com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.


If you do not have access to some of the areas mentioned here please see a higher EXACT user to assist or amend your security permissions.

If you would like the article as a PDF, use the 3 Dot's in the top right to Export


PLEASE NOTE: If you have previously done NHS work under your previous PMS you will need to inform us of the highest COT number (claim reference) that you have sent in order for us to ensure that there are no duplications leading to rejected claims.

Please use the link below to view a guide on generating a new site number through compass:


Adding your WebEDI account and site number

In order to add your WebEDI username, password and site number into Exact please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to File > Payors

  2. Click on the list button shown below

  3. Click on your NHS payor in the list then select OK.

  4. Click on Transmit Setup

  5. Ensure the check in is Transmit via WebEDI then select ‘Next>’

  6. Click on ‘Next>’ again

  7. You will then see the screen shown below which will enable you to enter your WebEDI details and site number

  8. Once you are happy you have entered the correct information click ‘Next>’

  9. Select ‘Finish’

Adding your location number

  1. Go to Configure > Practice Information

  2. This will open the ‘Practice Information’ screen you will see the field for the ‘NHS Location Number’ shown below where you can enter your Location ID. Please note in Exact your location number needs to be six characters e.g if a location number is 1234 you will need to enter 001234

  3. Once you have entered your location number select OK.

Adding an NHS Contract

Please use the link below to view a video which details how to create a new NHS Contract within Exact.


Rolling over your contract

Please use the link below to view a video which details how to roll over your NHS Contract in Exact. This will need to be done each contract year.


Increasing the NHS band fees

Please use the link below to view a video which details how to update the NHS band fees within Exact. Please note: These are not the correct fees and you will need to refer to NHS fees released for your contract year.


  1. Go to File > Providers

  2. Chose the provider you need to add the NHS details for in the code box

  3. Click on the NHS Details tab

  4. Click on +1 below the personal no box and enter the contract number and pin number. I would advise setting the Activation date to when the performer started at the practice.

PLEASE NOTE: Unless a provider is added onto your contract for the boards' end and you have received confirmation of this they should not be added to carry out NHS work. If you send claims for a provider before the board have carried out the necessary work there end it will result in rejection responses on all COTs sent.


Go to File – Payors or if you have one, the ‘NHS’ button along the top.

To the right of ‘Sort by name/Sort by code’, find NHS.

To the right of this screen, click on the button that says ‘Claim’.

On the next screen, select the providers you wish to bundle claims for, leave blank for all providers, or select multiple to the right. The date field is set to today's date, so it will bundle everything up to today. Click ‘OK’.

The system will bundle the claims, and once finished, will prompt you to print the list of claims, press print if you would like to print, or cancel to skip this.

If you get a message saying ‘No Claims Found’, nothing is ready to send, and if you get a message saying ‘There are too many claims for the bundle…’, once finished, you will need to press the ‘Claim’ button and bundle again, to bundle these extra claims ready to transmit.

You will then get the ‘Transmit Claim’ screen click OK, the transmission is complete.


You can view NHS responses by clicking on ‘Unresolved Responses’ from the claims central screen shown in the ‘How to Transmit’ section. Alternatively, you can access NHS responses from the NHS button on the workspace by clicking on the drop-down arrow and selected responses as shown below.


To amend/resolve any responses you receive;

Click into responses under the NHS dropdown.

Highlight the responses you want to deal with;

Click on Resubmit in the bottom right-hand corner;

Once you have resubmitted, click on to the Patient icon at the top of your screen and it will load the patient that you have resubmitted the treatment for and allow you to amend the treatment.

Before you TC the treatment back through, please check that you have “prompt for date when charging” checked under your user settings;

You can turn this on by going to configure > user settings then making sure there is a tick in the option shown below which shows under the chart section on the left-hand side.


NHS Schedules will be received once a month, and you will notice they come in when you transmit. To deal with the schedule:

  1. Go to - Administration - NHS - Payment Schedules.

  2. It will ask you to select dates and providers, to do the most recent for all providers, leave the screen as it is and click ok.

