How to add patient information to an image
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How to add patient information to an image


Start by finding the annotation button within Examine Pro, it should look like a pencil and paper, click the annotation button, the button will go dark green to show it is activated.

You should then see the annotation window on the right hand side of Examine Pro.

Click the text button highlight above, this will allow you to draw a text box on the desired image. Move your mouse pointer over the image and it will turn into a cross, click once to start the text box and a second time to finish the text box. You can always resize or move the box after it has been created so don’t worry too much about its initial positioning.

You can then type the necessary information into the text box and it will display on the image. You can still move or resize the box after the text has been written.

You can change the text colour using the buttons at the bottom of the annotation window.

Exporting your image including text

If you wish to export the image including the text you have added go to “File” in the top left of the Examine Pro window and select “Export Picture”.

You will then be able to select where you wish to save the image and the name you wish to give it, ensure the “Save As” option highlighted below is set to “(+annotations)” if you wish for your text to display on the exported image.


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