Instant Messenger
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Instant Messenger

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Instant Messenger


Messages that arrive will show in the conversation area. Replies are typed in the box below and sent by hitting the Send button. You can see who the message will be sent to by looking at the To line above. 

All the previous features of instant messaging are supported,including panic messages, quicknotes, as well as sounds and minimise on message receipt. 

In addition the following new feature are supported

Other Changes

With the new Instant message message window you can now minimise the window and come back to it later if you are half way through composing a message. 

The support team  at Software of Excellence now has the ability to send instant messages directly into Exact to certain users advising about important information or help.  This might be about service outages that affect multiple users, or help where a particular topic is causing confusion, or letting sites know about new features they have been waiting for.

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