  3. A list of schedules will appear, with dates and schedule numbers that will relate to the paper version.

  1. Double click on the schedule you wish to check.

  2. This screen will display differences. If it is blank, there are none.  If it has entries:

a. if you agree with the difference, which you can check by double-clicking, click the 'adjust' button at the bottom. This will adjust the amounts on the system, and you are accepting what the board has paid you.

b. If you disagree with the difference, contact the NHS board to discuss the claim. If they accept that the claim should be paid you can resubmit and send the claim again,

3. Once the differences have been dealt with, by adjusting it will auto tick, but if disagree you can tick the box on the far left.  Once empty, the schedule has been dealt with, close the screen (small cross on the top right), and then highlight the schedule you have just done, and click 'Process Payments' on the bottom left. This will clear the open amount, and put a tick in the box on the far left. The schedule is now processed.

If a response has come back but is not part of a schedule you can resubmit and resend


The UDA manager allows you to display a graph of UDA performance against targets.

To load the UDA Manager go to Administration > NHS > UDA Manager.

When this is clicked the UDA Manager screen will open and will default to all the practice totals if there is more than one provider on the NHS contract. To switch to the individual target overview, you can use the drop-down box beside ‘Performer’. You can also switch between different contract periods using the drop-down beside ‘Contact’

The graph shows the current situation as at today with the yellow vertical line, the claimed UDAs showing in blue, Confirmed UDAs showing in green all compared against the red target line.

This target line is based on the overall target compared to a dentist’s available diary space. To ensure this is as accurate as possible please make sure the overall contract target is correct, the correct dentist sub-targets are correct and also the appointment book rotas are correct for the dentists who are working on the contract.

The NHS Schedules button at the bottom of the graph allows you to look at the “Disputed UDA / UOA amounts” screen which is pulled from the schedules screen. It shows the claims that are disputed by the NHS Dental Board, with the figure of the total number of UDAs/UOAs next to it.

The button under this is the UDAs in Progress which will show a full report of all open courses of treatments.

The NHS Responses button displays the “NHS Responses” screen, this is to show clearly the claims which are currently rejected by the board and will not be paid, this screen allows you to try to resolve them before the 2 months cut off period – the total next to this will be the number of responses in the list.

If there are any claims that haven’t yet been transmitted you can click the Send Claims button and any unsent claims will be sent to the Dental Board.

Shows UDAs/UOAs claimed and completed over time, grouped by the date of TC.

From the reports list select the performers required for the report, can use Multiple to select specific providers. (Leaving blank will print the report for all providers in the practice)

  • The report is run per contract you have entered in Exact

  • You can select to show detail which will give the patient name and the COT number.

  • The report can be run to group daily, weekly or monthly.

The report will show the date from which will be the first of the month if run monthly or every seven days from the first day the contract started. It will give the details of how many days are in that period.

The target column will show the providers target as of that period/date. Then the claimed column shows how many UDA’s have been TC’d through Exact and the confirmed column shows how many UDA’s were confirmed by the board. 

The UDAs in Progress report selects all open NHS courses for one or more specified providers, and produces a report with details as follows:

  • NHS Courses with no further planned work

  • NHS courses with no future appointments

  • Other open NHS courses

Totals for the above.

For each of these, the patient names, courses of treatment, last appointment date and the UDAs or UOAs are listed.

To run the UDAs in Progress report

The Print UDAs in Progress Report window displays:

  1. Select Providers:

If you've clicked the UDAs in Progress button in the UDA Manager screen, this field will be defaulted from the UDA manager and will display the code of the selected Provider.

Otherwise, you can enter the code of a provider, or use the Multiple button to choose more than one provider code, or leave the field blank to include all providers.

2. Show Detail: Check (tick) this checkbox to include details on the report, otherwise, only summary totals will be shown.

3. Select Print, Preview, Export or Cancel.

When TC’ing treatment that contains planned items you need to ensure you do not tick the items that have not been completed.

  1. Go to Patient File > Chart Tab – you should see the COT on screen

  2. Ensure all charted items that have been completed have been ticked – leave any items not completed unticked

  3. Click TC

  4. The following message will appear (depending on the maximum banded treatment charted):

  5. Select the band you wish to claim for – this is based on the actual treatment completed. If the treatment is a band 2 and you have only completed an Exam (0101) then you can only claim for a Band 1 treatment

  6. Complete any messages that pop up until you get the FP17 on screen

  7. Check the FP17 – ensure that the ‘treatment incomplete ‘box has been ticked (top left under the ‘Completion/Last Visit’ date

  8. Click ‘Send Claim’

  9. The COT will be TC’d as incomplete and the treatment that was not completed will be moved to the ‘misc.’ tab. If the patient comes back for this treatment in the future it can then be moved to a new course of treatment.

