Creating/Editing Notes (Notes Tab)
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Creating/Editing Notes (Notes Tab)

The Notes tab is not the place to record any clinical notes, as any information entered onto this screen can be deleted. For clinical notes, use the Note button on the treatment area of the Chart tab.

The Notes Tab can hold general notes on the patient, dated notes and Pop Up Notes.

Tp access the Notes area open a patient file and click on the Notes Tab.

Updating a General Note

These are general notes about the patient. These may include notes about the patient’s interests or personality. To make this area easier to read, you may wish to type each note on a different line.

To Update a general note.

Select a Patient and select the Notes tab:

Simply click in the top General Notes field and type in the required information.

Dated Notes

These are specific notes about the patient that may need to be referred to at a future date, and are automatically 'stamped' with the creation date, time and creator's user code.

Dated notes may include notes regarding financial arrangements or conversations with other health professionals and/or the patient.

The pop-up note entries (which are in effect a type of dated note) are also placed into this area.

Adding/editng a Dated Note

In the Notes tab, either click the +1 button at the bottom right, or right-click in the Notes window to open the +1 Add prompt to begin a new note or click on the Edit button e|d to edit and an existing note.

An Add Notes window displays:

Click in the Notes pane.

Type in the required note and click OK.

You can change the default colour for the note (yellow) and/or change the note type to Pop-up Note, but the other details are set by the system.

TIP: These notes are automatically stamped with the Date, Time of Entry and creator, which defaults to the current user. If the person creating the note is different to the logged-on user, prefix the note with their initials for future reference.

Pop Up Notes

Pop Up notes enable practitioners to communicate with other members of the team regarding patients.


Notes can be made to pop up by checking the Pop-up Note checkbox in either the Add Patient Note or Edit Patient Note windows.

The Pop-up Options can then be defined as shown below.


Pop-up Note Options

Pop up the note when any practitioner or a particular security group of practitioners does any or all of the following:

  • Opens the patient file.

  • Takes a payment from the patient.

  • "Arrives" the patient in the practice.

  • Books an appointment for the patient.

These pop-up options can be specified as date-dependant:

  • Only after a particular date.

  • Only until a particular date.

  • Only between two dates.

Create a Pop Up Note

In the Notes tab, either click the +1 button at the bottom right, or right-click in the Notes window to open the +1 Add prompt.

  1. The following screen will appear:

Tick the Pop-up Note box to make the note pop up under a certain condition.


After choosing Pop-up Note, several further options become available. Select them as required:


Colour. Pop up Notes can be colour-coded. Use the button to choose a suitable colour.


Pop-up options. Click this button if you wish to select how the note will appear

If you select the ‘Pop-up Options’ button, the following screen appears:

Select or deselect the relevant options. The last three are active only if you click the checkbox, and allow you to set applicable dates and/or restrict display to only particular users.

Select or deselect the relevant options and click the OK button.

The following shows how a Pop Up message would appear to reception as the patient’s Chart screen is accessed:


This note is linked to this patient and it will pop-up each time the patient’s Edit Appointment, Payment and Patient files are accessed.

To prevent this message from appearing again tick the checkbox Do not pop up this note in the future. This indicates that the issue related to the message has been resolved.

All pop up notes will be recorded within the patients Notes tab. They appear as shown below:

Even if a note is deleted, it can still be viewed if the ‘Show Audit’ box is checked.

Double-click a note from this list, or click the Edit button

to display further information about the note, including the initials of the person who dismissed the note, i.e. marked it as ‘Dismissed’.

In the example above, rather than use a pop-up note to notify other EXACT users that the patient has an allergy, a better option would be to add this information to the patient's medical details as a medical alert. It would then be permanently available when treating the patient.

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