. This will list all invoices raised in the reporting period that provider J SMITH has carried out for NHS treatment, for patients who are associated (in their EXACT patient details field) with provider K JONES.

A total section is also shown for each practice, which summarises the invoiced totals by provider for the period. Fields shown for each section are:


The full name of the patient associated with the invoice.

Invoice No

The invoice number this row relates to.


The invoice date, or adjustment date if the row is an adjustment.


The invoice or adjustment amount if this invoice is a payor invoice.

Patient (Amount)

The invoice or adjustment amount if this invoice is a patient invoice.

Total Fee

The invoice or adjustment amount (adjustments show as negative amounts).

Report Parameters:

The report parameters are:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Invoice & Payment Report

This report shows detail of invoices raised in the reporting period. Only invoices with nonzero amounts are currently included.

Fields shown in the report are:


The provider associated with the invoice.

Invoice No

The unique invoice number.

Patient Name

The patient associated with the invoice.


The date the invoice was raised.

Invoice Category

This will show ‘Patient’ or ‘Payor’, depending on whether the invoice relates to a patient or payor entity.

Invoice Amount

The total amount of the invoice transaction.

Amount Paid

The part of Invoice Amount that has been allocated. Fully paid invoices will show the whole Invoice Amount in this field.


The payor code of the payor associated with the invoice, for example NHS, Private, or DENPLAN.


The Course Of Treatment (COT) number to which this invoice is linked.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Receipts Analysis

Similar to the EXACT ‘Receipt Analysis’ report, this shows the allocated amount totals of all receipts and receipt adjustments for the selected set of practices and reporting period.

A separate column is shown for each day in the reporting period that has a receipt or receipt adjustment transaction.

The rows in the report are split into the following sections:


These are the total from the fully allocated portion of receipts in the period, i.e. excluding pre-payment receipt amounts. E.g. if a COT will cost a total of 200, the patient pays up front an amount of 200, but only an invoice for 50 worth of the overall work has been raised, then the ‘Takings’ section would only show the 50 of the 200 receipt that has been allocated to the invoice raised. The ‘Takings’ section is further split according to the receipt payment method – e.g. Cash or Debit Card. Adjustment amounts are shown as a separate row.


These are the total from all unallocated portions from receipts in the period. For example, in the above case where a patient had paid 200 up front for treatment, of which only 50 was currently allocated to an invoice, this section would show 150 for the unallocated component. Again, this section is split by receipt payment method.

Total Receipts

This is the total of all of the ‘Takings’ and ‘Income’ values – which will be the total amount from all receipt transactions in the period.

Accounted for by

This is an alternative breakdown of the Total Receipts value, and splits this total by receipt payment method (Cash, Debit Card, etc).

Each day in the reporting period that has receipt transactions is shown as a separate column in the report, with values split across the above sections. The Totals section at the far right shows the total from all the individual date columns.

The values in the ‘Total Receipts’ row can be clicked on to drill down to show the Receipts Analysis Detail report for that total value.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

Receipts Analysis Detail

This report can be run either by selecting it from the MPC Financial menu, or by clicking to drilldown to it from a particular ‘Total Receipts’ value from the Receipts Analysis report.

It will show all receipts for the specified date range. A separate row is shown for each allocation component of the receipt. For example, if a receipt of 100 was allocated to two separate invoices of amount 50, then two separate rows would be shown for this same receipt number. The following fields are shown:


The practice name.


The provider’s full name and code to which the receipt relates.


The receipt transaction date.

Patient Name

Full name of the patient associated with the receipt.

Receipt No

The receipt unique transaction number.

Allocation Category

For rows that represent allocations to invoices, this indicates the invoice payor. For rows that represent unallocated parts of the receipt amount, this will show ‘Dep’ (for ‘Deposit’), together with a payor name. E.g. Dep – NHS, Dep – Private. The payor name here is derived from information entered when the receipt was created.

Allocation Amount

The part of the receipt amount that has been included in this allocation. For a set of rows relating to one receipt number. The total of ‘Allocation Amount’ will match the receipt amount.

Invoice No

Where a row represents an allocation from a receipt to an invoice, the invoice number is shown here.

Payment Method

The indication of the payment method used for the receipt.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

Associates Report

The Associates report shows, for a given reporting period, the total of the allocated portion of all patient invoices relevant for the period, together with the total of invoice adjustments occurring in the period. Currently, only invoice adjustment types of ‘Bad Debt’ and ‘Resubmitted’ are included in the report.

For the UK only, NHS related invoices are not included in this report – it shows private or payment plan invoices only.

An allocated portion of an invoice is included if the allocation date occurred within the reporting period.

For example, if some treatment was carried out, and an invoice with an amount of 200 raised on completion of that treatment. If the invoice is not paid until some later date, then initially, the invoice amount will be unallocated. Running the associates report for a period that includes the invoice date but before the receipt date will not include this invoice amount.

