Requesting a CHI Number
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Requesting a CHI Number

A CHI Number is mandatory for eDental claims. Providers are prompted for it when TCing a claim where the CHI number is missing.

NOTE: Sometimes the system cannot locate a CHI Number for a patient, but Providers can still claim so long as they have requested a CHI Number using the Secondary Search.

  1. Select the Request CHI button once eDental is enabled.

  2. When you click the Request CHI Number button, EXACT runs a validation data check for Patient information and warns you of missing information. For example:

  3. If the patient appears in the results list you can select the relevant patient then click Accept Selected Patient. If the patient does not appear You can select Secondary Search in the top right-hand corner to search again, if the patient then shows select the patient then select Accept Selected Patient. If they do not you will be able to select Patient Not Found and continue with the treatment - as long as a search has been done it does not matter that the CHI number is missing.


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