Patient Self Check In
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Patient Self Check In

The option for patients to check in prior to their appointment via Patient Portal has been removed on 5th August 2022.

What is Patient Self Check In?

Patients can check-in for their appointment via their portal by selecting 'Check in now' on their own device:

This will take patients to their check-in screen. From here they just select the ‘Check in now’ button.

This will arrive their appointment in EXACT and display a message confirming successful check-in, or a message advising them to see reception if unsuccessful.

You can customise the check-in response messages that the patient sees when they check in - see “Displaying Messages” section at bottom of the page.

 Self Check-in with a kiosk/QR code

Currently it is far easier for the patient to use the Check In Now option on their own device, but expand the below if you still wish to use/setup a Check in kiosk.

You can also have a self check-in kiosk device in practice for patients to scan their QR code when they arrive in practice.

Tablet requirements 

  • ipad on iOS 11+ running Safari

  • Android on 4+ running Chrome

Go to the below links on your kiosk device to display a self check-in kiosk screen:
UK - https://onlinebookinguk.3pointdata.com/v1/view/kiosk/dashboard.html#/?camera=front
APAC - https://onlinebookingapac.3pointdata.com/v1/view/kiosk/dashboard.html#/?camera=front

The kiosk device will display your check-in screen:


When a patient checks-in, EXACT will check if there are any outstanding forms on their portal. If there are, the below icon will display on their appointment in EXACT.

If the patient has completed all of their forms, the normal arrival (stickman) icon will display.

Check-in with Name & Date of Birth

You can also have your patients check-in using their name and date of birth.

To enable this you need to register your kiosk device with EXACT, by following these steps:

  1. Configure > Patient Experience


  2. Select 'Kiosk Management'


    This will launch a window with a QR code:


  3. Use your kiosk device to scan the QR code.
    Open the below link on your kiosk device (for ipads use Safari, for android devices use Chrome)
    UK - https://onlinebookingapac.3pointdata.com/v1/view/kiosk/dashboard.html#/?camera=front
    APAC - https://onlinebookingapac.3pointdata.com/v1/view/kiosk/dashboard.html#/?camera=front

  4.  Select 'Check in' - this will load the camera on the device


  5.  Use the camera screen that displays to scan the QR code 
    You will be directed to your new check-in kiosk page with the name & date of birth check-in option available.

  6. A new option to check-in with surname & date of birth will now appear on your kiosk device


  7. Manage your kiosk devices:
    From the Kiosk management screen you can name and remove kiosk devices by selecting 'Edit'


Display Messages on the Check-in Kiosk

You can make check-in messages bespoke for two scenarios:

  • patients who have completed all forms

  • patients who have outstanding forms to complete

If you don't set your own messages the default messages will display, which can be seen in the image below.

To set your messages:

  1. Configure > Patient Experience

  2. Type the message you want to display and select 'OK'


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