If the invoice was then paid by two separate receipts of say 150 and 50, several days apart, then (assuming automatic allocation, where the allocation occurs on the receipt date), running the associates report before the 2nd receipt date would only include the allocated amount of 150, and exclude the remaining unallocated amount of 50 that is still outstanding.

Running the associates report after the 2nd receipt date would then show the full amount of 200 that is fully allocated.

Data in the report is grouped into sections for each selected practice, then by each provider who has allocated invoice amounts for that reporting period.

For each provider, invoices and adjustments are shown separately.

The columns in the report show the different payors to which the invoices relate, e.g. Private, Product Sales (stock/sundry invoices) or payment plan payors. The value shown in each column represents the total of all allocated portions of invoices of that payor type, where the allocation date was within the reporting period.

The ‘Total Allocated Amount’ column shows the total of all payor columns.

Clicking on any of the values in the payor columns will show a breakdown of that amount in the Associates Report Detail report in a new browser window.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

Associates Report Detail

This report shows the detail behind the allocated amounts shown as totals on the Associates Report. It can either be run by drilling down from the Associates Report, or by running directly from the MPC financial menu.

Each row in this report represents an allocation event for a particular invoice, or an invoice adjustment.

The report shows the following fields:


The category of the transaction, which will be Amounts Invoiced, or Invoice Adjustments. Currently. Adjustments of type ‘Resubmitted’ are categorised under ‘Amounts Invoiced’.


If appropriate, a sub group of the category. This is mainly for adjustments of different types, for invoice entries it will show ‘Invoices’.

Patient Code

The code of the patient to which the transaction relates.

Patient Name

The name of the patient to which the transaction relates.

Provider ID

The transaction provider code.

Payor Category

The transaction payor. This is determined from the COT that is associated with the invoice, if one exists. Stock/sundry invoices are shown as ‘Product Sales’.


The Course Of Treatment (COT) number, if relevant.

Transaction ID

The invoice number (adjustment rows will show the adjusted invoice number). If an invoice has multiple allocations, then there will be several rows in the report with the same Transaction ID (invoice number), with different Alloc Amount values.

Transaction Date

The invoice date, or adjustment date if an adjustment row.

Transaction Amount

The overall invoice amount. This column should not be totalled up, as there may be multiple rows that relate to the same invoice (Transaction ID).

Alloc Date

The date on which the allocation event occurred. With automatic allocation enabled, this will typically be the date on which a receipt is entered, which is then allocated to invoices according to EXACT’s allocation process.

Alloc Source

An indication of the other transaction involved in this allocation. Typically, it will be a receipt, but adjustments can also be allocated to invoice transactions.

Alloc Direction

whether this allocation represents an allocation TO the invoice (where part of the invoice amount is allocated to another transaction in the allocation event), or FROM the invoice (where the invoice has an amount from another transaction allocated to it).

Alloc Amount

The amount which is involved in the allocation event.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

Debtors List

Similar to the Debtor’s List report in EXACT, this report shows patients with outstanding debit or credit balances as of a particular date in time.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice, with the set of patients who have outstanding balances at the as of date chosen for the report.

For each practice, the following fields are shown:

Patient Code

The patient’s code

Patient Name

The patient’s full name (surname, first name format)

Last Statement Date

The most recent date on or before the as of date on which a patient statement was printed

Stop Credit

Shows a ‘*’ (asterisk) character if the ‘Stop Credit’ checkbox is ticked in EXACT for this patient


The total of all statement transactions occurring before the as of date


The total of all statement transactions occurring less than 30 days before the as of date

30 days

The total of all statement transactions occurring between 30 and 59 days before the as of date

60 days

The total of all statement transactions occurring between 30 and 89 days before the as of date

90 days

The total of all statement transactions occurring 90 days or more before the as of date

Report Parameters:

As Of Date

The start date in the date range selector is used as the report ‘as of’ date.


allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Show balance type(s)

Selecting Debit will only show patients with debit balances for the as of date, i.e. who owe money to the practice.

Selecting Credit will only show patients who have prepaid, i.e. who have credit balances for the as of date.

Selecting All will show patients with either Debit or Credit balances for the as of date.

Refunds and Adjustments

This report shows invoice and receipt adjustment transactions occurring within the report period, for the selected practices.

The following fields are shown:


The provider associated with the adjustment transaction.


The name of the practice in this section.


The patient’s full name.

Refund Date

The date on which the adjustment transaction was raised/entered.

Refund Type

The adjustment type, e.g. Invoice Correction.


The adjustment amount.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Refund Types

all adjustment types, or specific adjustment types (e.g. invoice correction).

Patient Charges Control

The Patient Charges Control report is designed to show, for the specified report period, how the start period total patient balance transitions to the end period total patient balance, taking account of all patient invoices, invoice adjustments, receipts and receipt adjustments occurring during the period.

Values in the report are split into the following column categories:


For UK practices only, transactions relating to NHS payors.

Product Sales

Stock or sundry item transactions (e.g. toothbrushes, floss).


