Can Tyro Support integrate terminals?
Yes, but only terminals, they can have a practice log into their SOE Connect account and add the terminal with the practice. What they cannot do is configure EXACT to point at connect, configure EXACT to speak to the correct Tenant and add the payment method/configure it to connect.
Does a practice need SOE Support to integrate terminals
Yes, SOE support will need to do steps A and B of the Setup guide.
How to turn off the practice printer printing receipts and claim statementsS
Section L of Setup guide.
Can Tyro process Medicare EasyClaims
Can Tyro process Health Fund Claims
Yes - up to 99% of Health Fund coverage
Can you claim for 2 + patients at once?
No, this is a limitation of Tyro.
Can I claim more than 16 items at once?
No, this is a limitation of Tyro.
How many Health Funds does Tyro cover?
Is it a 1 for 1 replacement to HICAPS?
Its an alternative but does not work the same, please refer to Setup guide or contact HSO support if you have any questions.
What do I do if the troubleshooting guide does help?
Please refer to how to troubleshoot if you are not familiar
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