Configuring Online Appt Bookings
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Configuring Online Appt Bookings


Configuration within EXACT

With the EXACT Online Booking Website Builder all configuration is within EXACT; there is no need to go online for configuration.

Emphasis on Booking Reasons as the driving force behind online booking

After initial feedback from the field, the emphasis shifted toward facilitating unique configurations of each booking reason (the reason for a patient to book an appointment).

To configure booking reasons uniquely you need to follow a 3-step sequence:

  1. Create an initial list of Providers who can take online bookings, with booking rules that integrate with the appointment book.

    From the Online Booking Configuration window - Providers who can take bookings from these types of patients: New Patient, Recall Patient, Planned Treatment, Existing Patient .

    (The initial settings are not critical, as these can be changed as you add the providers to their respective reasons)

  2. Set up the booking reasons.

    From the Online Booking Configuration window - Setup your booking website from within the EXACT software.

  3. Map the Providers to the booking reasons.

To configure online appointment bookings

Check that you meet all requirements for online appointment bookings, then go to Configure > Online Appointments...

There are two aspects to configuring appointment bookings:

  • Configuring booking rules to integrate with the appointment book

  • Setting up the website through which patients will make bookings

Configuring booking rules to integrate with the appointment book

Configuration is primarily from the Online Booking Configuration screen (access from Configure > Online Appointments).


  1. Configuring New Patient online booking

  2. Configuring Recall Patient online booking

  3. Configuring Planned Treatment online booking

  4. Configuring Existing Patient online bookinganal

Web Setup button: Setup your booking website from within the EXACT software.


Enabling the Online Appointments tab in the Appointment Book

The purpose of this step is to display the Online Appointments tab in the Appointment Book's activity bar:

All online appointments created by patients will then display in this tab area.

Prerequisite: The Online Appointments module must have been registered.

Important: This procedure applies per user, so it must be repeated for each user of the Online Appointments tab.

To enable the Online Appointments tab in the Appointment Book, per user

  1. Open the Appointment Book for the current user.

  2. Click the Configure button at bottom right .

  3. In the Appointment Book Setup Wizard, tick Select tabs for your activity bar, and then click Next:


    You will see a statement:


  4. Click Next to continue.

  5. In the Select Tabs window, select Online Appointments and click the arrow button to move it to the right pane:

    Select Online Appointments in the right pane and use the Up / Down arrows to position the Online Appointments tab (the order of tabs in the right pane will be the ordering of the tabs in the Appointment Book Activity Bar):

    For example, the current ordering in the image above will order the Activity Bar tabs as follows:

  6. Click the Finish button and check that the Online Appointments tab appears in the Appointment Book activity bar.

  7. Important: Repeat this procedure for every user who will manage Online Appointments.

Configuring New Patient online booking per provider

Configuration is per Provider

In the Online Booking Configuration screen a New Patient tab enables the default configuration per Provider.

Plan these parameters for each Provider:

  • Appointment time per patient type (online appointment duration and the default New patient service).

  • Free Time available for new online patients (no appointments booked for that period, allowing for new patient booking into the free time)

  • SMS and Email Confirmation Templates (confirmation of patient booking)

  • Consider setting up clinics as a means of reserving appointment slots.

To configure the DEFAULT New Patient online booking settings for each Provider

  1. Select Configuration > Online Booking to open the Online Booking Configuration screen.

  2. Select the New Patient tab:

    The task now is to set up each Provider with their own default settings that apply when New Patients book with that Provider.

    Overview: You need to click the +1 button to open a configuration screen, edit the fields on the screen and save, then repeat by means of the +1 button for all Providers who will be available for online bookings.

  3. Select the [+1] button to open a window in which to configure a Provider for the New Patient online booking:

    Provider: Select a Provider or type a Provider code.

    Note that you can optionally populate these fields by selecting the Copy settings from Provider button and then selecting the other Provider from the popup window:

  4. Configure the Appointment time per patient type:

    Either set a default appointment duration in minutes or type in the New patient service code (each service is configured with a service duration that EXACT will note as the appointment duration)

  5. Configure the Free time available for new online patients.

    Specific clinic:

    Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to one specific clinic.

    Select the clinic:

    Specify the days into the future.

    All unbooked non-clinic time: Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to all time available outside of clinics. Set the days into the future.

    All unbooked time: Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to all free time, whether in or out of clinics. Set the days into the future.

  6. Setup Welcome\Confirmation Templates (where the new patient is welcomed and receives confirmation of the booking) in SMS and Email. Either use the same templates as for other booking types or create templates especially for new patient online booking.