All other transaction payor types.

For each selected practice, the following sections are shown:

Start Period Balance

This is the sum total of all patient outstanding balances, as at one day before the start date of the report. This includes both credit and debit balances. For UK practices, patients who are associated in their patient details with NHS payors have their balances included in the ‘NHS’ column. All other patient balances are included in the ‘Private’ column.

Amounts Invoiced

The total of all patient invoice amounts raised within the reporting period. Invoice adjustments of type ‘Resubmitted’ (where treatment is resubmitted) are also included in this section. The amount from a particular invoice is included in the relevant column, depending on the associated COT to which the invoice relates. E.g. invoices for NHS treatment are included in the NHS column, stock invoices in the Product Sales column, and all other invoices in the ‘Private’ column.

Payments Received

The total of all receipts paid during the period, broken down by payment method.

Invoice Adjustments

Adjustments to invoices are included in this section, broken down by adjustment type.

Receipt Adjustments

Adjustments to receipts are included in this section, broken down by adjustment type;

For adjustment transactions, the adjustment code is shown in the ‘Adjustment Code’ column. E.g. the category column might show ‘Invoice Correction’, but the Adjustment Code column would show INVOICECORR.

The Grand Total column shows the total, for each row, of all of the NHS, Private and Product Sales columns.


The values in the Grand Total column should reconcile, in that the following should hold:

End Period Balance = Start Period Balance + Amounts Invoiced + Payments Received

If this is not the case, then a section is shown that shows the amount of the discrepancy, below the End Period Balance value for the Grand Total column.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

Product Sales Report

This report shows details of stock/sundry invoice line items that occur within the reporting period, grouped by practice.

The columns are:


The practice for this section.


The invoice line description of the stock/sundry item (e.g. toothbrush).


The invoice line amount for that stock/sundry item.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

Performance Reports

Appointment Diary

This report shows a graphical view of the appointment diary whitespace, for each day in the reporting period.

Each day in the reporting period is shown as a separate column.

The top section of the report is a summary of data for all the selected practices, for each day:

Available Time

The total number of hours of unblocked time that occurs in the appointment diary for any currently active provider on that day. This value is colour coded blue.


As for Available Time, but shows the total of hours booked to appointments, and total number of appointments booked on that day (excluding cancelled, failed or audit status appointments (moved, deleted, etc). This value is colour coded green.


As for Appointments, but shows the total of all available hours that are not taken up with booked appointments, and this value as a percentage of the available hours. This value is colour coded red.

The lower section shows the data for each selected practice. By default, this is shown as a single row for each practice, with a single coloured bar for each day. The bar is split into green and red sections – green indicates booked appointments, and red indicates whitespace – i.e. available time not booked. If there is no available time for a given day, then no green/red bar is shown.

Clicking on each practice row will expand this to show a breakdown by provider, with a summary of the practice totals for available hours, appointment hours and number of appointments booked, and whitespace hours and percent of available hours. A green/red coloured bar is shown for each provider.

Clicking further on a particular provider row will show an outline of the day schedule for that provider on each given day, as a vertical bar with green sections (booked appointments), and red sections (available time with no appointments booked).

Clicking still further on one of these day schedule outlines will show a pop-up window that has details of the appointments occurring on that day. It shows the appointment start and end times, patient name and indicated service code/treatment description.

Clicking back on an expanded provider row will collapse to show the view with rows per provider, and then clicking back on the practice level row will collapse down to the by practice view again.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Appointments Analysis

This report shows data similar to EXACT’s Appointment Analysis report, summarising the data for the appointment diary for a given date range with a focus on booked/unbooked time, and number of appointments (patients seen).

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:

Summary graphic dial

This shows the total ‘Used %’ value in graphical form.


the date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.


an indication of the number of calendar days that this row covers. For daily, this will be 1.

Patients Booked

This is the total of Patients Seen and cancelled and failed appointments for this period.

Patients Seen

This is the total number of booked in appointments that are not cancelled or failed.

% Patients Seen

This is the percentage calculated as Patients Seen / Patients Booked, which for past periods, gives a measure of the completion rate for appointments booked into the diary.

Hours Available

The total number of unblocked hours in the appointment diary for this period.


The total number of available hours which are not associated with any appointment, whether booked/completed, cancelled or failed.

Unbooked %

Unbooked / Hours Available as a percentage.

Extra Hours

The total number of hours worked in blocked out time, i.e. hours worked in time that was not marked as available.

Hours Worked

The total number of available hours that were allocated to valid booked/completed appointments.

Used %

Hours Worked / Hours Available as a percentage.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of various measures such as Patients Seen, Hours Worked, etc. to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Report

This dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Appointments by Payor Type

This report shows the number of appointments and hours worked for a given date range, with an option to filter the results to only show appointments for patients with specific payor types.

The report layout is similar in format to the Appointment Analysis report. The fields are:


The date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.


An indication of the number of calendar days that this row covers. For daily, this will be 1.