If you have a Band 3 treatment where the lab work is required, and the patient has not returned for the fit you are able to claim a Band 3 treatment.

Please note that the above statement is subject to change and you should contact the Dental Board for confirmation when claiming this type of treatment

If you require further assistance regarding the rules and regulations for NHS, response messages or checking claim bundles have been received, please contact the Dental Board.


A users security defines what they have the ability to do one the system, these are divided into groups that users are a part of. If you adjust a security setting it will amend it for all users in that group. You will need to be a superuser or admin user to amend security groups

  1. First to find out what security group someone is in, go into Configure > User Settings

  2. Find the user you want to look at and you can then see the security settings underneath the user's name and password;

  3. Then go into Configure > Security

  4. Using the Code section find the group you want to amend. Everyone listed underneath is in this security group and everything ticked it what they have the ability
    to do;

  5. You can then click in these subsections and amend the security settings for that group.

To add a new user or Provider into Exact you must first click on configure > Add User / Provider;

Then on the first window on the Add User Wizard, put in the way you want the user to appear on the appointment book and user name when logging in.

When selecting if they require an appointment book, if they are a provider but aren’t starting yet, still click yes – this is what makes them a provider and not an admin user.

Click  Next > and the next screen will want you to select the security group that the provider requires and add in a temporary password for them to just get logged in (make sure you tick “User must change password at next login”

Press Next> and the next page will be for any additional details you wish to add such a the providers' name and qualifications. This is the section where you fill in the provider type;

Press Next > and this page you can add in the providers' address/telephone numbers and an email address if they would like to receive an email every time an appointment is made with them.

Press Next > and this section is where you can pick the providers' appointment book colour and text colour.

Press Next > where you will be asked to tick which recall type the provider will set, either dentist or hygienist

Press Next > and you will be prompted to add in the providers working rota, make sure you start this as the correct date that the provider is starting with you.

The next two pages will ask you which appointment book (if you have more than one) that you want the provider to show in and how they want their stickman (patient at the door) settings to show.

Press Next > and this is where you can add in the provider NHS details and press Finish, this will then add the new provider to the diary and open their rota from the dates you selected.


When you are in Exact Reports you have the ability to add reports that you use frequently into your favourites tab, this will be for the user that is currently logged in and each user will have to add their own favourites in.

Go into reports and highlight the report you want to add into your favourites and press the star icon in the bottom right-hand corner;

You can then choose or add the group as monthly/weekly or daily, depending on the frequency that you run it. With a description, if you would like.

You will then be able to fill out the relevant fields that you use when running the report, like performer and date ranges.

This will then save into the favourites tab to be run easily with the prefilled dates/performers in place

This report is used to print a summary of appointments and should be run on a regular basis, usually weekly. As the information is taken from the appointment book, it is important to ensure the status of each appointment is accurate, by ensuring patients are being checked as having arrived, being moved into the chair, appointment complete, etc. This is accomplished by using the 'Arrivals Door' feature.

Leave the Provider(s) field blank to summarise the Appointments for the whole practice. 
An individual provider can be selected from a list by using either the up and down buttons or the list button.

  1. Clicking the Multiple button will allow a combination of providers to be selected.

  1. The ‘From’ and ‘To’ Date fields are used to define the date range for the report.

  1. Other fields/options:



Breakdown by Providers

This will separate the report into sections broken out by provider, with subtotals for each day.

Use Rosters

This will show any rostered time that is being used within the appointment book.

Daily, Weekly or Monthly Summary

This report can be summarised by day, week or month. Select the option required by clicking on the appropriate option.

The report includes the following:

  1. Number of failed or cancelled appointments

  2. Number of new patients

  3. Number of patients seen

  4. The estimated value of treatments. In order for the value to appear, treatment must be book from planned treatment, or the booked service must have a value associated with it (set under Configure > Services).

  5. Average wait time (from the 'Arrivals door').

The Open Transaction Reconciliation identifies money that could be paid to a provider but it is currently unallocated. The report will show all payments and receipts that have been entered into Exact that are unallocated from the beginning of use.

The debit column shows any invoice that a payment has not been allocated to. The credit column shows any payment that has not been allocated to an invoice, the amount of the payment and the amount left of that payment that can be allocated (if this is less than the total amount of the payment it means it has been partially allocated to another invoice.)

