com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.

Cancels Tab


When an appointment is marked as cancelled, it is removed from the View Day area and stored in the Cancels Tab. More information on how to add tabs onto the appointment book can be found here - Adding Activity Tabs to the Appointment Book

The Cancels Tab enables the practice to easily phone and rebook patients who have cancelled:

To rebook an appointment from the Cancels tab

·         Drag the appointment from the Cancels tab to a suitable date and time on the View Day area

  • or -

·         Drag the appointment to the Clipboard pending an appropriate time slot being found.

To mark a cancelled appointment as Not To Be Rebooked

See If a patient does not wish to re-book a Cancelled appointment

Cancelled Appointment states

This is listed in the Patient Recalls Tab and in This Patient's Appointments list in the Edit Appointment window.

To Change the Appointment Status (Showing FTA/Deleted Appts)

You can change the appointment status list by highlighting a patient in the cancels list, then selecting a status from the Appt Status drop-down list:

Was Not Brought and Failed Appointments

Failed appointments can be marked as 'Was Not Brought'. Highlight a failed appointment in the list and click the "Was Not Brought" button. The red 'X' indicating that the appointment was failed will change to a blue 'X'. When a 'Was Not Brought' appointment is highlighted, the button title changes to "FTA", and clicking the 'FTA' button removes the 'Was Not Brought' status.

Identifying and tracking 'Was Not Brought' appointments assists with fulfilling SAFE guideline requests - see section 3.3.2 - Recording Missed Appointments of the Safeguarding in general dental practice document from Public Health England.

Re-booking a Cancelled Appointment

  1. Click the Cancels tab.

  2. Locate the patient within the list.

  3. Click and drag the patient either onto the clipboard, or directly into another appointment

Removing Cancelled Appointments


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