Patients Seen

This is the total number of booked in appointments that are not cancelled or failed.

Hours Worked

The total number of available hours that were allocated to valid booked/completed appointments.

By default, the filter parameter is set to show patients from all payor types. If NHS or Private are selected in this parameter, then only appointment data for patients with those payor type settings are shown in the table.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of various measures such as Patients Seen, Hours Worked to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Report

This dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period.

Payor Type

All payor types, or NHS (UK) or Private can be selected.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Forward Cover

This report is intended to be run for a future date range, and will show the number of hours available and percentage of booked time for dates in the future period.

It is similar in layout to the Appointment Analysis report.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:

Summary graphic dial

This shows the total ‘Booked %’ value in graphical form, which corresponds to the value in the Booked % column for the total row in the table, i.e. the Booked % value for the entire reporting period.


The date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.


An indication of the number of calendar days that this row covers. For daily, this will be 1.

Hours Available

The total number of unblocked hours in the appointment diary for this period.


The total number of available hours that were allocated to valid booked/completed appointments (this is the same as Hours Worked on the Appointment Analysis Report).

Booked %

Booked / Hours Available as a percentage.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of the Hours Available, Booked, Booked % measures to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Report

This dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Forward Cover Detail

This report is also intended to be run for a future time period, and gives a summary of the number of hours booked for different timeslots during the working day.

It is similar in layout to the Appointment Analysis report.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:

Summary graphic dial

This shows the total ‘Booked %’ value in graphical form, the Booked % total value for the entire reporting period.


The date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.

Hours Available

The total number of unblocked hours in the appointment diary for this period, for all selected providers.

< 9am, 9am-12pm, 12pm – 2pm, 2pm – 5pm, 5pm – 8pm, > 8pm

The total number of hours booked to appointments in the specified timeslots throughout the day, for all selected providers. This does not include time from cancelled or failed appointments.


The total number of hours booked to appointments on weekend periods, for all selected providers. If ‘Daily Report’ is selected, then this will only show a nonzero value on dates which correspond to weekendsIf weekly/monthly are used, then any row may contain a value in this column, if the period for that row contains a weekend date.


The total number of hours allocated to booked/completed appointments in the period.


The total number of blocked hours which are determined to be of type ‘Holiday’ within the period. ‘Holiday’ blocks are those where the block reason contains the text ‘holiday’.


The total number of blocked hours which are of a type something other than ‘Holiday’ within the period.


The total number of booked hours in the period for this row. This will equal the total of booked hours from all of the timeslot columns (<9am, 9-12pm, etc). This does not include cancelled or failed appointments.


This shows Hours Available – Booked, effectively the hours of whitespace in the period.

UnBooked %

Unbooked / Hours Available as a percentage.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of the Booked, Booked %, Unbooked, Unbooked % measures to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Report

This dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Fail To Attend

This report shows the total number of appointments that were classed as ‘Failed To Attend’ (FTA) within the reporting period. An FTA appointment is defined as one that is still in the ‘booked’ state, for a date which is in the past – the patient never arrived for the appointment (in which case the appointment state would be moved to ‘arrived’ or ‘completed’ in EXACT).

It is similar in layout to the Appointment Analysis report.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:

Summary graphic dial

This shows the total ‘% FTA’ average value in graphical form, which corresponds to the value in the % FTA column for the total row in the table, i.e. the % FTA value for the entire reporting period.


The date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.


An indication of the number of calendar days that this row covers. For daily, this will be 1.

Patients Booked

The number of appointments booked/completed, cancelled or failed within the period for this row.

Patients Failed

The number of appointments classed as failed to attend (FTA) within the period for this row.


Patients Failed / Patients Booked as a percentage.

Failed Hours

The total number of hours due to FTA appointments, that were not reused with other appointments.

Est Failed Revenue

The estimate of revenue lost from those FTA appointments. This is taken from the ‘cost estimate’ for those appointments that shows within EXACT.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of any of the measures (such as Patients Booked, Patients Failed, %FTA) to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Report

This dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).


This report is identical to the Fail To Attend report, except that it shows cancelled appointments rather than FTA appointments.

It is similar in layout to the Appointment Analysis report.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:

Summary graphic dial

This shows the total ‘Cancelled Patients %’ average value in graphical form, which corresponds to the value in the % Patients Cancelled column for the total row in the table, i.e. the % Patients Cancelled value for the entire reporting period


The date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.


An indication of the number of calendar days that this row covers. For daily, this will be 1.

Patients Booked

The number of appointments booked/completed, cancelled or failed within the period for this row.

Patients Cancelled

The number of appointments classed as cancelled within the period for this row.

% Patients Cancelled

Patients Cancelled / Patients Booked as a percentage.

Cancelled Hours

The total number of hours due to cancelled appointments, that were not reused with other appointments.