It is best to run this report before running the allocated payments report to ensure everything is allocated. When the payments are allocated together you will need to re-run the allocated payments report to view the updated totals.

  1. Go to the patients £ and find the selected invoices/payments that are allocated incorrectly.

  2. Highlight one of the invoices and select the ‘i’ button on the bottom right corner of the transactions screen.

  3. This will then show a screen showing what allocations are on this invoice, in this screen, you highlight the allocations and click the dustbin icon in the bottom right of this screen, this will remove the allocation from that invoice.

  4. Go through all of the invoices/payments that have incorrect allocations and do the same process as above for them. Then once all of the allocations are removed click on the allocate button on the transactions screen.

  5. This will then give you a screen showing the invoices on the top that require an allocation and on the bottom the payments that have been made to allocate to the invoice.

  6. Go through each invoice and select the payment to allocate to it and click the allocate button.

  7. Continue manually allocating the invoices until they are all allocated


This report shows receipts (payments) allocated to invoices. Use it to show all payments that have been allocated during the specified period, summarised by Provider and Payor, in order to pay Providers for work that they have done that has been invoiced to and paid by the patient. The report summarises by Treatment Payor Type, which gives practices the choice to pay Providers at different percentage rates for treatment completed under different Payor Types. The option is also available to pay on advanced payments which are deposits. The report has a detailed section that shows more information per payment than is shown on the summary screen, which enables a practice to access more detail.

Simple Summary

The report will include a summary of the total allocated for each provider selected, by the payor.

The summary is broken down by Provider into allocations and advances.

All payor types are listed for each Provider. For each of these payor types, it shows any adjustments, payor invoices, patient invoices, and a total, for both the allocated and advance payment sections of the summary.

Summarise by Patient's Dentist

The report will include a summary of payments for work done for other Providers' patients. This may be useful if a dentist has covered for sickness or to see how many Providers are referring to a hygienist.

Both the detail and summary sections are the same as for the Simple Summary option above, except there is a Pats Prov. column that in each of the detail lines shows who the patient's Provider was.

Summarise by Who Got Paid

This shows the allocations to Providers to whom the payments were made.

The summary section is the same as the Simple Summary option above, except that it has an extra column for Trns Provider and the report is broken down by the Provider to whom the payment for treatment was allocated, and shows under this the Providers who were actually paid for the treatment. It may include Providers who were not included in the selection criteria if those Providers made or received allocations from one of the specified Providers.

For the report layout, specify either Details, Summary, or Details and Summary in the printout:

In this report, you will need to decide if you are paying with advanced payments included (deposits are paid to the dentist) or not. If you are only paying the dentists for work completed click on ‘Hide Advanced Payments’

Option to hide advance payments:

Option to include NHS and other Payor Payments:

Why is there a negative figure in the Advance Payment Column?

A patient has made a payment under Dentist A's name. Part of this payment has been allocated to an invoice that Dentist A has carried out today. The other part has been paid in Advance for treatment the patient is going to have done in the future.

In this scenario when you run the allocated payment report there will be a positive figure under the Advanced Payment Column.

The patient returns a month later for the rest of their treatment. This treatment has been carried out by Dentist B. The payment that was paid in the previous month under Dentist A has now been partly allocated to Dentist B too.

When you run the Allocated Payment Report now for Dentist A you will see that there is a negative figure under the Advanced Payment Column because this amount has been allocated to Dentist B not A.

Which total should I pay on?

You have 2 options on which total to pay your associates on and this is individual to each practice.

  1. Total Column - The total column is the total number of allocations including any adjustments

  2. Patient Invoice - This column ONLY shows Invoices that have been paid - for example, work done. This does not include any adjustments

The resulting report shows:

  1. Total Current Receipts

  2. Total Receipts Allocated to Invoices (adjustments, payor invoices and patient invoices)

  3. Total Unallocated Receipts (advance payments)

  4. Total Extra Items sold.

If you are collecting advanced payments you will need to have ‘prompt for payor on allocated’ set up so that the reception can select whether this is an NHS payment or any other payor. You can do this using the steps below:
Configuration option to prompt users to specify a Payor when payments are unallocated:

Configure > Patient Payments > add a tick to Prompt for payor on unallocated

Configure > Patient Payments 

When to use this report:

It is recommended that this report is run at regular intervals, at least once a month or once a week, for each Provider.