  7. Select OK to save.

    You may see a NOTE:

    This clarifies that the custom settings in the Web Setup > Reasons will not be overridden by the default setup.

  8. Repeat this procedure for all appropriate Providers.

The above default settings can be used to speed creation of Booking Reasons

In the above Online Booking Configuration you create default settings for each Provider for New-patient online bookings.

When you later come to configure Booking Reasons in the Web setup, you will then be able to optionally pull these defaults into each Booking Reason. For example, a Toothache Booking Reason:

Once created, Booking Reasons will display in the configuration screen per Provider

Configuring Existing Patient online booking per provider

Configuration is per Provider

In the Online Booking Configuration screen an Existing Patient tab enables configuration per Provider.

Configuration parameters for each Provider include:

  • Free Time available for online recall patients (no appointments booked for that period, allowing for online recall patient booking into the free time)

  • SMS and Email Confirmation Templates (confirmation of patient booking)

  • Consider setting up Clinics as a means of reserving appointment slots.

To configure the DEFAULT Existing Patient online booking settings for each Provider

  1. Select Configuration > Online Booking to open the Online Booking Configuration screen.

  2. Select the Existing Patient tab.

  3. Select the +1 button at bottom right to open the configuration window:

  4. Select OK.

    EXACT will start to upload available times for the existing patients to book into.

    You may see a NOTE:

    This clarifies that the custom settings in the Web Setup > Reasons will not be overridden by the default setup.

  5. Repeat the above procedure for all Providers who will treat Existing patients booking online.

The above default settings can be used to speed the creation of Booking Reasons

In the above Online Booking Configuration you create default settings for each Provider for Existing-patient online bookings.

When you later come to configure Booking Reasons in the Web setup, you will then be able to optionally pull these defaults into the Booking Reason. For example, a Toothache Booking Reason:

Once created, Booking Reasons will display in the configuration screen per Provider

Configuring Recalls online appointment booking 

Configuration is per Provider

In the Online Booking Configuration screen a Recalls tab enables configuration per Provider.

Configuration parameters for each Provider include:

  • Free Time available for online recall patients (no appointments booked for that period, allowing for online recall patient booking into the free time)

  • SMS and Email Confirmation Templates (confirmation of patient booking)

To configure the Recalls appointment Times, Providers and Email/SMS Templates

  1. Select Configuration > Online Appointments to open the Online Booking Configuration screen.

  2. Open the Recalls tab:

    Order of Appointments: In the case of a combined recall, this sets the order of appointments.

    Maximum Minutes between appointments: Determines the gap between multiple appointments, should they be booked.

  3. Select the +1 button to open a window in which to configure a Provider for the Recalls online booking:

    Provider: Select a Provider for whom you will set up the availability for bookings.

    Note that you can optionally populate these fields by selecting the Copy settings from Provider button and then selecting the other Provider from the popup window:

  4. Configure the Free time available for Recall online patients.

    Specific clinic: Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to one specific clinic.

    All unbooked non-clinic time: Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to all time available outside of clinics.

    All unbooked time: Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to all free time, whether in or out of clinics.

  5. Setup Confirmation Templates (where the patient receives confirmation of the booking) in SMS and Email. Either use the same templates as for other booking types or create templates especially for Recalls online booking. Important: Ensure that you include the [recall.url] merge field, as this is required for the patient to make an online booking. You can either type this in, or select it from the All or Recall merge field lists

Configuring Online Planned Treatment booking

Configuration is per Provider

In the Online Booking Configuration screen a Planning tab enables configuration per Provider.

Configuration parameters for each Provider include:

  • Free Time (no appointments booked for that period, allowing for planned treatment online booking into the free time)

  • SMS and Email Confirmation Templates (confirmation of patient booking)

  • SMS and Email Sending Templates (for sending the patient a link to an online booking web page populated with the patient's planned treatment details). Default Sending templates for sending the web address are provided in the software. You can use these as is, customise them, or create new templates.

To configure the planned appointment Times, Providers and Email/SMS Templates

  1. Select Configuration > Online Booking to open the Online Booking Configuration screen.

  2. Select the Planned tab:

  3. Practice Manager users only:

  4. Select the +1 button to open a window in which to configure a Provider for the planned treatment booking:

    Provider: Select a Provider for whom you will set up the availability for bookings.

    Note that you can optionally populate these fields by selecting the Copy settings from Provider button and then selecting the other Provider from the popup window:

  5. Configure the Free time available for planned treatment appointments:

    Specific clinic: Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to one specific clinic.