Est Cancelled Revenue

The estimate of revenue lost from those cancelled appointments. This is taken from the ‘cost estimate’ for those appointments that shows within EXACT.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of any of the measures (such as Patients Booked, Patients Cancelled, %Patients Cancelled) to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

this dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Report

this dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group


allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers)

Recall Effectiveness

This report is shows metrics related to the monitoring of appointment recalls, with a monthly breakdown of the data within the reporting period.

It is similar in content and layout to the EXACT ‘Manage Recalls’ screen.

The first section of the report shows a summary, consisting of data totalled from all of the selected practices.

Subsequent sections show data for each selected practice.

The fields for each section are as follows:


The calendar year within which the recall is due.


The calendar month within which the recall is due.

Total Recalls

The total number of appointment recalls due in this month (both dentist and hygienist recalls), less those that have status Inactive or Do Not Recall occurring during this month.

Total Success

The total number of appointment recalls with status Booked or Completed occurring during this month.

Total Success (%)

Total Success / Total Recalls.


As Total Recalls, but only for Dentist recalls.

Dentist Success

As Total Success, but only for Dentist recalls.

Dentist Success (%)

As Total Success (%), but only for Dentist recalls.


As Total Recalls, but only for Hygienist recalls.

Hygienist Success

As Total Success, but only for Hygienist recalls.

Hygienist Success (%)

As Total Success (%), but only for Hygienist recalls.


This coloured bar is divided into different colours which represent the appointment recalls with different statuses occurring during this month. The colour coding key is shown at the top of the report. The length of the bar represents the Total Recalls value; the length of each coloured section represents the number of recalls with that particular status. For example, a long red component of the bar indicates a large number of Failed recalls.

Inactive, Do Not Recall, Completed, Moved On, Booked, Failed, Future

The number of appointment recalls in the month that have the specified statuses.

Clicking on a row in the ‘Month’ column will open the Recall Effectiveness Detail report in a new browser window, to view the detail behind the recall totals for this month.

If the payor type parameter is set to something other than ‘All Payor Types’, then only recalls relating to patients associated with that payor type will be shown in the report.

Report Parameters:

Payor Type

All payor types, or NHS (UK) or Private can be selected. This filters on the patient’s payor (as set in the EXACT patient details screen)

Date range

Defines the reporting period


allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group


allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers)

Recall Effectiveness Detail

This report shows the individual appointment recall events that occurred during the reporting period, giving details of the recall date, status, and the patient, with contact details. It can be run either by drilling down to it from the Recall Effectiveness report (clicking on a particular month), or directly, by running from the MPC > Performance menu.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice, with the following fields:

Patient Details:


The patient code, for the patient related to this recall.


The patient first name.


The patient surname.


Shows ‘Y’ if the patient has been marked as inactive in EXACT.

Patient’s Providers


The patient’s dentist, given by their provider code.


The patient’s hygienist, given by their provider code.

Most Recent Dentist Recall In Period


The date of the most recent dentist recall for this patient, in the period.


The status of this most recent dentist recall. This value is colour coded, see the key for status colour values on the Recall Effectiveness report.

Last Seen Provider

The provider code for the last provider that saw the patient for an appointment.

Most Recent Hygienist Recall In Period

These fields are the same as for ‘Most Recent Dentist Recall In Period’, but for hygienist providers rather than dentists.

Patient Contact Numbers


The patient’s home phone number.


The patient’s mobile phone number.


The patient’s work phone number.

Contact preference

The patient’s contact preference – e.g. None, SMS/Mobile.

Number of Contacts


How many phone contact messages were made as part of this recall event.

Email, SMS, Letter, Easypost Letter, Easypost Card

As for Phone, but the total number of contact messages of those other types that were made for this recall.


The total number of patient contact messages made for this recall, which is the total of the other ‘Number of Contacts’ columns.

The status filter can be used to restrict the data shown on this report so that only recalls in the report period with specific statuses are shown. For example, the status filter can be set to show only ‘Failed’ recalls. This filter allows multiple selections, so several different status values can be chosen.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific recall status values.

New Patients Created Analysis

This report can be used to view information about all new patient records that were created within the reporting period.

When run, it shows data for each selected practice for the reporting period, with fields as follows:

Created Month

The first day of the month within which the patient record was created.

Created Date

The actual date on which the patient record was created.


The patient code.

First Name

The patient first name.

Last Name

The patient surname.


Whether the patient is marked as Inactive (Pt Inactive) or not (Pt Active).

Inactive Reason

If the patient is marked as inactive, the inactive reason given (e.g. moved away).

Has Booked Appt

Whether the patient has any booked appointment (Has Booked Appt) or not (No Booked Appt).

Has Trt Plans

Whether the patient has any treatment plans created (Trt Plans Exist) or not (No Trt Plans Exist).

Has Completed Trt

Whether the patient has any completed treatment items within any treatment plan (Has Completed Trt) or not (No Completed Trt).


Patient’s home phone number.


Patient’s mobile phone number.


Patient’s work phone number.