This is used to print a report listing the patients who have:

  • Unclaimed complete treatment plans (all items charged but not TC'd)

  • Incomplete treatment plans (plans which are partially charged)

  • Incomplete treatment plans with uncharged items (plans which have items which are ticked but not charged).

  • For these three options, you can include

  • All treatment plans (will show all three options above)

  • Only plans with completed treatment

NOTE: A Course of Treatment/Treatment Plan may have chart items whose planned or completed dates span a range of dates. In the case where some of the chart items have planned or completed dates outside the date range selected for the report, use the tick on Include all other treatment in the same COT/Treatment Plan checkbox to specify whether those chart items will be included or not.

To run the 'Outstanding Treatment' Report

Select Administration > Reports > List Outstanding Treatment:

The Sort Patients By option allows the report to sort on a number of criteria:

Use the Select Patients field to select or define a query for the patients in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ date range. 

In the case where some of the chart items have planned or completed dates outside this date range, use the tick box  Include all treatment on matching COTs/Treatment Plan checkbox to specify whether those chart items will be included in the Report or not.

For example: If you run the report for a date range over the last month with this option deselected, it will display any COTs with their information from the last month only, and any COTs prior to the last month will display as headings only. However, if you select this option it will show those matching COTs prior to this last month with their treatment item information, and COTs within the last month also with their treatment item information.

TIP: A useful query to use would be for patients with no future appointments booked. That way any patient who appears on the list will either need to be invoiced for completed work or scheduled for another appointment.

Optionally select a 

Provider from the list by clicking in the field and using the list button. The report will then print for the selected provider only. 
Use the Multiple button to select more than one provider.

Alternatively, you can select a Provider Category rather than one or more providers.

Use the Treatment From and To dates to specify the date range for the planned or completed treatment. Other options are:



List Treatment Details

Include the Treatment Plan details in the report.

Include Inactive Treatments

Include any treatment that has been marked as inactive.

Include Misc Treatments

Include any miscellaneous treatment carried out.

Report Output

The example below shows an Outstanding Treatment report for all patients, with all checkboxes selected. Included in this report are:

  • Patients who have had Treatment completed in the last 2 months that was not charged; e.g. the treatment has been saved in the Chart tab but the Charge button has not been pressed.

  • Treatment that remains planned on the patients' chart tab.

  • Treatment details. 

Ideally, the report will be run with each option selected.

For the Treatments not completed option, once the list has been printed, where the patient does not have any further appointments they can be contacted and if necessary the Course of Treatment closed and sent to the Payor as incomplete treatment.

For the Treatments completed but not charged and the Treatments completed but not claimed (TCed) options, there will be duplicates in the report, as TCing treatment also acts as a method of charging. If the treatment has not been TC’d then it may not have been charged also.

When selecting these options it may save time when cross-referencing patients to run one of the reports, deal with the patients who appear on the list, and then run the other option separately.

This report is used to print a list of stock sales for a practice over a period of time. The resulting report shows the following:

  • Open stock

  • Number sold per item

  • Stock on hand

  • Unit Cost

  • Total value sold.


  1. In the 'Configure' menu, click on 'Services'.

  2. Double-click each service that is to be set up as a stock item, to open the 'Edit Service Item' window.

  3. Make sure there is a tick in the 'List as Stock Item' checkbox: 

  4. You can also enter the appropriate quantity in the "Number in stock" field, and in the "Full Stock Number" field.

  5. Save the stock item record.

To Run the 'Stock Sales' Report

  1. From the ‘Administration’ menu, click ‘Reports’ and select ‘Stock Sales’:

  2. The ‘From’ and ’To’ Dates can be changed to print the ‘Daily Activity’ report for a previous date or date range. If a date range is selected a report is printed for each day.

  3. The level of detail required is selected by ticking the checkboxes.


To show

Show Stock Summary

Opening and current stock.

Show All Stock Items

A list of the stock items sold.

Summary Provider Sales

Breakdown of stock sales by provider.


Setting up your lab companies

  1. Go to File > Specialists

  2. Click +1 located at the top of the screen - this will bring up an 'add specialist' box

  3. Complete the details as specified (how much information is entered is your choice)

  4. Tick the 'Lab' box shown below  - located on the bottom right-hand side of the window

  5. Click OK

Repeat this for each Lab you need to add

Setting up Services as lab items

  1. Select Configure > Services:

  2. Double-click the service to open the Edit Service Item window.

  3. Select the Fees tab and tick the box for Lab item:

  4. Click OK to close this window.

  5. Set up the laboratories that are used as follows:

  • Select File > Specialists.

