Pop-up Notes
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.

Pop-up Notes

When pop up notes are present for a patient, they have been reformatted so that the important information is at the top. When the notes stack, the most important bit of each note can be seen without having to drag the notes.. Unfortunately this kind of window can't show a scroll bar so the stacking layout shows up to 2.5 lines of the note so the reader has an indication that there is potentially more to see hidden by later notes,

The "Do not popup..." checkbox has been changed to a button which also closes the note. This should make this operation much quicker. If you need to make a dismissed note pop up again find it in the patients note history and untick the dismissed by checkbox.

Note that some note types do not have this button. These are auto generated popup notes that are set by a practice rule. 


The last change, is a new button for "Close All". Clicking it will close all popup notes for the patient. Clicking on the ‘Close all’ button will only close the notes but will not mark them as ‘dismissed’. Notes closed using this button will reopen when the patient is reloaded just as they will if they are individually closed. 

Limitations and Work-arounds

If you are running EXACT as a user who only has permission to dismiss pop-up notes, but cannot edit notes, and you mistakenly click on the "Do not pop-up again" button the message will disappear straight away. If you want the pop-up notes to show again, you will need a user who has edit notes permission to untick the ’Dismissed by...’ checkbox on the edit notes window.

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