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NHS Triage Claims - FAQ's
These FAQ’s have been generated by questions asked by customers. If you have any further questions about the NHS Triage Claims please email and we will respond to your query and update this article where required.
Is this mandatory?
What should I do for multiple appointments?
The BSA has advised I do not need the initial triage for patients that attend the practice. Why are you advising me to do this?
What Version of Exact do I need to be on?
What Version of SOEL HEALTH do I need to be on?
How do I know if the Triage forms have been sent?
Are FP17/O forms generated when initial triages are sent?
I have backdated forms what should I do with them?
Do I need to fill out an initial assessment even when the patient is coming into the practice?
When do I use the ·TRIAGE service?
I have received an @312 No significant treatment on an EDI Claim response when sending off an initial assessment.
I have received an Abandoned/Discontinued/Completed - Minimum amount of treatment not present response when sending off an initial assessment.
Do I still need to capture the risk assessment before the patient attends an appointment?
Can I add the ·TRIAGE service to an existing COT?
Who can fill out the Triage Assessment Form?
Can I send a claim without an FP17?
Can the ·TRIAGE service be used on private Courses of Treatment?
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