    All unbooked non-clinic time: Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to all time available outside of clinics.

    All unbooked time: Check (tick) this checkbox if you are limiting online bookings to all free time, whether in or out of clinics.

  6. Setup Confirmation Templates (where the patient receives confirmation of the booking) in SMS and Email. Either use the same templates as for other booking types or create templates especially for treatment planning online booking.

  7. Setup the Sending Templates (where the patient is sent an online booking link to a web page populated with the patient's planned treatment details). Either use the default templates provided for SMS and Email, or create custom templates.

    Default Sending Templates:

    Default SMS Sending Template (•PLND_OLB_SMS):

    Default Email Sending Template (•PLND_OLB_EMAIL):

Merge field requirement for custom templates

IMPORTANT: Notice the [patient.planned.url] merge field in the above SMS and Email default templates. It propagates the planned treatment details to the booking website so that patients book specifically for their planned treatment. This merge field needs to be inserted in any custom planned treatment booking template that you create.

Configuring Online Recalls

Online Recalls / Bookings needs to be configured correctly, but is also dependent on multiple EXACT configuration requirements (see Requirements for Online Recalls / Bookings).

Configuration involves registering the Online Appointments module, setting up online recalls and bookings, and configuring free time for the appropriate Providers in the Practice.

Configuring Online Recalls within EXACT

(Assumes that you have Registered the Online Appointments Module)

To set up Online Appointment recall parameters within EXACT

Set this up by means of the Recall Parameters Screen.

To configure the Recall Parameters screen

  1. Open the Recall Manager.

  2. Click the Configure Recalls button:

    The Recall Parameters Screen displays:

    NOTE: Each time that you upgrade the EXACT software, existing settings will propagate into the upgraded Recall Manager.

  3. Configure the different Recall Parameters as indicated below:

Recall Types

Dentist and Hygienist, with Providers listed for each.
This table is a summary. To configure Dentist and Hygienists, see:

Edit Recall Type for Dentist or Hygienist

TIP: You can manually override the default assignment of Providers to Dentist / Hygienist Recall Type. For example, you can re-assign Therapists to the Hygienist Recall Type for practical recall reasons, as they are not permitted to do diagnostics.

Merge Fields

Click to open a Merge Fields Window.

From here you can see how the merge fields will appear in patient communications. This includes:

  • Combinations of Dentist and Hygienist recalls.

  • Family recalls.

  • Combined dentist and Hygienist Service (co-ordinated duties) - this must be activated. Click in this field to see the selection controls.

IMPORTANT: This screen provides a means of specifying whether Dentist and Hygienist recall appointments should be booked separately or in combination, which affects how Receptionists book recalls in the Appointment Book.

Online Recalls

Click this button to open a screen for configuring the times during which patients can book recalls online.

Using Recall Patient online booking

Configuring Recalls online appointment booking


Configure EXACT to automatically send recalls by available means such as SMS, Email and EasyPost.

See: Automating Recalls

Configuring Online Recalls on the booking website


  • Customise the website colour scheme and fonts.

  • Incorporate a practice logo.

  • Create a practice bio/overview, including opening hours.

  • The software automatically populates your web page with a Google map based on your physical address.

  • Cater to all forms of patient booking:

    • New Patients (Private/NHS/Payors)

    • Existing Patients (Private/NHS/Payors)

    • Recall Bookings

    • Planned Treatment Bookings

  • Create multiple Booking Reasons, with defined Price and Deposit (the Deposit field is only available if you have the Online Payments module)

    • Customise the Booking Reason display order.

  • Flexibly configure Providers who will be associated with Booking Reasons, and customise all appointment parameters per Reason/Provider.

    Note that Providers who are associated with a Booking Reason can be configured with different appointment durations, Service, Clinics, unbooked time, SMS template and Email template - a Booking Reason is not locked to one service, Provider or any particular appointment parameter.

  • Campaigns created in Marketing Manager can be associated with a particular Booking Reason. Users booking online as a result of a campaign can then be tracked for marketing metrics.

    • View all marketing-related Booking Reasons in the Web Setup screen.

  • Add a Google Analytics Tracking ID that enables Google analysis and reporting on the number of people clicking through to the online booking portal.

  • Opt to take payments from the website, for which receipts are generated from EXACT (requires the Online Payments module)

  • Customise the policies and procedures that patients view on the booking site.


  • All configuration tasks can be conducted within EXACT; there is no need to go to an external website for configuration.

