Details Tab
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Details Tab



Note that your Patient Details screen may be slightly different to this example, according to how your configuration is set up and what version of EXACT you are using.
The Details tab of the Patient File contains the basic patient information such as name, address and personal details.

From anywhere in the Patients screen, pause your mouse cursor over this icon for a popup tooltip to quickly view Medical Status and History.

  1. Window header bar

  2. EXACT Menus bar.

  3. The Workspace bar, where you can arrange your commonly-used shortcuts.

  4. Find and select patient records from these controls.

  5. Patient File toolbar, with buttons grouped by function.

  6. Tabs Summary:Tabs for patient-related screens and operations.

  7. Patient Personal Details Fields and Patient Photo

  8. Miscellaneous Patient Details Fields

  9. Patient Contact Details

  10. Dentist, Hygienist, Payor fields

  11. Family Members

  12. Other Patient Details Code Fields

NOTES: All fields that are coloured yellow on your EXACT screen are mandatory - you must complete them in order to save the record.
(These fields are specified in the Mandatory Fields in Configure > Patient File)

Other fields can be left blank and completed only later (for example, when a new patient phones for a first appointment, you can initially complete just the mandatory fields).
Use the TAB key on the keyboard to move between the fields on this screen.

Any information entered into these fields can be printed out on stationery and reports.
Once you finish editing the patient details, click the Save button [5] on the toolbar to save the patient record.

Other fields can be left blank and completed only later (for example, when a new patient phones for a first appointment, you can initially complete just the mandatory fields).
Use the TAB key on the keyboard to move between the fields on this screen.
Any information entered into these fields can be printed out on stationery and reports.
Once you finish editing the patient details, click the Save button [5] on the toolbar to save the patient record.

Patient Personal Details Fields

First, Sec Name

Enter the patient’s first name and second name/middle name (if applicable).
EXACT automatically capitalises the first letter of names, so you need only enter names in lowercase.

Family Name

Enter the patient’s family name/surname.
If the automatic capitalisation for a name is incorrectly applied (e.g., "Van Den Heuvel"), just overtype it to correct it.

Title, Initial
Enter the patient’s title, which can be selected from a list.

Quicktip: If you enter the first letter of the title, and press the title will be defaulted.

If the patient’s first and second name have been entered, EXACT will automatically enter the patient’s initials in the field to the right. This information can also be manually added.

Sex (Female, Male, Other)
The Sex field records the patient’s gender. The default is Female.
If the patient’s Title is recorded the sex field will adjust accordingly.
Certain titles such as Dr, Prof, etc., do not automatically confer a gender. In this case manually specify the Sex...
To select a Sex, Use the control next to the entry box to select either Male or Female, or Type just the first letter of the gender and then press the Tab key (or click in the next field or click anywhere left of the Sex field)

To select the sex "Other" Type the letter "O" in the field and then click anywhere left of the Sex field to populate it (see above).

Birth Date
The patients date of birth should be in the field to the right, entered in the following manner: DDMMYY. Delimiters or spaces can be used, although they are not necessary, as the system will convert the date for you. When you move out of this field the patient’s age is calculated and displayed to the right of the Birth Date field.


Patient Contact Details

Home address Work address

This option allows two different addresses to be listed for the patient. Selecting either displays that address in the fields below.


The address fields should be used in the order of Street address, Suburb, City, County and Post Code and will appear when printing invoices, mailing labels and other reports where the address is shown.

If the patient has a house name or flat number, enter this in the Street field and move the Street, Suburb and City entries down one line. The address on any stationery that is printed for the patient will appear as it is laid out here.

The address fields can be preset. To do this, click the

button to the side of this field. If the area, suburb or city is not listed use the

button to add it for future use, saving you typing time.

TIP: EXACT will automatically capitalise the first letter of each part of the address and will also space postcodes for you.

Hm. Ph SMS Home

Enter the patient’s home phone number. This also has the option to include SMS for text messages. Place a tick into the SMS Home check box to use this facility.
Text messages are only an option if you have the EXDOCe module.

Mobile SMS Mobile

If required, enter the patient’s mobile phone number, which also has the option to include SMS for text messages. Place a tick into the SMS Mobile check box to use this facility.
Text messages are only an option if you have the EXDOCe module.

Wrk. Ph. Contact

This field is used for the patient's work phone number, alternate phone and fax/pager. Click the drop-down button to access each field.

Enter the patient’s work phone number. The Contact field is used to enter any additional information needed to contact the patient at their place of work, e.g. an extension number.

Alt. Ph. Contact

If required, enter the patient’s alternative phone number. For example, they may have a relative’s number at which they can be contacted. The Contact field is used to enter any additional information needed when contacting the patient using the Alternate phone number, e.g. the name of the alternative contact.

Fax. Pager

If required, fax and/or pager numbers can be entered for the patient. (These fields may also be used for any other phone numbers).

To save space on the screen, the Work, Alt, Fax, and Pager details all occupy the same set of fields. An arrow to the left of the currently displayed field will allow you to change which telephone number you are viewing.

Record your patient’s email address. From the Details tab, multiple email addresses can be added, such as home and work email addresses.
Click the

button to add new email details, or the

button to edit existing details.


The email facility works within EXACT only in conjunction with the EXDOCe module.

For further information on this please refer to EXDOCe.

Duplicate Email address: If you attempt to add an Email address that already exists you will be prompted as follows:

For marketing purposes, you can record how the patient became aware of the practice in the Referred By field. Click the down arrow to choose between Patient and Other, then enter brief details in the text box.