  • Click the +1 button to open the Add Specialist window:

  • Enter a Code, and a description for the code in the First name field, then enter as much information as required.

  • Recommended: an address, phone number and e-mail address.

  • Be sure to check the Lab checkbox.

  • Click OK.

  • Repeat the above procedure until you have entered all laboratories' details.

  • If entering the service cost once the treatment has been charged or TC’d, click the History   button  within the Chart tab to view the tooth history:

6. Double-click on the service item to enter a service cost for. You will see that the service cost is the only field available for editing. Enter the cost and click ‘Close’.

7. With both the service configured and the lab details set up, the next time the service is charted, you will be prompted for a lab and due date.

8. Select the lab you wish to use by choosing a laboratory from the list button or by using the arrow buttons.

9. Select the date the lab work is due back and click ‘OK’.

10.  When the lab item arrives, double-click on the appropriate service item and enter the cost of the lab item.

This report is used to print a list of patients who have pending lab work currently listed against their patient record.

For the 'Lab Work Due' report to run effectively, initially, a certain amount of configuration is required to set up the laboratories that are used by the practice and set a prompt against the services that require lab work.

To Run the Lab Work Due Report

  1. Select Administration > Reports and select Lab Work Due:

  2. Use the From and To date fields to define the date range for the report.

Print Preview example:

Report fields include Date, Lab Code, Name, Phone, Patient Name, Service Code, Lab Fee.

This report is used to print a list of patients who have lab work currently listed against their patient record (i.e., laboratory work has been done for them recently)

For the report to run effectively, initially a certain amount of configuration is required to set up the laboratories that are used by the practice and set a prompt against the services that require lab work.  Once this has been done, then both lab work done and lab work due can be reported.

To 'Run the Lab Work Done' Report

  1. From the ‘Administration’ menu, click ‘Reports’ and select ‘Lab Work Done’:

  2. You can report lab work done for all providers by leaving the Provider(s) field blank, otherwise, enter or select a provider's name. To report on more than one provider, click the Multiple button then select the providers required.

  3. Alternatively, you can select providers who belong to a particular Provider Category; leave the Provider(s) field blank, then enter/select a Provider Category.

  4. To choose patients with a particular Payor, enter/select the appropriate Payor code.

  5. The 'Summary Only' checkbox is used to limit the report to summary only: details are omitted.

  6. The 'From' and 'To' date fields are used to define the date range for the report.




Please use the link below to access a video guide for using Exact’s Care Manager


Monitoring the graphic display

This is a Live, real-time display, so if you change a recall date, the list updates immediately. You can double-click any month for a detailed Month View.

The main screen displays figures and a colour graphical display per month:

By default the current month is identified in bold:


For each month you can see numbers for Patients, the Total Recalls, and the Total figure split between Dentist and Hygienist.

Note that Therapist recalls could constitute part of either the Dentist or the Hygienist figures, depending on how you have configured the Recall Manager.

The Effectiveness graphic display has significant usage of colour, and you can mouse over any line to see a detailed tooltip breakdown of recall types. See Interpreting the Effectiveness display

Interpreting the colour display

Recall Manager provides automated, live, real-time status information. The data in the graphical display is Live, so as you change recall dates in EXACT, it updates instantly, providing a visual snapshot of your recall effectiveness at any moment:

Because recalls are a critical element to the success of most dental practices, this display can be used as an instant snapshot of business health. Over time you can use it as a dynamic barometer to gauge the effectiveness of your recall policies.

For example, the predominance of red in this screen would be worrying:

Rollover any graph area for tooltip Effectiveness statistics display:



Good or bad Indicator?


Dark green

Booked: Patients with recalls whose appointments have been booked.

Committed business - this is the best recall status. The more dark green in the display, the better.


Light green

Future: Patients with recalls in the future who do not have appointments.

Still good. Patients remain as likely revenue for the future.


Light blue

Completed: Patients who completed treatment.

Indicates work done.


Dark blue

Moved On: Patients with appointments that have been postponed.

Okay. "The appointment did not happen, but we haven't lost them yet; they are still in the system."



Inactive: patients who are permanently lost to the Practice.

Lost - there will be no further business from these patients.


Dark red

Do not recall: whether due to a patient decision or a Provider decision.