  • Customise, add and remove Booking Reasons that patients will see as options. These Reasons are not constrained to limited preset options - create any reasons that suit your bookings.

  • Because the EXACT Online Booking Website Builder is built into EXACT,

    • Our software developers can build upon the tight integration between EXACT and online bookings (Existing Patient online booking is an example).

    • Going forward the website builder will evolve in step with EXACT to directly suit the needs of our EXACT users.

    • Practices secure committed bookings by taking online deposit payments.


  • To upgrade to this software please liaise with your Support Team, who will provide instructions.

  • You cannot simply upload images that you need to use on your booking website (such as your practice logo and identifying images per Provider); the following is required of images:

    • Images must be located on a webserver that you can access without a password.

      Examples of images on a webserver: on your main practice website, on a freely accessible Flickr page, a shared Google Drive folder, or a shared Dropbox folder.

    • Because the website will link to these images 24/7, they must be constantly available from their online location without any access restrictions.

  • Your practice can optionally enable online payments, which enables deposit payments per Booking Reason (without online payments enabled your practice will only be able to set a Price for patients to view online).

    This financial functionality must be enabled for your practice by Software of Excellence Fit Team or Operations Team personnel, whom you can contact by querying the Support Desk.

    • As part of the practice setup for online financial transactions you will be required to register an account with a third party online-payment management business.

Configuring Locations for Online Booking

Prerequisites for Location support in Online Booking:

  • EXACT v12.8 or later.

  • The practice is configured for Online Booking, with booking functionality.

  • Practice Locations are enabled:

    (Configure - > Practice Settings > Enable Locations)

  • Once Practice Location is enabled (above), it becomes possible to enable online appointments Enable Locations as follows:

    Configure > Online Appointments > Web Setup window > Enable Location

  • The practice must be configured for multiple Locations, where EXACT then treats each Location as a separate "practice" for patient booking purposes and for Provider free time available for bookings.

  • Online booking Free Time must be uploaded to activate each Location as a new practice.
    This is only possible if Providers are configured for a Preferred Location (in the Provider File), so that their free time is available in the new Location.
    If provider Preferred Location is not specified, EXACT assumes the practice Default Location as the Provider's preferred location, and the free time will only upload to the practice default location.

  • Recommended: Patents are configured for a Preferred Location (in the Patient File Details tab). If not specified, EXACT assumes the practice default Location as the patient's preferred location.

On upgrade to EXACT v12.8:

Practices with multiple existing Locations will have those locations listed in the Web Setup, but without being configured or enabled.

Each Location is an Online Booking blank slate:

Once they tick to Enable Locations, the pre-configured Locations appear in the Enable Locations dropdown list:

To configure Locations for Online Booking

  1. If not already set up, configure multiple locations for your practice.

    NOTE: Once locations are enabled, until you define them, on logging into EXACT you will see this message:

  2. When configuring Web Setup, tick to Enable Locations, then select a Location:

    Default Location for Providers and Patients who have none specified:

    The top Location in the dropdown menu is used by EXACT as the preferred Location for those Providers and Patients who have not specifically been configured with a Location:

    So, unless you assign New patients a Location, EXACT will assume this as their Location.

  3. Click the Practice Info button to set up the online booking page for the selected location.

    (You can independently set up a booking website for each of your created Locations):

  4. Repeat the Practice Info setup for each Location in the dropdown list.

    Appearance options:

    • Maintain a common corporate appearance across Locations, or

    • Configure different looking Locations:

  5. In the Web Setup, customise the booking websites / locations to match the Practice Info.

    For example:

  6. Setup the address, phone number and description per location.

  7. Use the same practice Email address across all locations.

EXACT applies the following logic in using Preferred Locations versus other locations:


IMPORTANT: To use locations effectively, Providers and Patients should have Preferred Locations specified, and practitioners should habitually record Preferred Locations for new patients.

Online Booking Providers:

The Provider Details tab has a Pref Location field.

  1. If an online booking Provider has this preferred location field specified in Provider file > Pref Location, EXACT uploads their free time to their preferred location booking page.

  2. Otherwise the provider's free time is uploaded to the default online booking location.


Patients who book online:

The Patient Details tab has a Pref Location field.