Use the Patient option if an existing patient referred the new patient to the practice. Select the patient who referred the selected patient to the practice from the patient list using the Use the Other option if the patient was referred to the practice by another source such as Yellow Pages. Select this from the referrals list in the same way. Add sources from the List button, using the
Any information entered in these fields can be reported on using the New Patients By Referral Report.

Use the Contact Preference field to specify the patient’s preferred method of being contacted.
Use the Preferences button to define patient permissions for direct marketing communications, stop Patient Portal from requesting the patient to fill in Online Forms or to stop all communications other than “Important” ones (i.e Recalls and Appointment Reminders).

You can also manually send the Contact Consent form to Clinipad to be signed by the patient from this screen. (More Details Here)

CSC Card and Expiry (New Zealand only)

CSC is an abbreviation for Community Services Card.
Expiry is therefore the expiry date for the card.
These fields are only available in the New Zealand version of EXACT.

The CSC card number and expiry date are used as follows:

  • SRHA payor treatment plans check that there is a CSC card number for the patient and that it has not expired.

  • In queries (e.g. for generating contact lists)

  • As a letter field (in Presentation Manager or EXDOC).

  • From v11.3 software onwards, the CSC card and expiry date can be displayed on appointments.

The CSC card number is not used to automatically apply a discount.

TIP: Do not use this field for anything other than community services card. If you wish to store your own card number, consider recording it in the patient Alt. Ref. field. You could then make a patient trigger that hilighted patients who had data in the Alt. Ref. field to serve as a reminder to apply a discount manually when processing payments.

Miscellaneous Patient Details Fields

Types are used to group patients. There is no limit to the number of types you can create, although each patient can be assigned only two of these types. Possible types include:

  • Senior Citizens

  • Automatic Payments

  • Crown and Bridge patients

  • Perio patients

  • Nervous

  • Under 18

Patient types can be used as a filter when printing out reports so that only patients of the specified type will be included in (or excluded from) the report.
New ‘Types’ are created by clicking on the selector button , and then the +1 button to add an entry to the list.

If required, enter any previous surname that the patient may have had; for example a maiden name.

If required, enter any other name the patient is known as; such as a nickname. This allows letters to be more personally addressed.

The patient’s occupation may be recorded in this field, if required. If a list of occupations has been set up, the occupation may be selected by clicking in the field and using the buttons. Click the

list button to view all options, or to add additional occupations to the list as required, using the

button in the View Occupations window.

Occupation is an optional field, and may not be present unless set up in Patient File in the Configure menu.


This field enables you to record the patient's ethnicity. This defaults to 'Not Stated', but you can choose another option from the drop-down menu. If the patient does not know their ehtnicity, or declines to tell you, choose the 'Patient Declined' option.

Dentist, Hygienist & Payor Fields

The Dentist & Hygienist fields are used to record the primary treatment providers for each type of provider.

A payor is a Fund or Plan that provides financial assistance to the patient. The payor will be charged for a portion or all of the cost of treatments performed on the patient. The transaction will be displayed in the patient and Payor Transactions window.
The normal payor for the patient is entered here. This is selected from a list of payors by clicking on either the spin box, list button or pressing the

For private and independent patients there is no external payor so this field is to be left blank.
The payor number can be entered into the field to the right.


If patients are to be set up into different capitation pricing bands for treatment, this optional field (set up in Configure File in the Configure menu) may be used to apply the appropriate Capitation Band code.
If the patient is not set up with a Capitation payor, this field will be greyed out.


Select NA if the patient is to pay for their own treatment, or select the member of the patient’s family who will be paying the bill on the patient’s behalf.

Paying Patient is an optional field, and may not be present unless set up in Patient File in the Configure menu.

Pref. Location (Preferred Location)

From v12.8 EXACT enables a dental business with a single server and multiple practice Locations to create a separate online booking website for each configured Location.

The Preferred Location is the practice Location that best suits the patient.

It is important for practitioners to record this field because

  • For online bookings EXACT first attempts to use the Preferred Location, and if it isn't specified, then uses other Locations, according to defined logic.

  • From v12.9 EXACT also has merge fields specifically for using the preferred location in patient correspondence.

  • From v12.9 practitioners who log in to a Location and use the Appointment Workflow will see only that Location's patients on the Departure Task List (Exit Workflow).

Family Members

This area allows family members to be recorded within the system, for bill paying, appointment setting and mailing purposes.
When changing the address for a family, a prompt will appear asking if you would like to change all family member details. (You can opt to not do this if family members do not all share the same address).
Click the Add Member button to add another patient as a family member.

Highlight a patient name and use the

button to add another family member to the list, or the

button to remove them from the list.

Other Patient Details Code Fields


The Inactive field allows the patient’s record to be marked as inactive by clicking on the check box. If required, an appropriate code may be selected as a reason for doing so. In this example, DEC indicates the patient is deceased.


The patient Code is used for identifying and locating the patient within EXACT. When creating a new patient record EXACT will automatically assign a unique code to the patient. This allows for positively identifying patients with the same or similar names.

Note the * before the code - this is used in EXACT to indicate a patient record is inactive.

This number is usually assigned by the system and is generally used only when practices have converted from another dental software system, or if the practice files patients numerically rather than alphabetically.

This field can also be used to sort patients, enabling you to sort patients by number, alternative reference, etc, rather than by code. If you wish to generate a unique alt ref number for all of your patients or overwrite the existing entries and re-populate the values, contact the SOE Support team.

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