Create Patient Records
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Create Patient Records


  1. If the Patient File window is not already open, click the Patients

2. Click the +1 button, on the Patient File toolbar, to open the Add Patient window:

3. Enter the name of the patient in the First, Sec. Name and Family Name fields as appropriate. If you have already checked for the existence of the patient record in the previous step, there should be no problems at this stage. However, if a patient with the same name does exist, a message will display:

4. If the details are the same, click Close; this will take you back to the Patient Details window. You may now either opt to exit from the Details window, or if the patient is a person with the same name as the existing record, continue adding details.
NOTE: Some fields may have been designated as mandatory. These fields have a highlighted background (yellow, in the following examples) and must have information entered in them in order to save the contents of the window with the OK button. If not filled in, a message will appear stating which fields:

- Use the Tab button on the Keyboard to move between fields in this window. This will activate each field ready for your entry.
- It is not necessary to use uppercase (capitals) since the program will capitalise letters where needed. However, you can force upper/lower case where required (e.g., in “van den Heuvel”) by overtyping the defaulted values.

5. Enter information as follows in the Add Patient window.

Most fields are self explanatory but some notes and explanations about certain fields are below:

Sex - This can be set as Male, Female or Other.

Home address - This is made up of 4 address lines and a postcode. These fields are used in communication merge fields as address1, address2, address3, address4 and postcode.

Business address - Home address is the default but you can store both home and business address using the toggle button

Home Phone - SMS Home can be ticked to allow patients to receive SMS via a voice to text messages from EXACT. If left unticked no SMS will be sent from EXACT and it will become a reference only for the practice.

Mobile Phone - SMS Mobile can be ticked to allow patients to receive SMS messages from EXACT. If left unticked no SMS will be sent from EXACT and it will become a reference only for the practice.

Explanation of each Patient Details field:

Work Phone - By using the drop down you can store Work Phone, Alternative Phone and Fax/Pager.

Email - This can store multiple email address, any email that is ticked will be used for sending communications too. If left unticked it will be for reference only for the practice.

Referred By - Used for tracking referral source. Using the drop down you can select an existing patient or from your list of referral sources

Contact Preference - Contact Preference will be used for Recall Communications by always using the method selected.

Types - These are custom fields (Type 1 and Type 2) that can be to identify patients when using the contact list or patient trigger functionality.

Ethnicity/NI Number - This is used when submitting NHS claims.

Price Code - When setting prices they can be set in 3 different price codes with Price 2 being the default. This is designed for when you want to charge different fees, for example staff/family discopunt.

Payor - To note down whether the patient is private, has treatment on a government scheme such as the NHS or part of a Practice Plan. If they are private you leave the field blank

Paying Patient - Setting this will mean all invoices are transferred and paid for by this patient.

Family Members - You add/remove family members at any time. Family members can be booked in for family appointments and can be set to only receive 1 communication per household.

Code - The code can be changed but we recommend leaving it to be automatically populated.

Alt Ref - This will automatically populated and can be used in situations where you do not want to refer to the patient by name for data safety reasons and instead can use the alt ref number.

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