  1. EXACT first uses a patient's Preferred Location, if specified in Patient file > Details tab > Pref Location.

  2. If a patient does not have a specified preferred location, EXACT uses the patient Provider's location.

  3. If the patient Provider does not have a specified preferred location, EXACT uses the default online booking location.


Combined Recalls:

For Combined Recalls, EXACT uses location options in this order:

  1. Patient preferred location, if specified in Patient file > Details tab > Pref Location.

  2. Dentist's preferred location, if specified in Provider file > Pref Location.

  3. The default online booking location.


Family Recalls:

For family recall, EXACT uses the main contact patient's location in this order:

  1. The main contact person's preferred location.

  2. The main contact person's Provider's preferred location.

  3. The default online booking location.


Marketing Campaign:

For marketing campaigns EXACT uses locations in this order:

  1. The patient's preferred location.

  2. The default online booking location.

Appointment Workflow:

From EXACT v12.9 practitioners who log in to a Location and use the Appointment Workflow will see only that Location's patients on the Departure Task List (Exit Workflow). Patients who are booked for a different Location will not display.

Merge Fields for Preferred Location:

From EXACT v12.9 EXACT has merge fields specifically for using the Preferred Location in patient correspondence.

To set up Preferred Location for Providers

  1. Select File > Providers...

  2. Choose a Provider.

  3. At bottom left of the Provider Setup, use the selectors to specify a Pref. Location:

    If you do not configure a Provider Preferred Location:

    The top Location in the dropdown menu will be used by EXACT as the preferred Location for those Providers who have not specifically been configured with a Location:

    If the Preferred Location is deleted from Locations setup:

    In this situation EXACT will prompt you to update the Provider's Preferred Location.

To set up Preferred Location for Patients

  1. Select the Patients desktop > Details tab.

  2. Select a Patient.

  3. Use the selectors in the Pref. Location field to select the Preferred Location:

    If you do not configure a Patient Preferred Location:

    The top Location in the dropdown menu will be used by EXACT as the preferred Location for those Patients who have not specifically been configured with a Location:

Location field in the Edit Appointment window

Each Edit Appointment window has the Location field situated just above the Planned Treatment window:

EXACT Online Booking Website Builder

Use the EXACT online booking website builder to configure your dental practice online booking website from within EXACT.

Overview of EXACT Online Booking Website Builder

EXACT's Online Booking Website Builder enables dental practices to configure their online booking websites from within EXACT, without leaving the EXACT software.


  • Customise the website colour scheme and fonts.

  • Incorporate a practice logo.

  • Create a practice bio/overview, including opening hours.

  • The software automatically populates your web page with a Google map based on your physical address.

  • Cater to all forms of patient booking:

    • New Patients (Private/NHS/Payors)

    • Existing Patients (Private/NHS/Payors)

    • Recall Bookings

    • Planned Treatment Bookings

  • Create multiple Booking Reasons, with defined Price and Deposit (the Deposit field is only available if you have the Online Payments module)

    • Customise the Booking Reason display order.

  • Flexibly configure Providers who will be associated with Booking Reasons, and customise all appointment parameters per Reason/Provider.

    Note that Providers who are associated with a Booking Reason can be configured with different appointment durations, Service, Clinics, unbooked time, SMS template and Email template - a Booking Reason is not locked to one service, Provider or any particular appointment parameter.

  • Campaigns created in Marketing Manager can be associated with a particular Booking Reason. Users booking online as a result of a campaign can then be tracked for marketing metrics.

    • View all marketing-related Booking Reasons in the Web Setup screen.

  • Add a Google Analytics Tracking ID that enables Google analysis and reporting on the number of people clicking through to the online booking portal.

  • Opt to take payments from the website, for which receipts are generated from EXACT (requires the Online Payments module)

  • Customise the policies and procedures that patients view on the booking site.


  • All configuration tasks can be conducted within EXACT; there is no need to go to an external website for configuration.

  • Customise, add and remove Booking Reasons that patients will see as options. These Reasons are not constrained to limited preset options - create any reasons that suit your bookings.

  • Because the EXACT Online Booking Website Builder is built into EXACT,

    • Our software developers can build upon the tight integration between EXACT and online bookings (Existing Patient online booking is an example).

    • Going forward the website builder will evolve in step with EXACT to directly suit the needs of our EXACT users.

    • Practices secure committed bookings by taking online deposit payments.


  • To upgrade to this software please liaise with your Support Team, who will provide instructions.

  • You cannot simply upload images that you need to use on your booking website (such as your practice logo and identifying images per Provider); the following is required of images:

    • Images must be located on a webserver that you can access without a password.

      Examples of images on a webserver: on your main practice website, on a freely accessible Flickr page, a shared Google Drive folder, or a shared Dropbox folder.

    • Because the website will link to these images 24/7, they must be constantly available from their online location without any access restrictions.