Not lost just yet. We will not recall them, but these patients may still choose to come back for further treatment.



Failures: Patients who failed to be recalled, with no further planned recalls or appointment bookings.

"The lifeblood of the Practice draining away".

These patients were allowed to walk away.

NOTE: The Recall Display should not show much red. If the Practice hasn't seen patients for a few years, or if they are otherwise lost to the Practice, they should either be de-activated (grey status), or the Practice should have a marketing drive to bring them back; they should not be left

at "red" status.

If your appointment book is showing a lot of white space it would be helpful to look at patients that have failed their recall.

The Short Notice List allows you to collate a list of patients who would like to be notified of sooner appointments or of any opening slots if they have had to cancel. Once a space appears you will be able to hover over the gap in the appointment book and click on the puzzle piece icon to alert patients on any appointment spaces that become available.

Enabling the Short Notice List

If the short notice list is not visible on the appointment book you may need to turn this on. In order to do this, you will need to be logged in as an administrator or SUPER user.

Go to configure > practice settings

Add a tick in the ‘Enable Short Notice List’ box located at the bottom left-hand side.

Adding the Short Notice List tab

After you have ensured the Short Notice List is enabled you may need to add it to your appointment book.

  1. Click on the spanner at the bottom of the provider column window

  2. Put a tick in ‘Select tabs for your activity bar

  3. Select ‘Next >’ twice

  4. Select ‘Short Notice List’ in the ‘Available Tabs’ box then click on the chevrons (>>)  to move it across into the ‘Selected Tabs’

  5. Click on ‘Finish’

PLEASE NOTE: If you are an administrator you can add this for all users following the steps below:

  1. Click on Configure > User Settings

  2. Click on the list button and

  3. Select the user from the list you would like to add the Short Notice List to and select OK.

  4. Click on Setup next to ‘Multi ApptBook Tabs’

  5. Click Next

  6. Select ‘Short Notice List’ in the ‘Available Tabs’ box then click on the chevrons (>>) to move it across into the ‘Selected Tabs’

  7. Click on ‘Finish’

Configuring the Short Notice List

Go to the appointment book and go to the short notice tab, there should be a black spanner in the bottom right-hand corner. You may need to be an administrator / SUPER user.

PLEASE NOTE: You can also access the Short Notice configuration by going to Configure > Practice settings and clicking on the spanner next to ‘Enable Short Notice List’.

This will open the 'Short Notice List Settings' window.

If you would like to be prompted to add appointments to the Short Notice List if booked within the specified date range (this is usually set to appointments between 7 to 40 days but can be amended for the practice’s needs) OR use a checkbox OR don't prompt and add manually. You can add an appointment to the short notice list when cancelling or by right-clicking on the appointment and selecting ‘Add to Short Notice List’

You can Tick/Untick box to add FTA appointments automatically.

You can also decide when to remove appointments from the Short Notice List by setting time intervals in the two removal conditions shown above.

You will need to specify the short notice period itself. So the length of time from today it may find an appointment for- Maximum 5 days

Contact' tab is located to the top middle of the setting screen.

  1. From this section, you can decide how patients are contacted. You can select ‘No SMS’ if you would like to call your patients to advise of short notice gaps, ‘Manual SMS’ if you’d like to decide which patients you will send an SMS to or ‘Automate SMS sending’ and the system will send text messages to all who fit the criteria of the available space.

  2. Then select the size of groups to contact which will limit the number of patients on the short notice list that you contact about the space.

  3. Select the template to send to patients – the default will ask the patient to reply by text message. If you do not have SMS replies you will need to amend this message.

  4. Enter the time you would like to stagger messages by in minutes – this will allow a gap between sending the text messages to allow the patient to reply should they want it before the next person is contacted.

  5. To prevent patients from feeling hassled can limit the maximum amount of gap messages a patient receives within 3 days.

  6. Select timeframe to stop sending SMS if gap within 'x' hours.

  7. 'Appointment clinics' located at the top left of the setting screen.

a) Select which clinics you would like to prevent gaps being filled


General EXACT Queries

Contact the SOEUK Support Desk on 01364 266 800

NHS Queries (PIN Numbers, List Numbers, Transmissions, Regulations)

Contact NHS Switchboard on 0113 825 0000

NHS Local Area Teams

Primary care providers and other NHS organisations can find regional contact details by accessing the link below:


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Please use the link below to view a video guide to accessing the Software of Excellence Customer portal


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