Preferred Contact

Indication of the patient’s preferred contact option (e.g. SMS/Mobile).

First Completed Trt

If the patient has any completed treatment, the earliest date on which treatment was completed, blank otherwise.

Days to First Completed Trt

If the patient has any completed treatment, the number of days from Created Date to First Completed Trt, blank otherwise.

Weeks to First Completed Trt

If the patient has any completed treatment, the number of whole weeks from Created Date to First Completed Trt, blank otherwise.

1st COT UDAs

UK only – if the patient’s first COT was NHS, the number of UDAs this COT resulted in.

1st COT Fee Amt

The total of patient fees for the first COT, if one exists.

1st COT Value

For non UK and UK private 1st COTs, this will be equal to 1st COT Fee Amt; for UK NHS 1st COTs, this will be 1st COT UDAs * average UDA value, where the average UDA value factor is taken as the average of UDA value factors for all contracts for this practice.

1st COT Is NHS

Depending on the existence and payor associated with the 1st COT for this patient, this will show one of ‘No First Trt Plan Exists’, ‘First Trt Plan NHS’ (UK only) or ‘First Trt Plan Private’ as appropriate.

Type1 Code

The Type 1 code from the EXACT patient details screen.

Type1 Desc

The Type 1 description for this Type 1 code.

Type2 Code

The Type 2 code from the patient details screen.

Type2 Desc

The Type 2 description for this Type 2 code.

Referral Type

The type of referral source, if this is completed in the EXACT patient details screen. Can be ‘Ref Source – Patient’ (referral source was another patient), or ‘Ref Source – Other’ if some other type of referral source.

Referral Source

The code of the referral source, or the referring patient code, according to the value of Referral Type. Referral sources are taken from the list available in the patient details screen in EXACT. E.g. SIGN.

Referral Desc

The name of the referral source, e.g. Practice Sign.

The main usage for this report is for the data to be exported to CSV, and then imported into Excel. The values in many of the fields are such that when the CSV results are used to form a pivot table, the values form natural column headings in the pivot table.

For example, a pivot table could be created with COUNT(Patient Code) as the centre cell value, and then Created Month and Has Booked Appt as the row/column breakdown values. This will show the number of patients created by month, and split these into the number of patients created who had appointments booked or not.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

New Patients Summary

This report is similar to the Fail To Attend report, except that it shows new patient appointments rather than FTA appointments. A new patient appointment is one where the appointment has the ‘1st Visit’

It is similar in layout to the Appointment Analysis report.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:

Summary graphic dial

This shows the total ‘% New Patients’ average value in graphical form, which corresponds to the value in the % New Patients column for the total row in the table, i.e. the % New Patients value for the entire reporting period.


The date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.


An indication of the number of calendar days that this row covers. For daily, this will be 1.

Patients Booked

The number of appointments booked/completed, cancelled or failed within the period for this row.

New Patients

The number of appointments classed as new patient appointments within the period for this row.

% New Patients

New Patients / Patients Booked as a percentage.

Est New Patient Revenue

The estimate of revenue gained from the new patient appointments. This is taken from the ‘cost estimate’ for those appointments that shows within EXACT.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of any of the measures (such as Patients Booked, New Patients, %New Patients) to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Report

This dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period

Date range

Defines the reporting period


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers)

Active Patients Report

This report shows a breakdown of patients for the selected practices, by splitting them into categories according to the time since their last completed treatment. Only patients who have had at least one item of completed treatment are included.

For each selected practice, a separate section is shown (if option Report by Individual Practice is used), with the following fields:


The specific practice for this section


This splits the patients into two categories, Non-NHS and NHS, according to whether the patient payor is an NHS payor (UK only) or not

0-6 Months

Shows the number of patients whose last completed treatment occurred within the last 6 months from the current date

6-12, 12-18, 18-24, Over 24 Months

These columns are similar to 0-6 Months, but the time period is different in each case. 6-12 Months shows a count of patients with their last completed treatment between 6 and 12 months back from the current date, etc

A given patient who is included for a particular practice, i.e. who has had at least one item of completed treatment, will only be counted in one of the time categories (0-6 Months, 6-12 Months, etc).

The aim of the report is to show the profile of the patients within a practice – are they returning regularly for treatment? If so, the majority of the patients will occur in the 0-6 or 6-12 Months categories. If not, then possibly larger numbers of patients will show up in the 18-24 or even Over 24 Months categories.

Clicking on one of the numeric values in the time category columns will show the list of patients who fall into that category, in a new browser window, in the ‘Patients List’ report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section

Payor Type

All payor types, or NHS (UK) or Private can be selected. This filters on the patient’s payor (as set in the EXACT patient details screen)


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers)

Active Patients in Period

This report is intended to show the transition, over the period of a month, in the patient base for the selected practices.

It uses the following terms:

Active (as of a date)

the patient has had completed treatment within the past 2 years (24 months)from the as of date.