  • Your practice can optionally enable online payments, which enables deposit payments per Booking Reason (without online payments enabled your practice will only be able to set a Price for patients to view online).

    This financial functionality must be enabled for your practice by Software of Excellence Fit Team or Operations Team personnel, whom you can contact by querying the Support Desk.

    • As part of the practice setup for online financial transactions you will be required to register an account with a third party online-payment management business.

Configuring the online booking website

NOTE: The Online Booking Payment setup depends on this online booking website setup as a prerequisite. However, the settings in online payments take precedence and where there is a clash they overwrite the settings in the website builder.

To configure the online booking website

  1. Select Configure > Online Appointments and select the Web Setup button:

    The Web Setup - Online Booking window displays:

  2. Decide whether to display the Call Me option.

    If you leave this checkbox un-checked the booking patient will see no Call Me Back option.

    If you check (tick) this the booking patient will see a Call me Back checkbox:

  3. Decide whether to use Appointment Stacking.

    If you leave this checkbox un-checked (default), the software shows only those appointment gaps at the top of a series of gaps. In this way you constrain bookings to fill up in an orderly manner, without leaving large blank gaps, and the practice appears to be professionally busy.

    For example, booking gaps exist tomorrow from 8.00am through to 3.00pm, but with Appointment Stacking disabled, a patient will only see the 08.00am slot.

    Select this checkbox if you want to show all available appointment gaps to patients using the booking site.

  4. Decide whether to have Open Recalls.

    If you leave this checkbox un-checked, then when Recall patients go to book their recall appointments they will see only the available appointment slots after their recall due date (it is not open to any dates).

    If you check (tick) this then when Recall patients go to book their recall appointments it is open to any booking - they will see all available appointment slots, not just the appointment slots after their recall due date.

  5. Decide whether to Use Rostered Available Time (Rooms).

    This feature enables practices to specify which rooms apply to online booking.

    Practices often use Rooms for non-booking purposes. For example, a practice that doesn't normally use rooms adds a room for a business purpose, but they do not want this room to be used for online booking, or a practice uses rooms, but doesn't want all of these rooms to be used for patient online booking purposes.

    Prior to v11.10 these practices could not benefit from online booking because they needed to set Schedule to Rooms in the appointment book setup wizard, and this stopped any times from being uploaded to the online booking site.

    The Use Rostered Available Time (Rooms) checkbox enables these practices to properly use online bookings.

    The checkbox only appears if you have at least one Room in an Appointment Book. Its default state is checked.

    The implications of checked versus un-checked for sending data to the online booking site:


    When this checkbox is checked, EXACT only uploads the Rostered free time to the online booking site (no free time is uploaded if there is no rostered free time).

    When this checkbox is un-checked, EXACT uploads all Provider free time as slots (including both rostered and unrostered) to the online booking site.

    When the Appointment Book is set for Schedule to rooms but no room is added in any appointment book, this checkbox does not appear and there will be no free time uploaded to the online booking site.

  6. If you have Locations enabled (Configure > Practice Settings > Enable Locations)...

    ... then this field is visible, but by default un-checked (disabled)

    To enable, tick the checkbox and select the default Location (from the dropdown menu) for this particular Web Setup:

    Note that each of the Locations in the dropdown menu needs to be set up separately.

  7. Configure the Booking Reasons:

    - Customise, add and remove booking reasons that New and Existing patients will see as options on the booking website.

    - Use the Up / Down arrows to re-order the reasons as you want them to appear on the booking site.

    The above example will appear as follows on the patient booking site:

    On upgrade:
    If your practice has never configured reasons before, on software upgrade you will see the default booking reasons. However, if you have configured reasons previously, these will display on upgrade (you won't lose them).

    Each Booking Reason requires configuration. If you leave any fields blank, EXACT will fall back on your Provider default setup configuration.

    1. Either select an existing reason and select the Edit button, or select the [+1] button to create a new booking reason.

      Add Booking Reason screen (options):

    2. Start by typing a Booking Reason name, taking into account how this will appear to booking patients...

      How the Reason displays on the booking website:


      Patients will see this name on a dropdown list of Reasons, so they need to understand what it means.

      The name does not necessarily equate to one service because each configured Provider may specify a different service.

      For marketing-campaign respondents the Booking Reason will be pre-selected.

    3. Decide on the Settings options for New and Existing Patients:

      Configure them separately:

      Configure only New or only Existing by checking / unchecking the checkboxes in each tab

      Use the same settings for both New and Existing Patients:

    4. Specify a Price for patients to view.

      If you have the Online Payments module configured you can also specify a Deposit:

      (Practices without the online payments module can only set a Price for patients to view online)

      This financial functionality must have been enabled for your practice by Software of Excellence FIT Team or Operations Team personnel, whom you can contact by querying the Support Desk.

    If you leave a Price or Deposit field blank the field is not used at all, so for a value of zero, specify a value of 0.00.

    EXACT will not let you specify a Deposit value greater than the Price value.

    1. In the Add Booking Reason window, select the Configure Providers button

    Provider/s must be specified for bookings.
    If you do not configure Providers, this booking reason will display in red text in your Web Setup window, but will not display to patients on the booking site.

    The Default Provider Reason Configuration displays:

    Here you have the opportunity to simply use default settings from the Provider Types:

    Select Yes to use default settings (which you can still edit) or select No to customise settings.

    If you select Yes, EXACT automatically populates the Online Booking Reason Configuration window:

    If you select No, you will need to manually populate the Online Booking Reason Configuration window:

    In this window, select a tab (New or Existing Patient), and then click the [+1] button to open the configuration window for a single Provider:

    Once configured, click the [+1] button to add further Providers.

    If required, repeat the process for both New and Existing tabs.

    1. Marketing Reasons display:

      In marketing campaign setup Booking Reasons are associated with the automated marketing campaigns.

      These reasons are shown in the Web Setup - Online Booking window as a reference list for the practice; they do not display to patients on the booking site.

      They can be edited from this window, but cannot be created or deleted.

  8. Configure the Provider Images and Practice Info:

Provider Images button

Only Providers who are configured for Online Bookings will display in this window.

Configure identifying images for Providers, such as photos, cartoons or symbols:

The image must be on a web server that the system can access continuously without a password or access restrictions.

Location examples: on your main practice website, on a freely accessible Flickr page, a shared Google Drive folder, or a shared Dropbox folder.

For each Provider, enter a web address to the image and then click the Connect to Picture button to display the image and check that the connection functions.

Practice Information

Select the Practice Info button to configure Practice Logo, colour scheme, a textual summary of the practice (opening times, services, specials, location, etc.), and optionally, the Google Analytics code for the practice:


Select a Practice Logo.

As the instructions state (see above image), the logo image must be on a web server that the system can access continuously without a password or access restrictions.
Examples of webserver locations: on your main practice website, on a freely accessible Flickr page, a shared Google Drive folder, or a shared Dropbox folder.
Paste or enter the web address of your logo to immediately display the image and check that the connection functions.

Mouseover the logo to see it at actual size:

Select a Colour Scheme to function as the dominant colour in the patient booking page.


Booking page example for Dolphin colour scheme (as about to be selected in the image above left):

Add important practice information.|

Practices can add a Google Analytics Tracking ID that enables Google analysis and reporting on the number of people clicking through to the online booking portal.

For practices with Locations, either

  • this code can be the same across Locations, or

  • each Location can have its own code for local tracking (in this case, add the ID to each Location from the Practice Info button for that Location).


The field has validation, so EXACT will warn you if your Google Analytics Tracking ID does not conform to the correct format.

Google Analytics is independent of EXACT and is not reported within EXACT - once set up you will need to log into a Google account to use the functionality.

Custom Text

Optionally add custom text:

Online Booking configuration includes a means of configuring two text areas for display on the booking website.

By default the intention is that when patients book online, at the end of the booking procedure they can view the practice policies/procedures for Complaints and Cancellations, however, these two text areas are completely customisable - give them ANY headers and ANY content.

Emergency contact email

On the booking site patients will see this email address as the optional contact address.

Configurable Policies

At the end of the online booking procedure booking patients can view the practice complaints and cancellation procedures.

From EXACT v12.2 onwards you can customise these Configurable Policies.

To customise the online booking Configurable Policies

Online Booking configuration includes a means of configuring two text areas for display on the booking website.

By default the intention is that at the end of the booking procedure patients can view the practice policies/procedures for Complaints and Cancellations:


However you don't have to call them Complaints and Cancellation - these two text areas are completely customisable - give them ANY headers and ANY content.

To customise these text areas

  1. Select Configure > Online Appointments and select the Web Setup button:

  2. From the Web Setup - Online Bookings window select the Custom Text button to open the Custom Text window:

  3. Select a tab and edit its Header and Text.

    NOTE: You can use any customisation. For example "Referrals" header and a Referrals policy, or "Additional information" with additional practice information text.