Lapsed (as of a date)

the patient’s last completed occurred more than 2 months (24 months) back from the as of date.

For each selected practice, a table is shown with the following fields: 28

Patient Scheme

The patient payor scheme (patient payor) – NHS, Private or Other.

Total Patients At Start

An indication of the numbers of patients of different categories as of the last date of the previous month.

Active Patients

The number of patients, who were not marked as inactive as of the previous month end date, whose last completed treatment was less than 24 months back from this date. The total row for this column shows the total number of Active patients for all schemes (payors)

Lapsed Patients

The number of patients, not marked as inactive as of the previous month end date, whose last completed treatment was more than 24 months back from this date. The total row for this column shows the total number of Lapsed patients for all schemes (payors)

Scheme %

This shows (Active Patients + Lapsed Patients) / (Total Active Patients + Total Lapsed Patients), which relates to the previous month end date

Activity In Month:

New Patients

The number of patients whose first completed treatment occurred during the month

Returning Patients

The number of patients, who appeared in the ‘Lapsed Patients’ category as of the end of the previous month (i.e. who were ‘Lapsed’), who had some treatment completed within the current month


Lapsed Patients In Month

The number of patients who appeared in the ‘Active Patients’ category as of the end of the previous month (i.e. who were ‘Active’), who by the end of the current month had entered the ‘Lapsed’ category – i.e. as of the end of the current month, their most recent treatment was over 24 months ago

Lapsed Patients Rtn %

(Activity In Month – Returning Patients) / (Total Patients at Start – Lapsed patients). Of the number of patients who were considered ‘Lapsed’ at the start of the month, what proportion returned to have treatment in the current month?

Inactive – Patients Left Scheme

The number of patients who were marked as inactive in EXACT within the current month.

Total Patients At End

An indication of the numbers of patients of different categories as of the last date of the current month.

Active Patients

The number of patients, who were not marked as inactive as of the current month end date, whose last completed treatment was less than 24 months back from this date. The total row for this column shows the total number of Active patients for all schemes (payors)

Lapsed Patients

The number of patients, not marked as inactive as of the current month end date, whose last completed treatment was more than 24 months back from this date. The total row for this column shows the total number of Lapsed patients for all schemes (payors)

Scheme %

This shows (Active Patients + Lapsed Patients) / (Total Active Patients + Total Lapsed Patients), which relates to the current month end date



The change in the number of Active + Lapsed patients, which is Activity In Month – New Patients less Inactive – Patients Left Scheme


This is (Variance–Patients) / (Total Patients at Start Active + Lapsed) – i.e. the percentage change in Active + Lapsed patients from the start of the period

Values in the Activity In Month, Lapsed and Inactive column groups can be clicked on, and will show the relevant patient detail in the Patients List report in a separate browser window.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Patient Schemes

All patient schemes, NHS (UK), Private or Other can be selected. This filters on the patient’s payor (as set in the EXACT patient details screen) – the term ‘Scheme’ means ‘payor’ in this context.

Calendar Year

The year containing the month of interest.

Calendar Month

The month of interest.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Gross Revenue and Waiting Time

This report is similar to the FTA and Cancellation reports. It shows the total invoiced amounts by date within the reporting period, and then uses the appointment diary data to show these values in terms of earnings per hour, per hour available and per appointment (patient).

It is similar in layout to the Appointment Analysis report.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:

Summary graphic dial

this shows the total ‘Earnings/Hour Available’ average value in graphical form, which corresponds to the value in the Earnings/Hour Available column for the total row in the table, i.e. the overall Earnings/Hour Available value for the entire reporting period.


the date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.


an indication of the number of calendar days that this row covers. For daily, this will be 1.

Earnings Total

The total amount of all invoices and invoice adjustments raised within the date period for this row.


Earnings Total / Hours Booked, i.e. Earnings per hour worked.

Earnings/Hour Available

Earnings Total / Hours Available.


Earnings Total / Patients Seen.

Average Wait (mins)

The average number of minutes for all completed appointments during the period for this row that the patient had to wait from arrival to being seated in the chair.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of any of the measures (such as Earnings Total, Earnings/Hour) to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Report

This dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Gross Revenue by Payor Type

This report is similar to the Gross Revenue and Waiting Time report, but allows the data to be filtered on patient payor type. It shows the total invoiced amounts by date within the reporting period, and then uses the appointment diary data to show these values in terms of earnings per hour, per hour available and per appointment (patient).

It is similar in layout to the Appointment Analysis report.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:

Summary graphic dial

this shows the total ‘Earnings/Hour Available’ average value in graphical form, which corresponds to the value in the Earnings/Hour Available column for the total row in the table, i.e. the overall Earnings/Hour Available value for the entire reporting period.


the date within the reporting period. If weekly or monthly options are chosen, then each row in the table represents a week or month period, for daily, each row represents a single day in the reporting period.


an indication of the number of calendar days that this row covers. For daily, this will be 1.

Earnings Total

The total amount of all invoices and invoice adjustments raised within the date period for this row.