  4. Select Save to save all changes.

  5. If you Cancel you will be prompted: "Do you want to cancel? All changes will be lost?"

Online Payments

Online payments for appointment bookings provide the capability for practices to set a deposit (in the Booking Reason setup) for each of the booking reasons.

Note that if your practice has configured online booking payments the Booking Reason window will include a Deposit field where you can specify a deposit amount (less than the Price) to be paid online:

It also creates a payment method of .OLB (Online Booking), for use when EXACT receives a payment through online booking. The .OLB payment method is not available for use with standard (offline) payments.

Capabilities of Online Payments

Online payment deposits

Online payments provide the capability for practices to set a deposit (in the Booking Reason setup) for each of the booking reasons:

Once your practice has configured online booking payments the Booking Reason window will include a Deposit field where you can specify a deposit amount (less than the Price) to be paid online:

.OLB payment method

Online payments configuration also creates a payment method of .OLB (Online Booking), for use when EXACT receives a payment through online booking.

The .OLB payment method is not available for use with standard (offline) payments:

Requirements for Online Payments


  • EXACT version 12.1.

  • Online Booking (OLB) module has been configured for the practice.

  • The setup process includes practice registration with a third party online payments management company.


  • Online payments is only available for the Payor type “Private”.

  • Setup requires some intervention by the Software of Excellence Fit Team or Operations Team.

  • The system does not support electronic refunding - all refunds must be managed by means of the standard practice process.

Enabling Online Payments

  1. Contact your regional Software of Excellence FIT Team or Operations Team (query the Support Desk).

  2. The team will check (tick) the Enable Online Payments checkbox in your Practice Settings window as a means of registering the online payments module for your practice:

  3. The team will explain any further actions required on your part, including your registration with a third party online payments infrastructure.

Stripe Online Payments Infrastructure

EXACT integrates with the Stripe online payment infrastructure.

By signing up with Stripe you establish an independent means of managing online payments for the practice.

As with any online financial functionality the setup process includes rigorous validation of your details.

Stripe setup

In the process of configuring your practice for online payments you will receive an email with a hyperlink to Stripe.

Follow this link to set up an account that includes your business credentials and bank account numbers.

The account will need to be validated and verified by the practice owner before receiving transactions.

If you manage multiple practices you can include them all under one account, but be aware that they will all be registered with the single original email address that defined the account.

Stripe service fee

Note that Stripe charges a small service fee on transactions.

IMPORTANT: The online booking financial figures reported in EXACT are before service charges by the third party Stripe banking, so the EXACT figures are not identical to the payments into your bank account.

Stripe Dashboard:

Disenrolling from Online Payments

The disenroll procedure applies for these circumstances:

  • Your practice no longer wishes to take online payments

  • Your practice wishes to change its Account (your third party banking account)

To disenroll from online payments

In your online account, select the Disenroll button:

This results in the following actions:

  • A notification is sent to Software of Excellence Fit Team and Operations Team staff informing them of the Disenrollment.

  • If your account has been used to setup one practice, that practice is disenrolled from the payments infrastructure and will no longer be able to take deposits.

  • If your account has been used to setup multiple practices, only the disenrolled practice is disassociated from the account - the other practices will continue to function.

Patient Payment Method .OLB

When online booking becomes enabled EXACT creates an .OLB Patient Payment Method.

This is listed in Configure > Patient Payments... : Payment Methods:

As a Payment Method it is greyed out and non-editable.

This .OLB Payment Method can only be used in online payments.

To stop it being used for standard payments within the practice, in the normal Payments window .OLB is visible but is also greyed out:

Payment records and actions in EXACT

When a payment is received via the .OLB payment method, the following occurs in EXACT:

  • EXACT creates a new open patient transaction record:

  • Within the transaction record detail the Comment field displays the third party Authorisation ID for that payment transaction and the Payment Method is set to .OLB:

  • EXACT sends a receipt of the received OLB transaction to the patient email address.

    This receipt template in EXACT is Online Payment Receipt.

    This template can be viewed and edited

  • The sent receipt is added to the patient’s Contacts with the description Online Payment Receipt.

  • Note that the system does not support electronic refunding - all refunds must be managed by means of the standard practice process.

Online Booking Receipt Template

EXACT has a default Email template for sending online booking receipts: .OLB_RECEIPT_EMAIL

Sample email content based on the default template:

To view or edit the default Online Booking Receipt template:

  1. Select Configure > Email Templates...

  2. Locate and select the .OLB_RECEIPT_EMAIL template

  3. Double-click or click the Edit button to open the template:

  4. Edit and Save the template as required

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