Earnings / Hour

Earnings Total / Hours Booked, i.e. Earnings per hour worked.

Earnings / Patient

Earnings Total / Patients Seen.

A graphical plot area is shown below the table, and allows a line plot of any of the measures (such as Earnings Total, Earnings/Hour) to be shown over the time period of the report.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Daily / Weekly / Monthly Report

This dropdown selects whether the data will be aggregated by each day, week or month within the reporting period.

Payor Type filter

Select either All Payor Types, NHS (UK only) or Private.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

Waiting Time Report

This report is somewhat similar to the Active Patients report, but shows the number of appointments within the report date range, categorised according to the length of time that the patient had to wait to be seen following their arrival, and patient payor category.

A separate section is shown for each selected practice (if Report By Individual Practice is chosen), and a summary with totals from all selected practices.

Each section shows the following information:


The practice name for this section.


The patient’s payor category, either NHS (UK only) or Non-NHS.

< 0 Mins

The number of booked appointments occurring in the report period, where the patient was seen early for their appointment.

0 – 5 Mins

The number of booked appointments in the report period where the patient had to wait between 0 and 5 minutes to be seen.

5 – 10 Mins

The number of booked appointments in the report period where the patient had to wait between 5 and 10 minutes to be seen.

> 10 Mins

The number of booked appointments in the report period where the patient had to wait more than 10 minutes to be seen.

No Seating Time

The number of appointments where there was no ‘seated time’ recorded for the appointment, so no waiting time could be determined.

Clicking on one of the numeric values will show the patients whose appointments occurred in that category in the reporting period, by displaying the Patient List report in a separate browser window.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Payor Type filter

Select either All Payor Types, NHS (UK only) or Private, filters by patient payor type.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).

New and Transitioned Patients

This report shows a simple summary, for the given reporting period, of the change in the number of patients between the start of the period and end of the period, highlighting the number of patients made inactive in the period.

For each selected practice, a separate section is shown, with the following fields:

Start of period

The total number of patient records for that practice, excluding any that are marked as inactive, as of the date prior to the period start date.

New patient records created

The number of new patient records created in the period.

Inactivated patient records

The numbers of patient records made inactive during the period, grouped by inactive reason given, and total number of patients made inactive.

End of period

The total number of patient records for the practice, excluding any that are marked inactive, as of the end date of the reporting period.

Report Parameters:

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.

Clinical Reports

Revenue by Service Code

This report shows the treatment service items that have been included in invoices raised during the reporting period.

A separate section is shown for each practice, which has the following fields:


The practice to which this section relates.

Service Code

The treatment service item code, e.g. A for filling, or S/P for Scale & Polish.

Service Description

The treatment service item description.


How many of that particular service item were charged in the period.


The total revenue obtained from invoice lines relating to that particular service item.

This report can be used to analyse the profile of treatment items carried out during the reporting period.

Report Parameters:

Report by Individual Practice

This dropdown allows a choice between showing data for each selected practice separately, or data from all selected practices totalled up in one single summary section.

Payor Type filter

Select either All Payor Types, NHS (UK only) or Private, filters by patient payor type.

Invoice Type filter

Select either All Invoice Types, NHS Invoices (UK only) or Private Invoices. This filters by the payor of the COT that the treatment is associated with.

Date range

Defines the reporting period.


Allows selection of all or specific practices within the practice group.


Allow selection of all or specific dentists (providers).



UK NHS term. This usually means the same as COT, referring to a specific Course Of Treatment.

Course Of Treatment

Also referred to as a Treatment Plan, this corresponds to an overall schedule of planned treatment for a patient, which may occur over several separate visits.

FP17 Form

UK NHS term – The standard NHS form that is generated and submitted when an NHS COT is completed. Contains details of the patient and information about the treatment delivered in that COT.


Provider of Treatment. May represent a Dentist or Hygienist.

Quality Indicator

Relates to the UK NHS Dental Assurance (DAF) framework.


The Lite version of MPC is available by default and is largely self-explanatory.

If you purchase the full version please log in to the MPC website for instructions .

For EXACT configuration see also Hiding and showing the MPC button

Hiding and Showing the MPC Button

The MPC button displays by default in your EXACT main screen, in the last position on the right:


To hide the MPC button

  1. Right-click the workspace toolbar and select Customise...
  2. In the Customise Workspace window, select the MPC button in the right pane and click the << button to move it to the left pane:


  3. Select OK.

To show the MPC button

Follow the above procedure but move the MPC button from the left pane to the right pane and then select OK.


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video-icon_12x12px Portal video: Patients Seen / New Patients Open in New Window icon

video-icon_12x12px Portal video: Viewing Whitespace Open in New Window icon

video-icon_12x12px Portal video: Recalls Open in New Window icon

video-icon_12x12px Portal video: FTAs and Cancellations Open in New Window icon

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video-icon_12x12px Portal video: Debtors List Open in New Window icon

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